Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Charles & Ray Eames Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Charles & Ray Eames - Movie Review Example Finally, their refusal to accept art/architecture, and function at face value meant that they had a unique ability to think outside the box and incorporate new and oftentimes unthought-of designs into objects as mundane as furniture or as complex as modern representation of minimalistic art (Schinler 1). It was further interesting that the documentary noted that it was difficult to pin down exactly what Ray and Charles Eames were. This fact in and of itself is highly useful for the viewer to understand the fact that the artists themselves did not consider themselves to be constrained by a singular definition with relation to being an architect, artist, designer, or any other such label which would only serve to constrain the artistic endeavors that the pair regularly engaged upon. Further, the documentary noted that the pair could be viewed as the Google of their time; as they were so revolutionary and so creative that they continually wowed their clients with the designs that they could come up with. Schinler, Sarah. "A Rare Look At The Eames Offices Graphic Design." Co.Design. N.p., 14 Apr. 2011. Web. 26 Nov. 2012.

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