Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Wal-Mart and Union Representation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Wal-Mart and Union Representation - Essay Example Advantages: Some of most considerable advantages that Wal-Mart can get while being represented by unions include better working conditions, increased number of benefits, good compensation, and secure place in the market. Wal-Mart can struggle for these benefits with the help of unions. Almost every retailer wants better working conditions not only to operate effectively but also to earn high revenue. Efficient supply chain, better relationships with suppliers, security of supply, and improved compliance are some of the main aspects of good working conditions for retailers. Along with these benefits, Wal-Mart can also raise its voice for good compensation and secure place in the market under the umbrella of unions. Working alone in foreign countries can be risky for Wal-Mart because there will be no one to support the business moves in case of any change in the economic policy. Therefore, in working with unions, Wal-Mart can achieve the above-mentioned benefits for its retail stores present in C hina and Canada. Disadvantages The capacity to accommodate economic strikes is one of the main disadvantages of union representation. Another disadvantage can be the rules, which people have to abide by under the representation of unions. Apart from these disadvantages, there is no big disadvantage of union representation for Wal-Mart.... cant benefits, which unions can provide to the employees, include increased wages, reduction in wage inequality, better way to raise voice against discrimination, job security, better fringe and health benefits, and improved working conditions. Almost every employee working for any company or organization wants increase in the wages and job security. Union representation is a perfect way for the employees to achieve these goals. Unions work for the favor of employees and do everything, which can secure their professional future. Strong labor unions set the pay scales for the employees, which employers need to follow in order to avoid conflicts. The collective bargaining power of unions also protects employees from being dismissed without any mistake (Blank, n.d.). Unions not only help employees get fringe and heath benefits from the employers but also they raise their voice in order to convince governments to develop policies regarding reduction in wage differences and workplace disc riminations. Workers represented by unions get their basic rights and benefits regardless of their race, sex, or religion. Therefore, we can say that unions really help employees get a considerable number of benefits. The disadvantages of unions for employees are not big enough to overshadow the benefits of unions. Some of the main disadvantages include limited workplace flexibility and limitations to adhere to the plans of the unions. Answer: no: 3 Wal-Mart tends to slow or stop union representation in the United States. The consequences of Wal-Mart’s efforts can be detrimental both for Wal-Mart and for the employees working in the United States. The consequences for Wal-Mart can be poor working conditions, decreased number of benefits, and insecure place in the market in case of

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