Saturday, August 10, 2019

Promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Promotion - Essay Example Concerning the placement of the advertisement, the Australian laws prohibit any kind of deception in an advertisement and the Advertisement Standards Bureau (ASB) is tasked with ensuring compliance. In addition, any advertisement viewed as untruthful or dishonest or one that deceitfully targets children is not allowed (ASB p.2). As for ‘Tastie’, no falsehood shall be witnessed because the ingredients shall be the ones placed on the advertisement cover. Secondly, it shall not feature any child to avoid misinterpretation. Instead, the tagline of â€Å"Australia’s best chocolate pop for all† shall be used to imply the suitability of the products across all age group. This advertisement will be placed on family magazines- Offspring and The Australian family to be precise reason being that these are very popular and the fact that the content printed is mainly family-related. Additionally, the major newspapers like Herald sun, Courier mail and the Daily telegraph shall also be used as platforms due to the high demand. For the TV, the advertisement will be aired on ABC due to the high viewership and this will happen during the night sport news. The importance of placing it at this time is to capitalize on the audience, which is quite high at this time. Concerning the budget, the ABC’s cost is around AUD$ 1000 for 30 seconds at the prime time. It will be placed 3 times a week. As for the newspaper, the will appear daily on the back pages to lower the cost while on the magazines will be once a month. In total, the budget is expected to be around AUD $ 4000 weekly and the projected sales from these advertisements are expected to bring in twice a s much. With internet having advanced a notch higher in this century, social networking sites shall play a significant role in popularizing this product. Firstly, in the Australian advertising laws, any product, which implies or encourages promotion, is regarded as

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