Friday, September 27, 2019

Patient's Bill of Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Patient's Bill of Rights - Essay Example He claims that the state has denied him the right to proper medical attention due to his health ramifications. The bureaucratic insurance companies have bottlenecked his efforts to access full medical cover owing to diabetic condition. The pre-existent condition suffered by John places him at a disadvantageous position in the social arena. His condition limit his ability to access affordable health insurance if he becomes self-employed, secures a job in a company that does not proffer coverage, or experience a life changing circumstances like retirement, divorce or relocation to a different state (HHS, 2011). That is when the Affordable Care Act comes to his aid. If it were, at any rate, rescinded, John would suffer a circumstantial health blow dealt by nature in the event of sickness. The Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan provides John with protection against egregious insurance companies’ discriminative health-oriented policies. ... for pre-existing condition, and Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan have been set up to cater for those uninsured but have a pre-existing condition (, 2010). Despite this preexistent health condition, the interim Affordable Care Act that the congress amended on June 22, 2010 caters for John’s health issue.. The Act provides for the safeguard of his health by enshrining health related regulations. It contains the Pre-Existing condition Insurance Plan that offers protection for John. It avails health coverage to US citizens. John stands to benefit from what the plan has to offer as meticulously elaborated in the plan. The benefits include primary and specialty care, hospital care, prescription drugs and treatment of pre-existing condition. Also, the program charge normal premiums irrespective of the medical condition and income are not the ground for legibility (, 2010). The State have several Federal-run programs that provide a legal framework gear ed towards addressing John’s health dilemma. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services effects the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan. However, there are laid-down requirements that John must comply with for health coverage. They include documents like a letter from a health practitioner indicating his name, his medical condition, name of the practitioner, license number, state of licensure, and signature; denial letter from an insurance company licensed in John’s state; the rejected offer of the insurance coverage that says John’s condition won’t be covered in the event of acceptance of the offer and/or the premium get overcharged because he was underage or he lived in Massachusetts or Vermont. All the above documents should be dated within a one-year period (,

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