Saturday, September 28, 2019

Managing Competing Agendas Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing Competing Agendas - Assignment Example incipal information officer who drives this objective by managing the development and execution of an initiative -level information technology framework (Corbett &Kappagoda, 2013). Health and Human Services Department is committed to ensuring efficient and effective management concerning the information resources that are meant to support the public health vision and mission, human service program, and the U.S. health system. In addition to overseeing the department, the chief information officer is responsible for designing the its policy outline for information technology, including areas such as enterprise architecture, investment planning, accessibility, security and privacy, and records management (Venkatesh, Hoehle, &Aljafari, 2014). For instance, the security field has a strong framework, which incorporates the Federal Information Security and Management Act of 2002 (FISMA), technology guidance on safety and privacy that remains to be covered in the policies of the department. The Department of Information Technology is sizable and comprises support for many grant programs that provide information technology resources to local, state, and tribal governments with an aim to support the plans administered by Health and Human Services Department (Venkatesh, Hoehle, &Aljafari, 2014). The Department’s group also encourages everything from public and commodity information technology matters such as human resources, accounting systems and email, to the duty systems which allows research at the National Institutes of Health, Directive of Drugs, and strategies for the Food and Drug Administration. Health and Human Services Department is responsible for various sets of missions. Its operating divisions comprise of the administration for kids and families, the management for community living, the management for health examination and quality, various Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Nutrition and Drug Management. The information technology

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