Thursday, August 8, 2019

Philosophy Reflective Writing Assignment (Five questions, Five Research Paper

Philosophy Reflective Writing Assignment (Five questions, Five Resposes for each, 500 words for each response - Research Paper Example I did not have to stay up so late and it certainly was not in my best interest; however I still chose the course of action. However, once you make that decision you are responsible for whatever happens as a result of that action or behavior. The idea that mankind has no free will is overall, both, frightening and dangerous perspective. If people are guided by a hand of fate and destiny then no matter what actions you take in the end you will always find yourself exactly where you were always going to be. In other words your actions are irrelevant, what will be, will be, regardless of one’s efforts or goals. This could easily breed generations of laziness. Why bother to try when it will all turn out the same no matter what we do. It, also, speaks to a lack of responsibility and accountability in our actions. In determinism for example, our decision are not really our own. We choose the only way we can give the choices before us. In other words, when a man kills another, the mur derer is not rally responsible; he had no choice but to as he did. No one would ever be held truly accountable for their actions (Greenstreet 1).We make choices, everyday, on subjects both simple and grand, and we are responsible for those decisions and their outcomes. ... What, biological imperative are we justifying in these cases. If they are not responsible for their actions then how can we detain them or isolate them from the population. Many pedophiles admit that they know that their desire for children is not right, but blame their natural inclination as outside their control. But, they know the laws and ethics, yet they choose to continue to do hurtful and harmful things to chidden. Anything but free will releases them of that responsibility and that is not a worthwhile world to create or participate in. In the question it asks if it is a fair trade to exchange free will for paradise or have free will knowing bad things may happen as a result. Whether something is good or bad is relative to those involved. The cat failing to catch the mouse perceives this outcome as bad, while the mouse thinks of it as pretty good. So every action, behavior, and choice has the potential to have good and bad results, regardless of intention or purpose, to differ ent people all at the same time. (final word count 572) Response 2 First and foremost, it is never going to be okay to sacrifice, lose, or in some way, cost the lives of others. In most cases those situations result not in if the decision is right, or good, but on how it rates on a scale as â€Å"lesser of two evils.† The alternative to that choice was much, much worse. However, when asked is it acceptable to allow the loss of one life in order to save the lives of 1000s? Yes, honestly, it is something that happens every day, usually voluntarily (Rosenstand). Many heroes, rescuers, and brave individuals have sacrificed themselves to save others. Assassination as a viable practice of resolving problems carries a whole other set of issues involving the taking of lives. However,

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