Monday, September 30, 2019

Crafty madness Essay

Hamlet’s situation in the play concerning family and love for Ophelia is obviously going to affect him, however the term madness has been questioned as too dramatic and perhaps a more accurate condition to describe Hamlet’s behaviour is melancholic behaviour. Melancholic behaviour is a condition causing emotional insanity accompanied by extreme depression. Many incidents and speeches of Hamlet are similar to melancholic behaviour: King: † Was not like madness. There’s something in his soul, O’er which his melancholy sits on brood.† (Act 3, Scene 1) Although this term is not commonly used these days, in the past and still in Shakespeare’s period melancholic behaviour was a recognised condition. Further support that melancholic behaviour was commonly termed in the 16th century comes from Timothy Bright’s: ‘Treatise of Melancholy’ (1586): † The perturbations of melancholy are for the most part sad and fearful†¦as distrust, doubt, diffidence or despair sometimes furious and sometimes merry in appearance, through a kind of sardonic and false laughter as the humour is disposed that procureth these diversions.† Therefore not only would Shakespeare be familiar with this behaviour but the audience of the time would also identify it. This condition could be identified by symptoms Hamlet shows for example, Hamlet with good reason displays suits of woe, he sighs and his: ‘dejected ‘haviour of the visage’ (Act 1, scene 2) In particular after Hamlet has spoken to his father’s ghost he begins to feel paranoid, he even distrusts the ghost at first not only that but the purity of Ophelia and his own inability to act. Other relevant symptoms include the fury towards his Mother because of her marriage and his sardonic joking with the players from ‘The Murder of Gonzago’ and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. The theory of melancholic behaviour is suggestible and rational especially as it was a recognised condition at the time the play was written, however, it doesn’t explain enough of Hamlet’s behaviour or the language, which is used to portray it. In some parts of the play Hamlet talks to other characters and appears to be ‘mad’ when he is obviously not. For example in Act 2, scene 2 Hamlet seems to patronize Polonius by answering his questions in a way he is clearly in control of: Polonius: â€Å"Do you know me my Lord?† Hamlet: â€Å"Excellent well, you are a fishmonger,† Hamlet obviously knows Polonius, but as Polonius has asked him this question as if he were mad Hamlet answers as if he were mad, but clearly just to humour him. This is supported by Hamlet’s statement as Polonius leaves the room: â€Å"These tedious old fools† (Line 219) Hamlet also taunts Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and leads them astray by what they realise as, â€Å"Crafty madness†. To add to this the way in which Hamlet expresses his feelings to his Mother all suggest his behaviour and the way he talks to people isn’t madness but excuse to act how he feels and speak his mind in a court where no one speaks the truth. This style of Hamlet’s is allusively presented in his language which also through his ‘madness’ is allowed to be more rich and creative rather than aristocratic like the other characters. Hamlet uses many proverbial sayings and puns in the play. The authenticity of Hamlet’s madness is a mystery that cannot be solved, this is perhaps why the play is enjoyed by the audience so much, the huge sense of mystery and uncertainty surrounding Hamlet’s madness is a main attraction of the play. It is possible that Hamlet is suffering from madness of some sort as my essay suggests perhaps ‘melancholic behaviour’, or the anger and jealousy Hamlet feels is just too much for him to conceal. However it is also possible that Hamlet’s behaviour is ‘madness’ put on by himself, there is evidence to support this theory as everyone in the play who states that Hamlet is mad has like himself got reason to imply this. Hamlet has stated that he would consider putting on an ‘antic disposition’ as a disguise to conceal his revenge plot against Claudius. It is also a very significant point that the play of Hamlet is not a true story and consequently Hamlet is not a real character/personality in real life, therefore Shakespeare was able to present him and make him seem however, he wished to. It is possible and likely that Shakespeare intended to present Hamlet’s madness in this ambiguous way giving almost equal reason for Hamlet to be genuinely mad as there is for him to be ‘acting mad.’

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hybrid technology Essay

Rising oil prices, relatively rigid mileage limits, and a huge oil imports have forced the world to search for alternate and efficient transportation technologies. A number of options have been searched and looked for in this respect that range from electric, ethanol, fuel cell to solar energy operated vehicles. Among all the technologies developed and tried, one of the most promising and industry popular technology is hybrid vehicle technology that is finding support among government and public as well for its environment friendly and economic advantages. Hybrid Technology. As the name suggests, hybrid technology combine dual technologies in vehicles for their operation. Technically they are hybrid electric vehicle with an electric motor that drives the vehicle (Hoogma, Kemp, Schot and Truffer, 2002, 41 ). In the case of a typical electric vehicle, hydrogen fuel cell or chemical batteries such as advanced sealed lead battery, nickel cadmium and lithium ion are used for auxiliary power (Aldrich, 1996). However in the hybrid electric vehicles, the electric drive technology is combined with a gasoline-based power generator for running the electric motor and charging the batteries. Hybrid vehicles are either full hybrid or mid hybrid. A full hybrid vehicle can move forward from standstill purely on electric power while a mid hybrid requires gasoline power for initial movement, although both technologies concentrate on maximum utilization of electric motor power while reducing the use of gasoline as far as possible (Hoogma, Kemp, Schot and Truffer, 2002, 41). The electric motor and internal combustion engine (ICE) are connected either in parallel or in series in a hybrid vehicle. In parallel hybrid cars, power to engine is supplied by both the electric motor and internal combustion engine while in the series hybrid car the gasoline engine powers the electric motor and batteries to generate electricity, without directly providing power for the vehicle (Aldrich, 1996). There is another category of hybrid vehicles, called as ‘plug-in hybrid’ that can operate as a full electric vehicle. They require some additional batteries and use electricity net to charge the batteries thereby minimizing gasoline use to its lowest possible levels (Aldrich, 1996). All hybrid electric vehicle use computer that constantly monitors speed, power required and charge conditions of batteries (Aldrich, 1996). Hybrid vehicles offer numerous benefits over the conventional gasoline based ICE, some of which are (; Sanna, 2007, 12; Aldrich, 1996, 88 ) 1. Hybrid vehicles are extremely fuel efficient, with most of the driving thrust coming from electric power. 2. Unlike electric cars, they offer unlimited range of traveling and transportation 3. Hybrid technology is combination of the proven technology of ICE with electric motors, thus giving it reliability in the market. 4. Hybrid technology can be used in various sectors of transportation, from personal vehicles to heavy duty vehicles. In fact, both the major US car manufacturers, GM and Ford have come out with a range of hybrid vehicles, that are successful in market. 5. Plug in -Hybrid technology is even more fuel conserving and environmentally benign, cutting down CO2 emission by more than 30 % while using minimum possible use of gasoline. Hybrid vehicles offer the most reliable alternate technology which US can capitalize upon without risking any major upheaval in its current fuel-technology structure. These vehicles promise to drastically reduce fuel oil consumption, reducing the needs of oil imports, meanwhile purchasing time for completely oil free technology. Reference Aldrich, Bob.. ABCs of AFVs: a guide to alternative fuel vehicles. California Energy Commission, Sacramento-CA. April 1996. 1st Feb 2007 http://www. p2pays. org/ref/26/25156. pdf Sanna Lucy. Driving the Solution: Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles. EPRI Journal. 1st Feb 2007. Hoogma Recmo, Rene Kemp, John Schot, Bernhard Truffer. Experimenting for Sustainable Transport: The Approach of Strategic Niche Management. : Spon Press: New York: 2002. 36.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Managing Competing Agendas Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing Competing Agendas - Assignment Example incipal information officer who drives this objective by managing the development and execution of an initiative -level information technology framework (Corbett &Kappagoda, 2013). Health and Human Services Department is committed to ensuring efficient and effective management concerning the information resources that are meant to support the public health vision and mission, human service program, and the U.S. health system. In addition to overseeing the department, the chief information officer is responsible for designing the its policy outline for information technology, including areas such as enterprise architecture, investment planning, accessibility, security and privacy, and records management (Venkatesh, Hoehle, &Aljafari, 2014). For instance, the security field has a strong framework, which incorporates the Federal Information Security and Management Act of 2002 (FISMA), technology guidance on safety and privacy that remains to be covered in the policies of the department. The Department of Information Technology is sizable and comprises support for many grant programs that provide information technology resources to local, state, and tribal governments with an aim to support the plans administered by Health and Human Services Department (Venkatesh, Hoehle, &Aljafari, 2014). The Department’s group also encourages everything from public and commodity information technology matters such as human resources, accounting systems and email, to the duty systems which allows research at the National Institutes of Health, Directive of Drugs, and strategies for the Food and Drug Administration. Health and Human Services Department is responsible for various sets of missions. Its operating divisions comprise of the administration for kids and families, the management for community living, the management for health examination and quality, various Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Nutrition and Drug Management. The information technology

Friday, September 27, 2019

Patient's Bill of Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Patient's Bill of Rights - Essay Example He claims that the state has denied him the right to proper medical attention due to his health ramifications. The bureaucratic insurance companies have bottlenecked his efforts to access full medical cover owing to diabetic condition. The pre-existent condition suffered by John places him at a disadvantageous position in the social arena. His condition limit his ability to access affordable health insurance if he becomes self-employed, secures a job in a company that does not proffer coverage, or experience a life changing circumstances like retirement, divorce or relocation to a different state (HHS, 2011). That is when the Affordable Care Act comes to his aid. If it were, at any rate, rescinded, John would suffer a circumstantial health blow dealt by nature in the event of sickness. The Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan provides John with protection against egregious insurance companies’ discriminative health-oriented policies. ... for pre-existing condition, and Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan have been set up to cater for those uninsured but have a pre-existing condition (, 2010). Despite this preexistent health condition, the interim Affordable Care Act that the congress amended on June 22, 2010 caters for John’s health issue.. The Act provides for the safeguard of his health by enshrining health related regulations. It contains the Pre-Existing condition Insurance Plan that offers protection for John. It avails health coverage to US citizens. John stands to benefit from what the plan has to offer as meticulously elaborated in the plan. The benefits include primary and specialty care, hospital care, prescription drugs and treatment of pre-existing condition. Also, the program charge normal premiums irrespective of the medical condition and income are not the ground for legibility (, 2010). The State have several Federal-run programs that provide a legal framework gear ed towards addressing John’s health dilemma. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services effects the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan. However, there are laid-down requirements that John must comply with for health coverage. They include documents like a letter from a health practitioner indicating his name, his medical condition, name of the practitioner, license number, state of licensure, and signature; denial letter from an insurance company licensed in John’s state; the rejected offer of the insurance coverage that says John’s condition won’t be covered in the event of acceptance of the offer and/or the premium get overcharged because he was underage or he lived in Massachusetts or Vermont. All the above documents should be dated within a one-year period (,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

How the Draft has changed since the Vietnam War Research Paper

How the Draft has changed since the Vietnam War - Research Paper Example How the Draft has changed since the Vietnam War? Men found to have been insincere by the board for military tribunals tried various offenses with seventeen sentenced to death, three hundred and forty five to penal labor camps, and one hundred and forty two to life imprisonment. In the United States, conscription, or the draft, has been used a number of time, normally in the event of war, as well as when there is nominal peace, such as during the Cold War. The draft was discontinued in 1973 by the US government, which shifted to a military force that was all-volunteer. For this reason, mandatory draft is not in effect at the present time. The Selective Service System (SSS), however, is still in place for contingency purposes. Men aged between eighteen and twenty-five must register for quick resumption of the draft should there be a need for conscription2. However, most military and political experts do not consider conscription likely under the current conditions. The Military Draft While the United States did not initially join the Second World War, the Selective Training and Service Act (STSA) was signed by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1940. This required all American men aged, between twenty-six and thirty-five, to register for drafting into the military3. This acted as the United States’ first draft during peacetime, and it was responsible for the establishment of an independent federal agency, the SSS. Because of increasing threats from Japan and parts of Europe, President Roosevelt decided that it was prudent for the United States to train military personnel in case they had to defend the motherland. Germany had already invaded France and Poland, and it was becoming clear that Hitler was involved in persecution of European Jews, and Great Britain was his next target. In response to the distress that Great Britain was in, Roosevelt decided to sell more weapons to repel an attack by the Nazis, as well as to increase the humanitarian effort for the increasingly isolated British. On appending his s ignature to the STSA, he warned the American citizenry that America was caught in the middle of a war for her destiny with the distance and time that separated the US and Europe becoming smaller4. In his opinion, which was shared by a majority of Americans, it was not possible to remain neutral in a world of increased and rampant force. It was now up to the Americans to be prepared in the event that the war in Europe and the Asia-Pacific got to their shores The Americans were receptive of the draft after that impassioned appeal from President Roosevelt. Whatever resistance there may have been to the draft dissipated with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 19415. This event led to massive enlisting by American men and enlisting continued until 1973, both in peacetime and when the United States was involved in conflict, such as during the Korean War. Men were also drafted in order to fill the vacancies left by retiring or killed service men, which could not be filled using volunta ry conscription. In December of 1969, the United States military reinstated the lottery drawing, unused since 1942, in Washington D.C.’s Selective Service National Headquarters. This was meant to determine how men born between 1944 and 1950 would be inducted into the army. This lottery was a change from the earlier method where 366 plastic capsules with birth dates, representing the days of the year, were put in a large jar, after which they were drawn manually to assign all men born between the said years with

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

International Trade and Comparative Advantage Essay

International Trade and Comparative Advantage - Essay Example In the short run, farmers may be able to gain profits from planting tobacco but it must be kept in mind that the buyers of their crop are a very specialized group of companies. In the long run, their product can not be sold to everyone since even a smoker would have little use for raw tobacco unless it has been refined, packaged and sold as a finished product. This means that with time, the tobacco companies will be able to dictate the price at which they will buy tobacco or not. Additionally, if the farmer has taken a loan from the tobacco company then the dependency of the farmer on the company is doubled. The company will be able to push the price downwards or ask the farmer to bring more area under the cultivation of tobacco. In domestic terms, since the farmer will not be producing as much food crop, the prices of other food items would be expected to rise due to their relative scarcity. This comes across as a negative practice but for the tobacco companies, this is smart business which is not blocked by the American government (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2006). Acme Motors makes engines in the Nuevo Laredo facility simply because the assembly and manufacture of engine parts is much cheaper in the region. Engine assembly is an extremely labor intensive process and since labor is not that expensive in the region the overall cost of the engine is lowered. The other parts which are bolted on to the engine to complete the car are handled with automated robots to a large extent therefore the engines can be shipped back across the border to finalize the production of the car in America. This is a part of the international trade that is supposed to bring a better understanding for people around the globe and improve the human condition (UNCITRAL, 2006). Acme motors gains two significant advantages with this situation. First, the cost of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Foreign Policy In The USSR During And After The Cold War Essay

The Foreign Policy In The USSR During And After The Cold War - Essay Example As the animosity between the Communist Soviet Union and the Capitalist United States spread to various countries all over the world, the eventual result was that both Asia and Europe were divided with almost all countries on the two continents being granted the option of willingly pledging their alliance with either of the two powers or being forced into accepting an alliance. Hitler’s suicide and the subsequent end of the World War II was seen to be a crucial catalyst in the ushering in of a new era marked by widespread decolonization as well as the liberation of most of the countries that had previously been enslaved (McCannon, 2010). These newly liberalized countries were seen to be battling with numerous challenges including widespread territorial divisions as well as the problem of having bankrupt economies, this situation inadvertently leads to the countries experiencing a large-scale exodus of refugees. The Capitalistic and Communist Nations were quick to utilize this o pportunity and started to attempt to influence these newly liberated countries by offering them financial aid (Bulliet, 2009).  This move by the two opposing powers was seen to further fuel their ongoing rivalry. The Cold War was seen to be mainly characterized by numerous numbers of both international and domestic military coalitions, espionage developments, wide spread armament race, rampant political propaganda as well as particularly destructive technological developments.   Gradually, this Cold War saw the development of nuclear arms as well as a space race between the warring countries of the USSR and United States. It happened to be quite ironic that the newly liberated countries were being forced to essentially become part of a world that happened to now be polarized into two factions that forced these countries to essentially align themselves and support either one of the two superpower blocs. However, not all countries opted to join the two super power blocks with coun tries such as India and Yugoslavia opting to rally and form a

Monday, September 23, 2019

Peter Singer's All Animals are Equal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Peter Singer's All Animals are Equal - Essay Example I am urging that we extend to other species the basic principle of equality that most of us recognize should be extended to all members of our own species.† (Singer, 1989) In my opinion, Singer would better communicate his point if he preached on the necessity of compassion for animals, but in this instance, he suggests a quality of rights with humans. To show how quickly Singer’s logic contradicts itself or quickly spirals to the absurd, we can begin with the innumerable treaties that exist in international law that define the extent of Human Rights as decided among humans themselves at the United Nations and other locations. First, we must ask ourselves – can even one animal read the â€Å"Universal Declaration of Human Rights†? We can accept that any human being, in any human culture on the planet, generally save instances of abnormal injury, can learn to read and understand the document. In comparison, of what may be anywhere from 30 to 230 million different species of animals on the planet, depending on the number of insects, and the number of individual animal beings literally exponential and uncountable to human mind or science – not one of these animals can read. In recognizing that some higher mammals can be taught, should one extend the right of education and free speech to insects? It is not in my interest to encourage in any way cruelty to animals, nor to belittle animal intelligence, and dismiss animal culture. I understand the ways in which speciesism may unfold, as defined by Skinner, and support vegetarianism. However, I would suggest that Singer spend years in a jungle or forest location and teach vegetarianism to animals. It may be possible, and I have seen cats for example raised as vegetarians by their owners but not renounce killing by their own choice.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Interior Design Dalisay Essay Example for Free

Interior Design Dalisay Essay My enthusiasm for interior designing has led me to decisions that could haul out and maximize my potential. I took Interior Design in college and branched out to every opportunity that I could grasp to get the best out of me. School was a lot of work as it always is but it was generally rewarding. I joined charity events and volunteered, for instance, on a fundraiser for the local children’s hospital and enjoyed every bit of the work I have imparted to make the carnival theme happen. Moreover, I have been a part-time employee as a sales representative in my early years for a number of showrooms which provided for me the basics on the knowledge of interior design as well as a significant direct association with the industry. I can attest that my mother once thought I have gone a little beyond the definition of eccentricity for a 15 year-old who single-handedly disarranges our furniture every time I feel like the couch is facing the wrong way. She once exclaimed that she feels as if she’s a nomad for coming home from work to a different-looking living room at least once a week. I initially concluded that I may have the case of the obsessive-compulsive disorder as I have seen on Oprah once because I feel edgy whenever my mom never fails to pick the wrong wallpaper for my room. It felt that it was a bit off to self-diagnose my so-called â€Å"oddness† as a teenager to be a psychological disorder because I knew years after that it is passion. Before stepping up to my senior year, I contemplated on offering my drafting services by posting an ad in the local newspaper as an avenue for me to sharpen my knowledge on CAD, and fortunately I was able to make it happen and thus gave a significant contribution to my knowledge. My portfolio also got me into an internship in an architectural firm where I had the chance to constantly improve on my drafting designs, modeling and where I had the opportunity to create a wide array of landscape designs and scale models through assisting and exposure. I was also able to put some time to taking a short on-line education with regard to the business of Interior Design where I have learned to identify and analyze client needs and goals, safety requirements, budget limitations and project schedules. I have chosen to take a graduate study in the field to be able to meet if not surpass the standards that our society needs and requires. To be able to have an opportunity for bigger challenges, I feel that I need to place what I know in a circumstance where I would be more than competent to fulfil the demands of these challenges. Getting the best possible training for the field would grant a bigger chance to explore the twist, turns, and methods of honing both my creativity and success in the business which are two of the most essential things that has to be considered. As I grow more in the field, I would much prefer to accumulate experience on Commercial Interior Design and apply my strengths on commercial spaces and businesses. I would be most willing to work on absolutely anything whether it be theme parks, hospitals, entertainment works, or banks. Through this I’d be able to showcase my passion in the field to more people. In addition to that, I would be able to serve the public in my own ways through hopefully managing to make them feel better and comfortable with the aesthetics and the meeting of their requirements through the science of interior design. I would personally like to delve deeper in merging interior design and assisted care for the benefit of the physically handicapped, the senior citizens or similar groups to be able to create a setting that would be maximally beneficial for their interest. In connection with that, I would like to learn more on how to assimilate holistic interior designing for commercial spaces more especially in hospitals or schools and come out with works that are functional, healthy, ergonomic, environment friendly and at the same time stylish and aesthetically pleasing. If I would ever be given the opportunity to venture on residential interior designing, I see it as something that would be in the same line as I would like my career to go with commercial interior design. With years of experience and recognition that I am hopefully going to accumulate through time, it would be nice to think of myself specializing into designing interiors that would be fitting for families with members having a need for special attention and care. With that in mind, I also would like to be known for carrying out projects that are simultaneously tasteful and stylish. At this moment, I would be delighted to try almost anything that the interior design world has to offer if I would fortunately be given the chance. From commercial to residential, architecture, publishing industry for shelter magazines or almost anything that has to do with this venture. The reason for this is my craving to substantiate my knowledge as much as I could so that I could establish a very well rounded and firm foundation for the discipline. Eventually, I could utilize everything that I learn and hopefully stumble into a breakthrough that could contribute greatly to the industry.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Falconry Essay Example for Free

Falconry Essay Falconry, also known as hawking, is a form of hunting which involves the use of trained hawks and falcons to prey on other animals. Falconry may be considered one of the oldest sports, dating back over 4,000 years ago in Egypt and China that is still practiced today. Falconry was considered a status symbol, restricted to noble classes, in medieval Europe and a way of obtaining food. Falconry still exists today with more than 3,800 licensed falconers in the United States. Historically, falconry was not only a popular sport but was considered a status symbol among the aristocracy of medieval Europe. Legend has it that a Persian King watched a falcon kill another bird and ordered his men to capture the falcon. The king kept the falcon with him at all times, learned many lessons from it and was considered the first falconer. The origin of falconry can be traced back to 2000 BC through ancient writings, drawings and artifacts. There is debate as to when and where falconry originated, however, some historians place its origin in Asia around the second century A. D. and then spread west, while other historians place the origin in Arabia or the Middle East based on records dated 8,000 BC, found of a king who used birds of prey. It is known that by the fourth century, falconry had spread through Western Europe and Britain. Most of the information about falconry comes from its popularity in medieval Europe and the Middle East during the middle ages. The sport of falconry began to decline in popularity during the 1700 and 1 +-*. 800s because of the decline of nobility and the increased use of firearms to kill animals for food and for sport. However, by the 1900s, its popularity was renewed and the largest falconry association, the Peregrine Blub was established in the United States. Falconry is now legal in the United States in all states except Hawaii and the District of Columbia. State and federal licenses are required to practice this sport. Falconry not only exists today in the United States but also is practiced throughout the world. Originally, the purpose of falconry was to obtain food to eat, however, nobility (Kings of Britain, Russian Czars and the Holy roman Emperors) shifted this purpose to one of social entertainment. Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Sicily and Jerusalem was considered to be the greatest falconer of the medieval age. Falconry became so popular that it became regulated with a strict set of customs called the Laws of Ownership. These laws dictated what type of birds could be owned by various social ranks. The table shown below gives a partial listing of social rank and appropriate bird. There were also severe punishments including time in jail to anyone who harmed a falcon’s bird nest, eggs, and young or took a falcon from the wild that did not belong to you. One of the most severe punishments was given to a person who flew a bird above what your rank permitted. This punishment was having your hand cut off. Social rank and appropriate bird (adapted from original table) King| Gyr Falcon| Prince| Peregrine Falcon| Knight| Saker| Squire| Lanner| Lady| Female Merlin| Priest| Female Sparrowhawk| Knaves, servants, children| Kestrel| Adapted from The Ancient Art of Falconry The players in this sport are the falconer and his or her raptor. The falconer is the person that handles or trains the raptor. Their principle responsibilities were to ensure that his master’s birds of prey, raptors, were fully trained, well-fed and ready to hunt when called upon. The raptor is a bird of prey with a hooked beak for tearing meat, and powerful, hooked talons for grasping and holding prey. Not all raptors are suitable for falconry. Suitable raptors can be grouped by the way they are flown at the prey and are divided into three categories: broad-winged hawks, short-wing hawks and long-wing hawks. The broad-wing hawks (Buteos) include the Golden Eagles, Buzzards and Harris hawk that hunt rabbits and other ground game. They are also known as the â€Å"bombers†. The short-wing hawks (Accipiters) are used to hunt other birds in wooded or bushy terrain and include goshawks. They are called the â€Å"attack helicopters. † The long-winged hawks, considered the â€Å"true† falcons, are considered the â€Å"fighter jets. † They hunt other birds, such as waterfowl in open country. The Peregrine Falcons, Gyrfalcon, Lanner Falcon and the American Kestrel are included in this group. The different physical characteristics of these raptors allow the hunter to vary his or her hunting method. Each of the various physical characteristics allows adaptation to their hunting environment. The buteos will usually perch in high trees and then dive on the prey out in the open, hence the name â€Å"bomber†. Because the Accipiters have short wings, they can easily maneuver and can chase their prey through the various terrains, similar to â€Å"attack helicopters. † The long-winged hawks, â€Å"fighter jets†, circle hundreds of feet in the air and then stoop at very high speeds (averaging 25-34 mph and reaching up to 200 mph) to knock their prey out of the sky using their feet as fists. Broad-winged-buzzardShort-winged-Goshawk Long-winged-Peregrine Falconmonacoeye. com goshawk dove4. jpg mysideofthemountain. wikispaces. com The relationship between the falconer and raptor is very important and training a falcon is not easy. Although the raptor is not a pet, it is trained to accept the presence of their trainer in their natural pursuit of prey. Great skill and patience is involved when training falcons. A falcon responds to its trainer not out of affection or fear but out of the association of a trainer to its only source of food. The first stage of training is called manning. In this stage, the tethered raptor becomes accustomed to being handled and eating food from a gloved hand. During the next stage, a tethered raptor is rewarded with food for flying short distances and returning. The use of a hood on the bird kept the bird calm and prevents distractions while it is preparing to fly. Once a tethered raptor has learned to fly to his trainer consistently, the raptor can be brought out to an open meadow where they are taught to rise from the owner’s wrist on command and gain the experience of hunting. The introduction to the swing-lure is part of this next phase of training. A string is attached to one of the bird’s claws and the bird had circled around it would be reeled in at the falconer’s command. When the raptor makes a kill, the reward is only a small piece of the kill because only hungry raptors hunt. If the raptor is not hungry, it is possible that it will not return to the falconer. One of the misconceptions is that the raptor will bring back its kills to the falconer. The falconer must find his raptor; some use a dog as part of the team, and exchanges a fresh piece of meat for the catch. irportjournals. com Falconry became popular again in America in 1920 after an issue in the National Geographic Magazine published an article â€Å"Falconry, the sport of Kings†. Unfortunately, just as interest in falconry was peaking, the raptors were beginning to die due to synthetic chemical poisons such as DDT. This poison caused reproductive failure in many of the raptor birds including the peregrine falcon. The United States banned the use of DDT and enacted the Endangered Species Act that gave protection to some bird species including the Peregrine Falcon. Two U. S. falconers, Tom Cade and Heinz Meng, began a captive-breeding program to lead repopulation efforts of these endangered species. Their program has been very successful by breeding and releasing thousands of peregrines. The practice of modern day falconry is very similar to traditional falconry with some minor modifications. These modifications include: use of transmitters, type of birds used and the ability to use captive-breed birds. Often transmitters are now placed on the falcon in order to help a falconer locate his bird from several miles away. The type of birds used in modern falconry has increased. Birds such as the Red-Tail and Harris’ Hawk are two new additions that have been successfully used. Finally, ancient falconry required that a falconer trap his own bird from the wild. Today, falconers have the ability to selectively breed and hybridize their own birds. This came about during the time of repopulation efforts of the endangered Peregrine Falcon. Modern day falconry is currently being practiced in many countries around the world including the United States and is legal in all states except Hawaii and in the District of Columbia. The biggest change from traditional falconry is the restraints and legalities under which falconers must practice their sport. A falconer must possess both a state and federal license in addition to serving as an apprentice for 2 years under a licensed falconer. Only at this time, can the falconer possess either an American kestrel or a red-tailed hawk legally. Presently, there are over 10,000 licensed falconers in the United States. Falconry seems like a very interesting sport that I would definitely be interested in learning more about. If I had enough money and time, I might consider becoming a falconer as one of my hobbies.

Friday, September 20, 2019

KPMG Consultancy Firm Business Analysis

KPMG Consultancy Firm Business Analysis Structure of KPMG: KPMGs board is making the main decisions with chairman Simon Collins, such as the built of KPMGs flagship office in Canary Warf in 2006. Every client facing person can be involved in the engagement process, although some people in the firm have specific roles. Some Partners are responsible of different sectors within the firm; such as Head of Finance or Head of Deal Advisory. They are managing the sector and making sure their orders are getting passed through by the directors in case. A Director then is responsible for the people working within the sector. Managers are making sure the engagement process is proceeding as planned. Problems such as level of staff shortness would get reported by a line manager to the HR department. Only very important queries are getting sent to the partners in charge. KPMG is a worldwide active company with headquarters in the Netherlands. KPMG is a consultancy firm with focus on Advisory, Tax and Audit. Geographically wise, KPMG has 22 offices with about 16,000 employees, with headquarters in Canary Warf, London.          Structure of National Trust: The National trust charity has a completely different leadership structure to KPMG. The senior management is making the main decisions. The middle management passes down the made decisions to the maintenance team. Ightham More in Kent is seen as National Trusts biggest conservation project and the senior management team decided to take it on. The two main income sources are National Trusts costumers and donators. The typical costumers are a middle aged to older people that have a strong interest in the wellbeing of Britains historic buildings as well as tourist. National Trust only operates in the UK. The trust has 4,2 million members, 60,000 volunteers and a staff of 10,000. Functional Areas: KPMG National Trust Finance KPMG is taking loans from different organisations to provide engagement work to the client. As most engagement processes take many months KPMG is operation at a huge risk. KPMG is consulting firm that are being close to bankruptcy. With a failing client work not only the client is facing enormous problems, also KPMG cant pay its employees. Every failing engagement can cost the firm many million pounds revenue. Sometimes provision work is being paid from KPMGs profit to ensure loyal clients will still be advised even with a low profitability. National trust is raising their finances via membership fees and donations. As a non-profit organisation the charity relies on the donations, as the membership fees and visitor income cover only a third of their total costs. The charity is also getting subsidised by the government as they have a huge interest of securing old and historic buildings across the UK. Marketing As KPMG is in an oligopolistic competition, where pricing strategy will most certainly end up in a price war. Non-pricing strategies such as marketing or RD help to win the market. As the firm provides services for firms, they wont have marketing strategies such as Nike or Adidas, as its a completely different environment. KPMG has their logo on the McLaren Formula One car to diverse their marketing strategies. National Trust is rethinking their marketing strategies by attracting the younger generation on social media such as Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. The Trust has continuing problems with getting the attention of the 16-25 y/o target group. Customer service The entire staff is trained to the best level to give the client the best outcome they can wish for, however KPMGs employees need to have greater knowledge than customer service, as only a few people will actually interact with the client. KPMG relies on that their clients come back to them for future engagement. As well as KPMG, National Trusts employees dont rely as much on customer service as their job mainly requires experience. Their customer service will be keeping the historical buildings clean and provide a welcome and warm service at the ticket boxes. Human Resources KPMG has a separate HR department as many other big firms. They give out the open job places, where people can apply. The HR department communicates with the trading unions and employer associations to avoid strikes. Likewise KPMG, the trust is similarly structured in terms of HR. The staff welfare will heavily affect the charity as they are responsible for the maintenance of very important buildings. P4 explain how their style of organisations helps them to fulfil their purposes. Strategic planning: KPMG National Trust Mission and Values KPMGs mission for the near future will be providing firms in the UK the best advice on the Brexit Referendum. Values are held high at KPMG. One of their mottos is diversity makes a frim great. The firm is employing from every cultural and ethnical background to support the society but also to differentiate the firm from other big advise giving firms. Their mission and values are very to KPMG. National Trust is a profit satisficing firm. The charities aim isnt to maximise their profits to become wealthier, instead they focus on keeping their stakeholders happy and give something back to society by preserve and protect historic places. Their motto is forever, for everyone. Development of strategic aims In order to achieve strategic aims in the long run, the firm needs to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Strategic changes are usually planned by KPMGs innovation team. Differentiating is key in our fast growing and changing economy. Strategic changes need to be thought through carefully as a wrong decision can quickly lead to bankruptcy even for TNCs such as KPMG. The charity needs to raise money in order to develop their strategic aims. As National Trusts main income comes from donations, it is really important to NT to raise money in order to maintain the historic buildings. Cascading of Objectives One of KPMGs main aim is to win clients and their work in order to achieve profit maximisation. KMPGs process can start in various ways. Mainly though it starts that the client writes out certain work, where normally many consultancy firms apply for. The leadership team then decides if the engagement would be profitable or not. If it would be profitable then, an engagement team presents the client a piece of work (investment work), where they then decide if they want to work with KPMG or not. Their process starts with the senior management deciding taking on a new project. The middle management will operate with a Gantt chart to split up the different tasks across the maintenance team. They will then split their resources equally to control and observe these tasks to make sure the work is done to their best standards. It is very important that the maintenance team is working up to certain standards, as most secured buildings are tourist attractions and leaving a hazardous sphere is inacceptable and highly dangerous to the public. Strategic Planning Progress The strategic planning progress is fairly similar in both companies. The two organisations have different departments, however are always working together. Each department has a director/manager who sets the directions. In both organisations the Finance team supports the whole firm with background information on the engagement process or securing of buildings. Smart targets The SMART targets are acronyms, which summarises what should be considered before starting a project. SMART targets are being used to ensure that the workload is split up realistically and timed correctly. KPMG and National Trust senior leadership team are relying heavily on this, as it shows them a breakdown of their costs and it reduces KPMGs risk to fail and insures the partners an increasing survival against the competitors. Different aims: KPMG National Trust KPMG aims to maximise profits in orders to grow on a higher scale than its competitors. In a world that is driven by wealth it is key for firms in the Private sector to achieve long-term growth. Profits will get invested to improve the workforce with specific trainings or spent on Research and Development. As KPMG is operating in an oligopolistic market it is important that the firms differentiates itself from the other big four consultancies. National Trusts financial main aim is to break even so that their revenue covers their costs. To survive National trust must make sure they are advertising the reconstruction of old buildings is of long term value and is tremendously important for Britains future. New donations will ensure that the charity can take on new projects and can secure old buildings from rotting. P5 describe the influence of two contrasting economic environments on business activities within a selected organisation. Introduction KPMGs business activities in the UK and India. Demands: 1. Influenced by affordability UK The UK is seen as one of the strongest countries in the developed world. Shortly after the first effects of Brexit have hit the UK economy, the pound has depreciated by nearly 40%. That means that the services KPMG provides is getting fairly cheaper abroad. Due to the fall in the currency, KPMGs clients had the chance to export more and gain more revenue to demand KPMGs services. India The country is booming as never before, with a population of nearly 1,4 billion it is still seen as a developing country, as a reason of the bizarre income distribution. The richest people 10 % are earning more than the other 90% together. KPMG in India (KGS) however, is getting very influential in the Indian economy. The firm is helping big organisations setting up manufactories, but also helping Indian firms how to enter the Western culture. 2. Competition availability of substitutes UK The competition is becoming tremendously stronger, as KPMG is operating in an oligopolistic market structure (4 firms have about 80% of the market share). KPMG really needs to match the other competitors prices to be efficient and not lose clients to the opposition. The brand image in the UK has a very strong connection in the society. The Economist thinks that the main competition to consultancy firms in the future will be firms like Google, as the market is about to change completely. India The Indian citizen dont have such a strong connection to a brand. They rather have quantity instead of quality. That makes it harder for KPMG, as the strong brand name doesnt help the firm to win the clients. KPMG really needs to work hard and efficient in order to make the engagement profitable. 3. Level of Gross Domestic product (GDP) UK The UK has been for a few years in recession (two or more consecutive quarters of negative economic growth), but due to help from the Bank of England and certain government policies, the UK climbed out of the recession. Peoples wages started to increase achieving a long-term goal of increasing economic growth (higher GDP). The population started to change their spending habits and firms had to produce more. That led to that KPMGs clients needed further help with developing their products or introducing new marketing strategies. India As India is becoming a future economic superpower; KPMG has build a new headquarter in New Delhi. Achieving economic growths of over 5% in recent years, British TNCs started to invest hugely in the Indian Economy. KPMG was a mayor part of developing new strategies, introducing marketing schemes or helping doing PR work. 4. Needs and aspirations of consumers UK In the 21st century, becoming more diverse as a country and firm is key to success. Offering a greater variety of services could extremely diversify the firm to gain new clients. In the Tech-century, where London the capital of start up companies in Europe is, it might be very useful working close with start-ups together and helping funding their idea and company. Many smaller consultancy firms have a private equity department, offering start-up companies the needed support but also the money could mean that in the future there is no need for investment firms anymore. India The country is fairly similar to the UK. Tech Start-ups are playing a big role in the countries economy but also society. As the country is moving from a primary product dependency economy (developing country) to one of the super powers in the world, it would be really important for KPMG to get in contact with those small businesses, which could potentially chance the world in a few years. Supply: 1. Influence by availability and labour UK Investing Billions and Billions of Pounds every year into the wealth fare state over the last 30 years has provided the UK an extremely strong labour force. Introducing a law, which keeps students in full time education till the age of 18, educates the work force to a decent level. Nearly 20% of the population have a degree or higher, according to a study from the government. Due to the very high level work force, prestigious companies such as KPMG can choose their graduate trainees and consultants from top Universities to further improve their workforce. India- India is currently still more active in the primary and secondary sector, where a high level work force is not needed. However, India is going through a big change in their education system, the current government wants to abolish underage working, so that the economy can take more profit from a greater workforce. KPMG could take great use of that, investing in new education schemes, could provide the firm a loyal and enthusiastic work force. 2. Logistics UK Logistics are the planning, organising and movements of activities for certain tasks. The UK has great transportation links such as motorways, train lines or for longer distances plane routes. Many KPMG clients are taking such a big use of those transportation opportunities. Tesco for example needs to be able to get their food every day to its stores. India KPMGs clients such as Tescos have altered the chain logistics to cut food waste, making sure that no food goes to waste. Like in the UK, India has a revolutionary road system in the bigger cities, however due to the heavy rainfalls during the spring months, it is really difficult to set up well developed roads in the country side. 3. Profitability UK The service KPMG offers is very inelastic, meaning that as people/firms are becoming richer they wouldnt proportionately spend more money on advisory or consultancy costs. As KPMG is an oligopoly, their services are fairly similar to its competitors, meaning that KPMG cant use pricing strategies to increase its profitability. KPMG can increase its profitability by non-pricing strategies, such as marketing or RD. India Even in India, the services KPMG offers are inelastic, although not as inelastic as in the UK. Foreign firms setting up projects in India relying more on KPMGs services, as they sometimes dont have the needed knowledge of what is needed to make the project successful. 4. Government support UK The government subsidises KPMG as they are with over 15,000 employees one of the biggest employers in the UK. KPMG also help the government setting up projects. India The Indian government compared to the British doesnt have the capacity to support foreign firms. As most Asian countries want to be self sufficient, the government accepts the foreign firms but is often not willing to give out subsidies. Global interaction: 1. Levels and types of interdependence UK As KPMG is a service providing based business its assets are the employees. As KPMG International is split into the different country roles, many offices are working together to achieve the best possible outcome for the client. KPMG isnt dependant on any other party, such as suppliers. Although KPMG UK is trying to increasingly use the Indian link to reduce costs and increase profit margins. India India/Indian firms are majorly dependent on their exports. India has one of the biggest tech supplier firms, but also go to less developed countries to import suitable pieces to decrease their cost of production and increase their global efficiency. KPMG as a service-providing firm, is giving those export depending firms advice on how to operate in such ways. 2. Ownership of business UK Each national KPMG firm is an independent legal entity and is a member of KPMG International. Every firm in the group is responsible for its own obligations and liabilities. Simon Collins is a senior partner and the chairperson for KPMG UK. He is responsible for long-term growth and sustainability of the UK firm. These actions provide the firm leadership through the organisation and implement their overseas strategies. India Same as in the UK, KMPG India is run as an independent member of KPMG International. Although KPMG India (KSG) is well integrated with the KPMGs in the western world. KSG is able to offer a cheaper service, as a reason of lower standards of livings in India. It is often quite common that KGS employees are getting used for engagement progresses in the UK to increase profit margins. 3. Movement of capital and business operations UK The UK firm is KPMGs flagship in Europe. With the prestigious headquarter in Canary Warf is used as eye candy for clients but also competitors. KPMGs clients in the UK manage the whole European and West African financial markets, which allows KPMG UK to invest more in such expenses than other countries. As KPMG is operating in an oligopolistic market, they only have a certain price setting function. KPMG and its competitors rather try with non-pricing strategies to win the market. India As well as in the UK, KPMG tries to win through first impressions. With an enormous building in New Delhi, where KPMG is controlling the Indian market from. They offer the same services as KPMG in the UK does. KPMG India is steadily growing as a reason of great economic growth in India. M2 compare the challenges to selected business activities within a selected organisation, in two different economic environments. Similarities Differences KPMG is aiming to make profits in the UK and India, to maintain their headquarters and invest in future innovations. Diversity is one of the main aims at KPMG to grow and thrive as a firm. India has a complete different target market, with a population of nearly 1,3 billion, KPMG needs to satisfy clients on a complete different scale, size and cultural aspects, compared to the UK with a population of 65 Million. Having a great relationship between firm and client is really important in both countries. Being on one level with the costumer enables KPMG to make further business with the client in the future. Considering both countries GDP per capita, it can be assumed that KPMG has to set their prices on the Indian price level and couldnt justify the rates, consultants are getting lend out to clients in the UK. In both countries it is really important and highly valued to receive good client feedback and reviews. That helps KPMG to stronger their brand image and to back up their reputation. KPMG needs to set completely different advertising and marketing strategies. The UK is revenue see wise as KPMGs second biggest resource, behind the US. The firm in the UK has much more disposable money to spend on advertising than India does. Interest rates, set by the Bank of England and the Reserve Bank of India, are used to manipulate the economy and to increase consumer spending. As interest rates are at a 10 year low, it allows KPMG to borrow money at a cheaper rate and enables the firm to make greater investments, such as building a new headquarter. Although the competition is very hard in both countries, KPMG in the UK has to fight with the other big three firms in the market as well as smaller consultancies, whereas in India KPMG only has to fight with the other big consultancy firms, as it is not profitable enough for smaller firms to set up a headquarter in India. P6 describe how political, legal and social factors are impacting upon the business activities of the selected organisations and their stakeholders. M3 analyse how political, legal and social factors have impacted other contrasting organisations. Political:      Ã‚   The UK and its democracy are seen as very stable. Led by the conservative party with Theresa May as prime minister, the government provides its citizens, as well as their companies a welfare state. It is safe for companies, such as KPMG to invest in future project, without having to fear to lose their assets in a civil war. India has as well as the UK a very stable government. With a six recognised national party system, India is seen as one of the most popular democracies in the world. Unlike the UK, India has to fight majorly with a fluctuate currency, the Indian rupee. That doesnt give firms such as KPMG to make big investments, because major investments in such countries are often dependent on a stable currency. Both countries are trying to reduce their poverty and lift up their GDP per capita rates. India has difficulties with that, as the countryside is hugely dependent on its primary goods. It is very difficult to reduce its primary product dependency. Investing into states wi th high property is unlike for KPMG and many other big companies, as those countries are seen as too little educated. The UK has a fantastic infrastructure. London has 5 airports, which outlines excellent transport links to the capital. The government is planning to introduce the HS2 railway, which will enable KPMGs commuters to travel more efficient. India has a great and massively infrastructure, however big problems in the countryside. Monsoons and floods are natural disasters, which makes it difficult for the government to improve those transport links. Brexit has been the most recent political event that has happened to the UK and the long-term effect is still uncertain. The short-term effect was tremendous, according to the Bank of England; it was the lowest exchange to the Euro since the financial crisis, with a record low of 1 Euro to 1,09 Pound. The newspaper stated it as a disaster, but 8 months after the referendum how does it actually look. The Fin-tech industry with company such as TransferWise, is booming since the referendum. London is the capital of start-up companies in Europe and is close to overtaking Los Angeles and San Francisco. Major banks have stated their forecasts that the UK is unsafe to invest in the near future as a reason of fluctuating exchange rates, but so far there is no remarkable outcome. But to every sunny side, there is a rainy one too. The property firm Frank Knight, for example said that due to the Brexit referendum, foreign investors backed off trading deals because of the uncertainty. The house prices, according to the telegraph, The fall in house prices forecast for 2017 will bring prices back to what they were in the first quarter of 2016, is going to fall. The UKs infrastructure is spot on, great transport links between major cities and a free NHS, which allows everyone access to health care. Every year the government spends 142 billion pounds on the NHS. The Brexit referendum promised that the weekly 150 million pounds given to the EU would go straight to the funding of new roads and the health sector. Pharmaceutical industries, such as Novartis are taking profits from the NHS as the government is paying for all the medications. The company made revenue of 47 billion in 2014 and is still growing. On the shadow side of the NHS is the staff, such as doctors or nurses. They are getting hugely underpaid as the government is funding their salary. Long hours and too little breaks is one of the reasons for a strike once in a while. Most doctors are getting educated in the UK and then leave the country to go somewhere without a free health sector, as wages are higher. Legal: Ethnical is the UK one of the most cultural diverse countries in the world. In fact after the Second World War the UK experienced a big migration wave, were many people from the common wealth states entered the UK to seek for a better life. India experienced a human brain flight, meaning most academic families left India in the early 1950s. Well-educated Indians went abroad to take profit from the booming western economies and only saw a little chance to further proceed in the Indian society. Today, KPMG tries to employ people from all sorts of backgrounds, as diversity thrives an international operating firm forward. In general, the Asian countries are seen as competitive and efficient. From the early age, students in India get taught under high pressure and failing is inacceptable. Although, the illiterate rate in India is far higher than in the UK, as different laws keep students in full-time education till they turn 18. As Indias countryside is majorly depending on primary goods, such as cotton and Kashmir, most children need to help their parents during the harvest season and dont get a chance to attend school. KPMG offers different programs, where less privileged children from those areas get an opportunity to turn their back to those low skilled jobs. The UK gained tremendously from its common wealth states, such as India, Pakistan or Bangladesh. The economy got positively impacted from the foreigners not only because of the workforce they provide but also because of the cultural diversity. After the second world war was over, citizens from the common wealth states helped to UK shape how it is today; one of the strongest economical countries in the world. Every organization in the UK got impacted from foreigners, as they are willing to work hard in order to have a better life. Most recently, Uber is changing the whole human transport generation. Over years, taxis have been a solid rock in our society until Uber changed the whole game. Uber is an often cheaper and quicker method to get from one place to another. With fewer emissions it is an environment friendly way to travel. Uber closely works together with foreigners, as the firm believes speaking several languages helps communication with more people. No other country in Europe is as famous for take-away food as the UK. Due to the diverse culture in the UK, people from abroad brought their cultures with them and the UK grew through those different cultures. Social: The UK is seen as a fairly right wing economy, however many government policies are making the UK sliding into a more left wing economy. Providing a free health-care system and its progressive tax system is trying to reduce the social and income inequality between rich and poor. Having an increasing NMW also helps to secure the welfare of a state. KPMG is increasingly helping to close the gap between the rich and poor. The company for example is paying its low skilled workers the living wage not the national minimum wage. That gives those workers another 3 pounds on top of the NMW. India is very different in terms of welfare. Most Asian countries want to be self sufficient, therefore more left wing. However, the Indian economy is really depended on its foreign trade. Indians tax system is regressive, that often means

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus Essay examples -- essays researc

The following is a book report about: The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus, and was written by, (Cottrell, et al., 2003). This is an eighty-page leadership skill-building book, published by the Performance Systems Corporation in 2003. There are eight main points (Santa Secrets) discussed by the authors in this book and I agree with them all. However, I will attempt to reveal why I agree that to â€Å"Build A Wonderful Workshop† is important, discuss one secret (â€Å"Listen To The Elves†) I see being practiced in my unit, and express how I will spearhead effecting to â€Å"Share The Milk And Cookies†. I agree with the authors’ idea of â€Å"Building a wonderful workshop†. This chapter speaks on making our mission our main idea while remembering our core values to help us stay focused on our teammates and purpose. Our mission, values, and team are the foundation, cornerstone, and core of what we do, how well we do it, why we do it, and how we see each other in our given roles. If we as a team earnestly keep this statement and all it incorporates as our focus, then I believe the other eight â€Å"secrets† cannot be far off. One of the â€Å"secrets† I see being practiced in my unit is: â€Å"Listen to the Elves†. In this chapter the author discusses the importance of inviting participation from the team. The author also encourages the reader to notice how others perceive them and to spend some time walking in their teammates shoes. I believe this motto involves the entire team, is a constant work in progress...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Microcomputer :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In a sense computers have been around for centuries. The abacus, a counting machine, was invented by the Chinese sometime between 500 and 400 BC. The numeral zero was first recognized and written by Hindu’s in 650 AD, without which written calculations would be impossible. In 1623 the great grandfather of the processor was born, the calculating clock. Wilhelm Schickard of Germany invented this adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing machine based on the principle of algorithms. For the next three hundred years or so various machines were invented which could perform calculations but none were any vast improvement over Shickard’s clock, perhaps with the exception of Babbage’s punch card machine in 1832 (it was never finished).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1910 marked one of the most important times in the history of the computer with the invention of the first electrical automatic computing machine, the Z1, designed by Konrad Zuse in Germany. Finally after three hundred years there was an advance worth writing home about, but the German government had no time for such things as WW1 began to rage through Europe, so sadly Zuse’s machine was also never completed. Nevertheless the idea had caught on, and the true father of digital computing, Alan Turing, developed the Colossus, a machine which could decipher code. Alan went on to write essays on the subject of artificial intelligence and began a revolution the likes of which would change the world. Turing’s works are still referred to by computer scientists today. Finally in 1945 the first computer as we know it today was completed, ENIAC as it was called could perform calculations in hours which would take a human years to finish. ENIAC had plenty of drawbacks though, first and foremost its size, and secondly the 18,000 tubes it took to run it. ENIAC and UNIVAC, which came shortly after, were indisputably the greatest advances in technology of all time, but they were still useless to the mass majority due to size, cost and time of construction. The invention of the transistor in 1947 solved this problem for the most part, allowing computers to become smaller and more reliable. But alas due to the cost only the largest of private companies and governments could use the machines. By 1964 this had changed, International Business Machines or IBM as we know them today introduced the system 360 mainframe, a solid state semi portable computer which could handle many types of data and allowed many conventional businesses to enter the computer age.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Learning Styles And Learning Theories In Human Resource Development Education Essay

Learning can specify as a mensurable and comparatively parameter to place that how much homo or animate being can absorb the cognition in order to go on with experience or by nature. There are many methods to larning something such as hearing, reading, visuals, and an experience. Peoples are different from one another and their non equal. Every individual has alone manners to larn. Learning manners define as an rational capacity, dressed ores, absorbs and remembers information. Each individual has a alone acquisition accomplishments and manners. To farther clear up there are celebrated theoretical accounts found by Honey and Mumford, and Kolb. In Honey and Mumford theoretical account explain four types of larning manners such as Activist, Reflector, Theorist, and Pragmatist. Activist means ‘I will seek anything one time ‘ some people if they want do something or learn, they will seek anything one time. These sorts of scholars are open-minded and enthusiastic about new things, act foremost and believe about effects subsequently and easy acquire involved with others. Second learning manner is Reflectors agencies, ‘Look before you leap ‘ these sorts of scholars are larning observe and chew over new experience, and their analyzing all available informations before they act and they think before semen to the decision. Third learning manner is Theorist means ‘If it is logical it is good ‘ this manner says that some people are larning through the theories premises, rules and theoretical accounts. They would ever believe jobs through consistently and logically. The last learning manner is Pragma tist means ‘If it works, it is good, but there is ever a better manner ‘ these sort of people learn if something plants in good manner and practically that is the best manner for them, tidal bore to seek out thoughts, theories and techniques to see if they work in pattern, They are basically practical, down to earth people who like doing practical determinations and work out jobs. In Kolb ‘s larning theoretical account there are four chief phases such as concrete experience ( CE ) is where the scholar actively see an activity, brooding observation ( RO ) is when the scholar consciously reflects back on that experience, abstract conceptualisation ( AC ) is where the scholar efforts to gestate a theory or theoretical account of what is observed and active experimentation ( AE ) is where the scholar is seeking to be after how to prove a theoretical account or theory or program for a extroverted experience. These four phases are matching to Kolb ‘s four propensity manners are diverging ( CE/RO ) means ‘feeling and watching ‘ these sort of people are able to believe in a different manner and different position, they use information and imaginativeness to work out jobs, and these people perform better in state of affairs like thought coevals. These kind of scholars are interested in people tend to be inventive and emotional and they are like to work in groups. Assimilating ( AC/RO ) is the 2nd manner of Kolb ‘s theoretical account, this average ‘watching and believing ‘ this sort of people need theory instead than the practical. They want more an account than the practical chance. Ideas and constructs are more of import than people besides use the logical attack when work out the jobs. The 3rd manner is meeting ( AC/AE ) is average ‘doing and believing ‘ these type of scholars does non necessitate any theories, but they want practical. They can work out their jobs through practical issues ; they prefer proficient undertaking and less relationship with people and interpersonal facets, and people with a meeting manner like to experiment with new thoughts to imitate and to work with practical applications. The 4th manner is suiting ( CE/AE ) means ‘doing and experiencing ‘ this is where the people use other people ‘s analysis, information or can be their merchandise and prefer to take a practica l, experiential attack, they use others information and carry out their ain analysis. They are attracted to new challenges and experiences and to transporting out programs. Peoples with this learning manner willing to work in squads to finish the end and they set the marks and actively work in the field seeking different ways to accomplish an aim When comparing Honey and Mumford theoretical account and the Kolb ‘s theoretical account there are distinguish between different larning manners. Honey and Mumford described the same thing done by Kolb ‘s but utilizing different words, so hence there is no such difference between these two theoretical accounts. Hence there is a strong similarity in Kolb ‘s theoretical account phase one says concrete experience ( Having and experience ) says being to the full involved in an action or interaction, using current cognition and accomplishments but in Honey and Mumford theoretical account manner one describe Militants which is depicting immediate experience, open-minded, bored with execution. Kolb ‘s 2nd phase Brooding observation ( reexamining the experience ) is say looking back at what happened, depicting it, reflecting on the causes and effects of scholar behavior, but Honey and Mumford ‘s reflectors manner is say listen before speech production, ponder an d analyse, hold making decisions. The 3rd phase of Kolb ‘s theoretical account is Abstract Conceptualization ( reasoning from the experience ) is organizing generalisation, constructs and theories that will enable to incorporate observation and contemplations into behavior on future occasions or in other contexts, but Honey and Mumford ‘s theorist manner like people think through logical facet. The 4th phase in Kolb ‘s theoretical account is Active Experimentation ( Planing the following stairss ) is describe be aftering ways in which in scholar can use and prove decision in farther action but Honey and Mumford ‘s Pragmatists manner which is seek attempt and new thoughts, practical, down to earth, basking job resolution and determination devising. Besides activist and accommodating, reflector and diverging, theoretician and assimilating, pragmatist and convergence are similar to each construct. Learning manners are needed to place how the people can absorb and retrieve things. Likewise learning theories are aid to place how people learn through alterations in behavior, environment and ends. The behavioristic attack steps larning in term of comparative lasting alterations in behavior. This is like the environmental control larning. The work of Pavlov ( on Canis familiariss ) and Skinner ( on rats ) suggested that acquisition is the formation of new connexion between stimulation and response on the footing of experience or behavior is positively or negatively reinforced. Therefore in an organisation trainer should ever believe about their trainees ‘ behavior, when doing the peculiar preparation programme. Imagine occupation function for client attention, if the trainee is non like to be societal or speak with others any longer, he/she is silence character. In this state of affairs to avoid this or alter the behavior of trainee, trainer has to do a preparation programme relate to the behavior. Otherwise developing cost and clip will be wasted. To minimum that trainer can give the feedback to the trainee, and increase the morale. Every individual has a end ; human behavior is towards a end. Many be some individual does non hold instruction background, but that does non intend that he/she does non hold any information to make to him/her ends utilizing their experience. Therefore holding purpose or end will take to garner the information or information, hence without any sort of information is difficult to making to the ends. Likewise the Cognitive Approach is specifying as a comparatively lasting alteration in knowledge happening as a consequence of experience. Peoples can larn through the experience and storage of information in the encephalon. They can understand their environment and how it works. They decide what is of import to larn and larn through techniques and schemes they feel comfy with. In an Organization if the trainee does non hold any motive to larn the new stuff to being with, therefore it is of import for the delivering and design of preparation programme. The trainer should non state the trainee ‘s what to make ; instead they should steer the trainees in detecting the right solutions and ways of thought. For illustration trainer should give a end to trainees, hence to accomplish the end trainee will larn. There is another larning manner called societal acquisition attack. This is where people learn through by detecting others behaviour, attitude, and results of those behaviors. Most of the clip, human learns through copying others. First they start copying their parents. Peoples learn to execute actions by patterning, watching, analyzing the manner others do them. In an Organization if there is a good trainer like holding good attitude, good communicating accomplishments, presentations accomplishments. A trainee will besides wish to follow or make the same manner in other word imitative the trainer. Therefore it will be a benefit for an organisation hence trainee will execute best in the hereafter. These types of scholars are really easy grip. When planning and design of larning events in an organisation they should name appropriate trainer for the preparation programme. Therefore trainees will actuate to larn by copying their trainer. The Learning theories offer certain utile propositions for the design of effectual preparation programmes. The person should be motivated to larn. The intent and benefits of a learning activity should be made clear, harmonizing to the person ‘s motivations or ends, wages, challenge, competency. Clear ends and aims should be set, so that each undertaking has some significance. This will assist trainee s in control procedure that leads to larn, supplying marks which public presentation will invariably be measured and adjusted. Each phase of larning should show a challenge, motive, without overloading trainees so that they lose assurance and the ability to absorb information of experience. Besides trainer can plan case-studies ; job resolution exercisings and so on prosecute the purposive procedure of larning. Coaching, mentoring and term acquisition activities engage societal earning. There should be feedback on public presentation and advancement in proper manner and on clip and it should non be hold. Active engagement in the acquisition experience in action acquisition or find acquisition is by and large more effectual than inactive response hence it enhances concentration and conditioning. There is a relationship between the clip spent in acquisition and the degree of competency attained. The acquisition curve is a graph demoing the relationship between clip and larning competency attained. The larning curve as follows, Degree of competency Standard curve Stepped curve Time The acquisition curve describes the advancement and variable gait of larning. It is common for people to state that they are ‘on a steep acquisition curve ‘ when they have to get a batch of new cognition or accomplishments in a short period of clip. The standard curve says that calling or scholar spent larning one thing for a long clip and does non better further. However in pattern this will depends on the design of the acquisition programme and the motive and aptitude of the scholar. The stepped curve says that calling or scholar exhausted tilting many things during the given preparation period of clip and which will better in farther. Stepped curve is common in instances where an single alterations occupations or work methods, or do the passage a non-managerial to a managerial place. However there are larning theories and larning manners available in order to plan the preparation programme, but the most of import portion is transportation of larning.Learner should able to reassign what he/she learnt in the preparation period. If the scholar can successfully reassign the cognition and accomplishments into practical undertaking that can specify as positive transportation. If the scholar is failed to reassign what he/she learnt from the preparation programme into the application of undertaking can be define as a negative transportation. If scholar is learnt something by copying others it will assist for the scholar to altering analyzing accomplishments or presentation accomplishments relevant to the practical applications. This another manner to mensurate how much success of the preparation programmes. As an employer it is really of import to supplying calling development for their employees. An Employer should aware about the preparation programme hence the programme may be expensive or takes clip. Therefore to supply an effectual preparation for the scholars employer should choose the appropriate preparation methods which is up to day of the month and relevant to the application undertaking. Besides before design the preparation programme employer should acquire clear image about scholars, hence people are come from different background so hence their rational capacity and absorbs the cognition degree may different. In order to establish on their behavior, larning capacity the preparation programme should be variable.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Describe the qualities in the young Beowulf and later in Wiglaf, that make them stand out as warrior heroes

Beowulf's sea journey and arrival into Denmark is expressed with potent dramatic splendour and magnitude. The immediate realisation of our being introduced to a character of great consequence is shared by the Shieldings' watchman and highlighted with Heaney's colourful adjectives and powerful imagery. Before Beowulf has even spoken or been addressed, we have heard that ‘there was no one else like him alive / In his day he was the mightiest man on earth high-born and powerful. ‘ Travelling on a boat ‘loaded' with ‘a cargo of weapons' and ‘shining war-gear' is indicative of a feat these men are about to undertake. When the watchman witnesses their arrival, he is astonished most by Beowulf's physical appearance: ‘Nor have I seen a mightier man at arms on this earth'. Throughout the poem this is a recurring theme as we are delivered countless images of his physical strength including his ‘handgrip' ‘harder' than that of ‘any man on the face of the earth' when in battle with Grendel and his use of the sword ‘ so huge and heavy of itself only Beowulf could wield it in battle' during his combat with Grendel's mother. Such repetition of course was a key feature in the oral tradition of Anglo-Saxon poetry to establish their important attitudes and values, and Heaney has ensured this is maintained in his translation. We cannot however, award the young warrior heroic status merely as a result of his overwhelming brute strength, both by modern standards and more importantly those of the Anglo-Saxons, there were numerous other qualities required to fulfil this role. The Germanic heroic-code went a long way to defining the system of valuing and honouring its peoples including warriors, kings and ordinary citizens. For a man to be considered a warrior he must obey the code and to be classed as a heroic-warrior ought to exceed its expectations. As mentioned above, strength most certainly was present within this code, along with courage, loyalty and reputation. When the young Beowulf and Wiglaf are examined according to the code, their behaviours as described to us by the poet and as validated by other characters within the epic, confirm that they clearly adhere to its requirements. The importance of reputation is closely linked with that of lineage, few characters are described without reference to their fathers or their ancestors, when Beowulf introduces himself to Hrothgar he says ‘I am Hygelac's kinsman'. In order that he may be permitted to enter Hrothgar's kingdom and embark upon the task of restoring peace and order within Denmark, he must be accepted by the king ‘my one request is that you won't refuse me'. This form of introduction is echoed later when the young Wiglaf is described as ‘a son of Weohstan's' ‘well regarded' and ‘related to Aelfhere'. In terms of personal reputation, we understand that Beowulf has already established an element of fame within Geatland when he relays to the king: ‘I have suffered extremes and avenged the Geats' his modesty is apparent as he resists the need to elaborate on his acts of heroism confining himself only to convey the essential details. He only begins to boast of his accomplishments in a swimming contest against Breca when Unferth questions his motives for participating. Unferth is presented as a foil to the heroic Beowulf, the poet informs us that he is ‘sick with envy' but his own bitterness and inferiority is exposed and Beowulf's virtues accentuated as the latter is able to articulate an intelligent and composed response: ‘it was mostly beer that was doing the talking' ‘I was the strongest swimmer of all'. Again Heaney encompasses powerful adjectives, ‘perishing', ‘deep boiled', ‘mangled' into Beowulf's speech, closely adhering to the traits of Anglo-Saxon poetry and successfully winning over the reader and ensuring ‘the crowd was happy'. Where Beowulf has established and proceeds to heighten his fame, we see the young Wiglaf at the beginning of his journey to achieve the same. It is impossible to overlook his role in the execution of the dragon and in such a feat we can draw parallels with the young warrior Beowulf. Equally as important as strength and reputation in the heroic code is loyalty which is highly evident in both our young warriors. Of course it his loyalty to Hrothgar that brings Beowulf to Denmark to engage in battle with Grendel and in part a repayment for a debt once settled by the king for Beowulf's father, having ‘healed the feud by paying'. Wiglaf could almost be considered an epitome of allegiance when we later see Beowulf entering into combat with the dragon, taking with him eleven of his assumed most faithful and greatest warriors and only Wiglaf remains by his lord's side whilst the others, ‘that hand picked troop broke ranks and ran for their lives'. Wiglaf's entrance is reminiscent of that of Beowulf as Heaney uses a powerfully emotive introduction: ‘But within one heart sorrow welled up: in a man of worth the claims of kinship cannot be denied'. Wiglaf has an acute understanding of loyalty being imperative to the heroic code, when he rebukes Beowulf's men who fled from battle he affirms that they have ‘disgraced' themselves and that ‘A warrior will sooner die than live a life of shame. ‘ Such devotion could only be demonstrated by one who was equally courageous, Wiglaf was willing to sacrifice his own life for his lord and their peoples and of course, this is the exact behaviour which earned Beowulf his worthy right to the throne and his sound reputation. Recognition of the young warriors' heroic deeds and attitudes is not limited to the poet and the modern day reader or Anglo-Saxon listener, the poet assures us that Beowulf was rewarded for his actions, ‘furnished' with ‘twelve treasures' ‘gold regalia' and many other gifts by the king. However, it is important to consider heroism as being subjective and that it should be measured within its context both in terms of history and religion. Whilst Pagan beliefs would have viewed the vengeful and murderous nature of the heroes necessary to conform to the heroic code, such behaviour severely contravenes the principles of Christianity. We must also understand that Beowulf as with all the warriors illustrated within the poem, were human and thus fallible, their being at the mercy of God's will or fate. We must also reserve judgement for the young Wiglaf as we have yet to see him in battle alone and whilst the limited behaviours we do observe in him are commendable, we cannot assess him in the same way as Beowulf whose character has been developed to a much greater extent within the poem.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


|LEVEL: MBA & PGDBM | |REGION: NORTH-WESTERN | | | |STATE: HARYANA | | |Name & Address of the Institutions |Course(s) |Revised Approved |Period of Approval | | | | |Intake | | |1 |431/HR-13/ET-MBA/99 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. 2002-2005 | | | | | | | | |AMITY BUSINESS SCHOOL, | | | | | |AMITY EDUCATION VALLEY,PANCHGAON | | | | | |GURGAON, HARYANA. | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1999 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | |2 |431/HR-12/MCP-APR(M)/96 |MBA-FULL TIME |45. |2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |ANUPAMA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, | | | | | |BHORAKALAN, PATAUDI ROAD, | | | | | |NEAR BILASPUR CHOWK ON NH-8, | | | | | |GURGAON – 122413 | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1996 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | |3 |431/HR-03/MCP-APR(M)/97 |MBA (AGRI. )-FULL TIME |30. 2002-2005 | | | | | | | | |CCS HARYANA AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY, | | | | | |DEPT OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT COLL. OF | | | | | |AGRICULTURE, | | | | | |HISAR – 125 004. | | | | | |HARYANA. | | | | | | | | | | |UNIV | | | | | |1997 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Name & Address of the Institutions |Course(s) |Revised Approved |Period of Approval | | | | |Intake | |4 |431/HR-06/MCP-APR(M)/96 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. |2002-2005 | | | | | | | | |D. A. V. INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES,| | | | | |D. A. V. CENTENARY COLLEGE,NH-3,N. I. T. , | | | | | |NEAR E. S. I. HOSPITAL, | | | | | |FARIDABAD – 121 001. | | | | |HARYANA | | | | | | | | | | | |Autonomous | | | | | |1997 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | |5 |PG/MBA/HRY/2004/02 |MBA-FT |60. |2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |DRONACHARYA INSTITUTE OF MGT. & TECH. | | | | | |5 KM STONE ON KURUKSHETRA DHAND | | | | | |ROAD,KURUKSHETRA, | | | | | |HARYANA – 136118 | | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | |2004 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | |6 |431/HR-04/ET-MBA/99 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. |2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |GURU GOBIND SINGH INSTITUTE OF TECH. &| | | | | |MANAGEMENT | | | | | |YAMUNANAGAR – 135 001. HARYANA. | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1999 | | | | | | HARYANA | | | | |7 |431/HR-17/MCP-APR(M)/96 |MBA-Int. Mktg-FULL TIME |30. |2003-2005 | | | |MBA-Finance | | | | |GURU JAMBHESHWAR UNIVERSITY, |MBA-Marketing |30. |2003-2005 | | |HISAR – 125 001. HARYANA. | |30. 2003-2005 | | | | | | | | |UNIV | | | | | |1996 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | | |Name & Address of the Institutions |Course(s) |Revised Approved |Period of Approval | | | | |Intake | | |8 |431/16-06/MCP(M)/94 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. 2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |Hindu Institute of Management | | | | | |Sonepat – 131 001 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1994 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | |9 | |MBA-FULL TIME |60. |2003-2005 | | |INSTITUTE OF MGT. & TECH. TIGAON ROAD,| | | | | |NEAR SAI DHAM, | | | | | |FARIDABAD (HARYANA) | | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |2002 | | | | |HARYANA | | | | |10 |431/16-08/MCP(M)/95 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. |2003-2005 | | | | | | | | |Institute of Management & Technology, | | | | | |Subhadra Estate, Sector-25,Samaypur | | | | | |Rd. Ballabgarh, Haryana. | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1995 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | |11 |431/16-07/MCP(M)/95 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. |2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |K. N. Aggarwal Institute of Management | | | | | |R. K. Gupta Marg, P. O. NO. , Charkhi | | | | | |Dadri, – 127 306 Haryana | | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1995 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | |12 |431/16-03/MCP(M)/94 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. |2002-2005 | | | | | | | | |Kurukshetra Univeristy, | | | | | |Dept of Management, | | | | | |Kurukshetra – 132 119. | | | | | | | | | | |UNIV | | | | | |1994 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | | |Name & Address of the Institutions |Course(s) |Revised Approved |Period of Approval | | | | |Intake | | |13 |PG/MBA/HRY/2003/003 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. |2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |M. M. INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT | | | | | |M. M. EDUCATION COMPLEX MULLANA, | | | | | |MULLANA DIST. AMBALA , HARYANA – | | | | | |133203 | | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | |2003 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | |14 |431/HR-10/MCP-APR(M)/97 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. |2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |MAHARAJA AGRASEN INST OF MANAGEMENT | | | | | |STUDIES & RES | | | | | |AGRASEN CHOWK, OLD SHARANPUR ROAD, | | | | | |JAGADHIRI – 135 003. HARYANA | | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1997 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | |15 |6250/AIB-MS/XI/2000 |PGDBM-FULL TIME |120. 2004-2005 | | | |PGDBM-PART TIME | | | | |MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE, | |60. |2004-2005 | | |MEHRAULI ROAD, SUKHRALI, GURGAON | | | | | |SUKHRALI, POST BOX NO. 60, GURGAON-122 | | | | | |001, HARAYANA | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |2000 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Name & Address of the Institutions |Course(s) |Revised Approved |Period of Approval | | | | |Intake | | |16 |431/HR-04/MCP-APR(M)/96 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. 2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |MRDAV INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMET STUDIES, | | | | | |ST. MARY VIDYA BHARTI EDUATION | | | | | |COMPLEX,HASSANGARH, JIND BY PASS | | | | | |CHOWK, DIST. ROHTAK-121004 | | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | |1996 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | |17 |431/16-01/MCP(M)/94 |MBA -FULL TIME |90. |2003-2005 | | | |MBA-PART TIME |40. |2003-2005 | | |Maharishi Dayanand Univer sity, | | | | | |Institute of Management Studies & | | | | | |Res. , | | | | | |Rohtak – 124 001. | | | | | | | | | | |UNIV | | | | | |1995 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | |18 |HR-02/MAP-MBA/2K |MBA-FULL TIME |60. 2002-2005 | | | | | | | | |NATIOANL INSTITUTE OF FINANCIAL | | | | | |MANAGEMENT | | | | | |SECTOR 48, PALI ROAD, (NEAR BADKHAL | | | | | |LAKE), FARIDABAD-121001 | | | | | | | | | | | |GOVT. | | | | | |2001 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | |19 |HR-04/MAP-MBA/2K |MBA-FULL TIME |60. 2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |NATIONAL POWER TRAINING INSTITUTE, | | | | | |(UNDER THE MINISTRY OF POWER, GOVT OF | | | | | |INDIA) NPTI COMPLEX, SECTOR 33, | | | | | |FARIDABAD-121 003 (HARYANA) | | | | | | | | | | | |GOVT | | | | | |2001 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | | |Name & Address of the Institutions |Course(s) |Revised Approved |Period of Approval | | | | |Intake | | |20 |431/HR-13/MCP-APR(M)/96 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. |2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |SHRI ATMANAND JAIN INST OF MANAGEMENT | | | | | |& TECHN OLOGY | | | | | |JAIN COLLEGE ROAD, | | | | | |AMBALA CITY – 134 002. | | | | |HARYANA | | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1996 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | |21 |431/16-05/MCP(M)/94 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. |2004-2007 | | | | | | | | |Sri Baba Mastnath Inst. of Mgt. & Res. | | | | |Asthal Bohar, Rohtak, Haryana | | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1995 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | |22 |431/HR-16/ET-MBA/99 |MBA-FULL TIME |40. 2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF TEXTILE & | | | | | |SCIENCES, | | | | | |POST BOX NO. 23, | | | | | |BIRLA COLONY, | | | | | |DIST. BHIWANI-127021 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1999 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | |23 |431/HR-15/ET-MBA/99 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. |2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |TILAK RAJ CHADHA INST OF MGT & TECH. , | | | | | |MUKUND LALL, COLLEGE DUCATIONAL | | | | | |COMPLEX, YAMUNANGAR – 135 001. HARYANA| | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1999 | | | | | |HARYANA | | | | |LEVEL: MBA & PGDBM | |REGION: NORTH-WESTERN | | | |STATE: JAMMU & KASHMIR | |Name & Address of the Institutions |Course(s) |Revised Approved |Period of Approval | | | | |Intake | | |1 |431/JK-04/MCP-APR(M)/96 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. |2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, | | | | | |PURKHOO CAMP,DOMANA, REHARI CHUNGI, B. C. | | | | | |ROAD,JAMMU TAWI – 181 206. JAMMU & | | | | | |KASHMIR | | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1997 | | | | | |JAMMU & KASHMIR | | | | |2 |431/JK-03/MCP-APR(M)/96 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. |2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |PRIYADARSHINI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & | | | | | |SCIENCE (PIMS),SECTOR-2A, EXT. TRIKUTA | | | | | |NAGAR, JAMMU & KASHMIR- 180012 | | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1996 | | | | | |JAMMU & KASHMIR | | | | |3 |431/18-1/MCP(M)/94 |MBA-FULL TIME |30. 2003-2005 | | | | | | | | |University of Jammu, | | | | | |Department of Management Studies, Bahu | | | | | |Wali Rakh, New Campus, Jammu (Tawi) -180 | | | | | |004 | | | | | | | | | | | |UNIV | | | | | |1994 | | | | | |JAMMU & KASHMIR | | | | LEVEL: MBA & PGDBM | |REGION: NORTH-WESTERN | | | |STATE: DELHI | | |Name & Address of the Institutions |Course(s) |Revised Approved |Period of Approval | | | | |Intake | | |1 |431/15-3/MCP(M)/94-DL-02/MCP-APR(M)/96 |PGDBM-FULL TIME |120. |2004-2005 | | | |PGDBM-PART TIME | | | | |APEEJAY SCHOOL OF MARKETING, | |60. 2004-2005 | | |SECTOR-8, DWARKA INSTITUTIONAL AREA, | | | | | |PAPANKALAN, NEW DELHI-110 045 | | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1995 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | |2 |431/DL-21/MCP-APR(M)/96 |PGDBM-FULL TIME |120. |2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |ASIA PACIFIC INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, | | | | | |330-A MADANPUR KHADAR, OPP. POCKET-E, | | | | | |SARITA VIHAR,NEW DELHI – 110 044. | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1996 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | |3 |431/15-01/MCP(M)/94 |MBA-FULL TIME |120. |2003-2005 | | | |MPM-FULL TIME |60. |2003-2005 | | |B. V. Institute of Mgt. & Res. |MCM-FULL TIME |60. |2003-2005 | | |A-4, Paschim Vihar, |MMS-PART TIME |60. |2003-2005 | | |Rohtak Road, | | | | | |New Delhi – 110 063. | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1994 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Name & Address of the Institutions |Course(s) |Revised Approved |Period of Approval | | | | |Intake | | |4 |DE L-07/ET-MBA/2000 |MBA –FULL TIME |40. 2003-2005 | | | |MBA-PART TIME |40. |2003-2005 | | |BHAI PARMANAND INST. OF BUSINESS | | | | | |STANDARDS, SHAKARPUR, | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | | | | | | | | |GOVT. | | | | |2001 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | |5 |431/15-4/MCP(M)/93 |PGDBM-FULL TIME |120. |2004-2005 | | | |PGDBM-PART TIME |60. |2004-2005 | | |Birla Inst. of Mgt. & Tech, | | | | | |Birla Vidya Niketan Building, Sector -IV,| | | | | |Pushpa Vihar, | | | | | |New Delhi – 110 017. | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1995 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | |6 |431/15-11/MCP(M)/94 |PGDM -D. EDU. |1500. |2004-2005 | | | |PGDITM-D. EDU. |750. |2004-2005 | | |Centre for Management Education, AIMA | | | | | |All India Management Association House, | | | | | |Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003. | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1994 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | |7 |DL-10/ET-MBA/99 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. |2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |DELHI INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED STUDIES, | | | | | |PLOT NO. 6, SECTOR- 25, ROHINI NEW DELHI | | | | | |- 110 085. | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1999 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Name & Address of the Institutions |Course(s) |Revised Approved |Period of Approval | | | | |Intake | | |8 |PG/MBA/DEL/2004/06 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. |2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |DELHI SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES & | | | | | |RES. | | | | | |PLOT NO. , SECTOR-25, PSP FACILITIES, | | | | | |PHASE III, ROHINI, | | | | | |NEW DELHI – 110085 | | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |2004 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | |9 |431/15-10/MCP(M)/94 |PGDBM-FULL TIME |45. |2004-2005 | | | |PGDBM-PART TIME | | | | |DPC-Inst. of Mgt. Science & Productivity | |45. |2004-2005 | | |Res. , | | | | | |1-E/10, Jhandewalan Extension, New Delhi | | | | | |- 110055. | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1994 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | |10 |431/15-21/MCP(M)/95 |PGDBM-FULL TIME |120. |2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |Entrepreneurship & Manage ment Process | | | | | |International, CSKM Aipeccs Edu. Complex | | | | | |Satbari, Mehrauli, | | | | | |New Delhi – 110 030 | | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1995 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | |11 |431/15-5/MCP(M)/94 |PGDBM-FULL TIME |150. |2004-2006 | | | |PGDBM-PART TIME | | | | |Fore School of Management, | |60. |2004-2005 | | |B-18, Qutab Institution Area ,Saheed Jit | | | | | |Singh Marg, New Delhi – 110 016. | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1995 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | | |Name & Address of the Institutions |Course(s) |Revised Approved |Period of Approval | | | | |Intake | | |12 |431/15-22/MCP(M)/95 |PGDBM-FULL TIME |120. 2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |Fortune Institute of International | | | | | |Business, | | | | | |Krishna Farm, Bijawasan, Nazafgarh Road, | | | | | |New Delhi – 110 061 | | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1995 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | |13 |PG/MBA/DEL/2004/03 |MBA-FT |60. |2004-2005 | | | | | | | |GITARATTAN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL,| | | | | |PSP COMPLEX-II, MADHUBAN C HOWK, | | | | | |ROHINI, NEW DELHI 110085 | | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |2004 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | |14 |431/DL-17/MCP-APR(M)/96 |PGDBM-FULL TIME |60. |2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |GURU NANAK INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, | | | | | |GURU HARKISHAN PUBLIC SCHOOL, | | | | | |ROAD NO. 75, GHPS COMPLEX, PUNJABI BAGH, | | | | | |NEW DELHI – 110 026. | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1996 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | |15 |431/DL-12/MCP-APR(M)/97 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. |2002-2005 | | | | | | | |HAMDARD INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, | | | | | |TRAINING | | | | | |& RESEARCH, | | | | | |HAMDARD NAGAR, | | | | | |New Delhi – 110 062. | | | | | | | | | | |UNIV | | | | | |1998 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | |Name & Address of the Institutions |Course(s) |Revised Approved |Period of Approval | | | | |Intake | | |16 |DL-06/MAP-MBA/2K OR 431/15-13/MCP(M)/94 |MBA-(INTERNATIONAL |60. |2003-2005 | | | |BUSINESS)-FULL TIME | | | | |INDIAN INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE |MPIB-PA RT TIME | | | | |B-21,QUTAB INSTITUTIONAL AREA, | |60. 2003-2004 | | |DELHI-110 016 | | | | | | | | | | | |GOVT. | | | | | |2001 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | |17 |DL-10/(MBA)/MCP/20 |MBA-FULL TIME |60. 2002-2005 | | | | | | | | |INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, | | | | | |KASHMERE GATE, DELHI-110 006 | | | | | | | | | | | |UNIV | | | | | |2000 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | |18 |431/NW-02/MCP-APR(M)/95 |MBA-DIS. EDU |250. |2003-2004 | | | | | | | | |INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS ADMN. & MANAGEMENT,| | |(show cause issued 2004-05) | | |DARYAGANJ, NEW DELHI – 110 002. | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1997 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | |19 |431/NW-38/MCP-APR(M)/96 |PGDBM-FULL TIME |35. |2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CENTRE, | | | | | |B-48, SOUTH EXTENSION PART – I, NEW DELHI| | | | | |- 110 049. | | | | | | | | | | |PNG | | | | | |1996 | | | | | |NEW DELHI | | | | |20 |431/15-18/MCP(M)/95 |PGDBF-(D. EDU. ) |250. 2004-2005 | | | | | | | | |Indian Institute o f Finance, | | | | | |Post Box 8486, Ashok Vihar, Delhi – 110 | | | | | |052 | | | | | | |