Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sustainability Report on Recyclable Waste

Sustainability Report 1. Introduction This study base on human and environment, focal point on the trash and recycling in Auckland, speaking about the rubbish job formation, current state of affairs, job with apprehension and analysis severally, and above this, some thoughts and suggestions put frontward to sustainability operation. Through the analysis on current state of affairs and countermeasures of trash, in order to alarm people pay great attending to the scientific trash recycling. 2. Background With the rapid development of societal economic system in Auckland, great alterations have taken topographic point in society and the life of occupants, big sum of industrial and commercial merchandises rush into Auckland ingestion market, enter 1000s of families, during populating criterion has been improved at the same clip, waste besides increased twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours, â€Å"Only in 2013 waste on norm about 800kg per individual of industrial, commercial and households waste is sent to landfill that is a sum of about 1.2 million dozenss per twelvemonth. Two tierces of this can be recycled or composted† —Auckland City council. ( 2013 ) Get your trash Sorted 2013 More than natural environmental self-purification ability, waste accretion and bit by bit evolved into a immense job into populating life, impact and harm occupants wellness. On the other manus the depletion of the Earth ‘s resources and natural resources run out, there will necessarily come a twenty-four hours when population outstrips available resources, hence sustainability go more and more of import for our beautiful metropolis. 3. Reclaimable waste Reclaimable waste including paper, metal, plastic, glass, through the recycling, it cut down the pollution, saves the resources. â€Å"For every ton of paper recycled can be made of paper for 850 kgs, salvaging 300 kgs forests, 74 % less pollution ; Recycling 1 dozenss of fictile bottle can acquire 0.7 dozenss stuffs, preserves about 7,200 kWh of electricity ; Each 1 dozenss of Fe and steel can be refined as steel 0.9 dozenss, compared with the original cost nest eggs of 47 % , Reduces air pollution by 75 % , cut down H2O pollution and solid waste 97 % .† —Cactuslab.Zerowaste New Zealand. ( 2014 ) 4. Situation in commercial rubbish recycle Now with rapid development of economic system in Auckland, commercial waste become a of import portion of rubbish recycling, it has particular facts of big sum volume and high recycle frequence and more focussed reclaimable resource. Merely one normal nutrient town in Auckland can direct 300 kilogram waste composition board stopping point to 1 ton of general waste to rubbish cod topographic point every twenty-four hours. However some unsustainable pattern go on in most of commercial rubbish recycle. In Auckland commercial topographic point like nutrient town, fast nutrient shop, warehouse and supermarket they merely collect waste composition board as reclaimable resource and immense figure of other reclaimable resource like paper cups, plastic bottles, glass bottles and Cola tins etc. are treat as general trash, they are compacted with kitchen waste and other waste all together sent to landfill, two tierces of this are reclaimable resource, which is a immense waste. 5. Cause of this pattern The ground of this unsustainable pattern happen is community affect. how community non supplying a right thought of commercial trash recycling, the ground may as below. 5.1. Cardboard is the major reclaimable waste in commercial topographic point. 5.2. Cardboard is easy to roll up and easy to recycle. 5.3. Other reclaimable waste is non every bit much as composition board and difficult to screen. 5.4. Peoples lack of sustainability consciousness. 5.5. Lack of ordinance and attending from metropolis council. 5.6. Community merely provide unlifelike recycle bin, no other bins for other reclaimable resource. Auckland metropolis council concentrating on composition board recycling alternatively of all reclaimable resource affects community pay less attending in commercial trash recycling, this error affects dozenss of reclaimable resource wasted every twenty-four hours. If Auckland metropolis council could beef up direction in this country, the community will be wholly different on recycling reclaimable resource.What authorities is making better on families rubbish recyclingThere is large difference between families and commercial trash recycle Government is making better in family than commercial rubbish recycle, metropolis council provide bluish bin for reclaimable waste and ruddy bin for general waste and roll up them every hebdomad and completed ordinance system on family rubbish recycle and they will non function you or capital punish if person is making incorrect on rubbish recycling. so people has higher sustainability consciousness, every individual individual is mobilized on sust ainability, nevertheless in commercial rubbish recycle, people don’t truly care about it, they may believe it is merely a occupation no demand attention about it or they are excessively busy on working no clip to care about it or it merely says â€Å"put composition board in the bin† why should I blow my clip. These are perfectly incorrect thought, because of these incorrect ideas make godforsaken addition twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours and dozenss of reclaimable resource wasted. 7. The development to do it more sustainable. 7.1. Laws and ordinances system Complete the Torahs and ordinances on the direction of commercial rubbish recycle system. From basic to state people that it may offence the jurisprudence by wrong rubbish dumped or recycle. 7.2. Economic penalty A sensible economic penalty strength addition will alarm people and besides increase the capital investing on rubbish recycle. 7.3. Waste recycling discriminatory policy To promote Auckland occupants, people get reward to take part in rubbish recycling, rubbish aggregation and disposal work. Realization the mobilisation of every individual individual in Auckland. 7.4. Establish a right rubbish recycle construct sufficiently accurate of promotion helps people understand no affair who you are, where you are, what you do, the right rubbish recycle thought should be along with you. 7.5. Waste minimization Get downing from the beginning of waste, avoid waste coevals, cut down the waste. The Waste Minimisation Act 2008 advocator a decreased waste generate and disposal in New Zealand and aims to cut down injury of waste to the environment. 7.6. the classified aggregation and recycling Detail rubbish categorization, detail the rubbish sorting bins, to roll up more utile reclaimable resource. â€Å"In Japan, every town has its ain series of hipster refuse bags for specific classs of rubbish. My town has four ; others have more: Kamikatsu, in Shikoku, has 44.† —by Eryk Salvaggio. ( 2013 ) This Nipponese Life 8. Decision Earth resource is drying up, waste sum is increasing, non merely affects the economical development of Auckland, but besides the whole universe. Reduce and command the waste on the environment pollution is a manner of sustainability that Auckland metropolis must travel. We must better the supervising and direction system, develop more advanced rubbish disposal engineering, walk on the route of sustainability, combine environmental protection and economical development in the coordination, with the government’s supervising and strong support and a positive response from Auckland occupants, environment quality can be improved. The relationship between homo and the environment is so close, environment pollution can non be ignored, the rubbish recycling should non be underestimated, waste is a misplaced resource, turn it into hoarded wealth, for our zero waste sustainable universe. 9. Mentions: Auckland City Council. ( 2013 ) Get your trash Sorted 2013. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Cactuslab. ( 2014 ) Zerowaste New Zealand. ( 2014 ) .Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Mfe. ( 2013 ) The New Zealand Waste Strategy. ( 2013 ) .Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // NZ.GOVT ( 2008 ) Waste Minimisation Act 2008.Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Eryk Salvaggio. ( 2013 ) This Nipponese Life.Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // % E5 % B1 % 91 % E9 % 81 % B8 % E5 % 88 % A5/

Friday, August 30, 2019

Power Politics Essay

â€Å"†¦what is happening to India today is not a problem†¦the issues †¦are not canses. They are huge political and social upheaval that are convulsing the nation. †   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Those are the exact words that Roy (24) had used to describe what is happening to the world that is beyond the realm of common human understanding: globalization led on and operated by â€Å"experts†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And just how will a common human understand when every time they try to, at the end of the day, they are relegated to being â€Å"just a citizen† who are, to experts, are â€Å"too emotional† and just lack the ability to eventually understand when explained to (if the experts even try to do the explaining part).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is the phenomenon characterized by experts who have acquired technical knowledge on certain matters take the matter into their own hands—not wanting to be questioned or contradicted and seemingly not encouraged to do their tasks with sympathy. They believe that they have all it takes to do it all, and be all, for all. The usual behavior of an arrogant little child who thinks he knows all he needs to know and thus scoffs at any questioning remarks on how he does his tasks, sneers at any suggestion or idea unlike his own, or flares up at any tap on his shoulder that gently reminds him that he is not of possession of every knowledge yet; a kind of behavior that is often times not tolerated.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And that is what needed to be done. This arrogance should be broken down. And this could not be accomplished by mere taps on the shoulder anymore. A sterner reminder is needed; a reminder that even the too emotional and comprehension-challenged common citizen still has a say on how he lives his life—or at the very least, has the natural right to be made to understand.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Therefore, the author urges the humanity to speak, and speak loud, now or forever be made to hold their peace. Works Cited Roy, Arundhati. Power Politics (year of publication). 24-33.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Change Management and Oxfam Scandal for Work-

Established by the Oxfam family, Oxfam International is one of the most reputed charitable organizations in United Kingdom (Oxfam International | The power of people against poverty). However, February 2018 turned out to be the black letter day for the organization. There was massive media furore against Oxfam aid workers who were found to be guilty of using sex workers during their fieldwork in Haiti. The former director of Operations, Roland Van Hauwermeiren was reported to have sex workers in his villa that was rented for the purpose of charity. The chief executive officer of Oxfam, Mark Golring extended his apology and condemned the depraved behaviour of his employees. The President of Haiti, Jovenel Moise was extremely critical of the incident and it termed it as gross violation of human dignity. This paper examines the Oxfam sex scandal and contextualizes it within the broader discourse of humanitarian work. It uses the framework of ADKAR change management to recommend changes concludes my views on the impact of the proposed changes. The Reports of 2011 against the infamous Oxfam sex scandal might be appalling ad repulsive for people all over but it is rooted in the broader context of the discourse of humanitarian work that has swept across the world. The charitable organizations and aid workers manifest white man’s’ burden in performance of their duties. The white colonial mentality of the white man being a savior of the distressed third-world population is the banal representation of humanitarian work (Easterly). An illustration of this would be the exploitative images of children deployed by these philanthropic organizations in their banners and posters. This further reinforces stereotypes about the nations in the global south and justifies the endeavour of colonial encroachment through humanitarian in these parts of the world. Tropical neurasthasia, identified as a condition emerging from the onerous nature of fieldwork in the humid climate and deprivation from the requisite leisure in life. The refore, it was argued that sex with the native was a respite from the demanding work schedule (Kempadoo). This kind of an understanding embedded in the colonial ideology shifted the burden on the victims and external factors rather than shaming the perpetrators. This underscores on the confluence between masculinity and racial superiority that have informed the contemporary state of humanitarian work. The mainstream representation of the Haiti incident is conflated with problems. The under-age victims were labelled as child prostitutes instead of labelling the white aid workers as sexual offenders for having sex with underage girls. Blaming the women in the countries of Haiti, Chad, Liberia amongst others amounts to a myopic understanding about the magnitude of the issue (Aid charities ordered to improve standards following Oxfam scandal). For women deprived of basic amenities in conflict prone zones, any opportunity to earn their food becomes an imperative. Therefore, this is a tra p for these women and an opportunity to purchase pleasure by the aid workers in the guise of social work. Instead of gaining a deeper insight into the ordeals and lifeworld of these women and not busting the unequal, exploitative network of relationship that is emerging, there is a bird’s eye view of the situation (Haiti suspends Oxfam GB operations). People all over the world are conditioned to believe that these influential organizations are operating on a moral vacuum. The recent media outrage and uproar from the public is more about the money of the British taxpayers going to waste rather than addressing the genuine cause of the victims (Hornstein). Earlier, there has been a spate of sex scandals that emerged in the limelight but those were short-lived, thus highlighting the biased, unfair and vested interests of the civil society and the British citizens. Following the shameful incident, Oxfam has lost 7, 000 donors who have till now provided patronage to the organizations (Elgot and Karen). Golring has been worried about such a consequence and talked about how corporate donors are scrutinizing the incident to make their next decision. A report based on internal investigation compiled on 2011 found that seven employees have left the organization in the light of the scandal. Former country director of Oxfam, Hauwermeiren has resigned following his involvement in the sex abuse scandal and four staff members have been ordered to leave the organization. The internal inquiry unveiled that the witness to the incident have been threatened physically by three men who have been identified as abusers. Oxfam has been used of covering-up the incident. Since the spread of the news, 26 allegations of misconduct reports have emerged, out of which 16 incidents are associated with the international missions. The analysis of the Oxfam incident has led me to adopt the ADKAR model of change management. This model is premised on a bottom-up approach that emphasizes on the individuals behind the change (Artman, Knut and Eric Jonsson). This model is befitting to the concerned situation as it involves all the stakeholders in the organization to be a part of the change through creating awareness among the employees about the motivation to change (Cameron and Mike). This should be done bringing together the different employees in the organizational hierarchy together and discuss with them the ways change will be implemented. In this case, weekly gender sensitization workshops and verbal feedbacks through discussion is a pragmatic step. The second step would be to inspire the members of the organization to remain committed to these proposed changes by continuously making them aware the inhumanness of exploiting the countries they are working. The knowledge step according to the ADKAR model will be utilized in this case by setting up an external committee who would keep a tab on the activities the employees and through an in-house counsellor. The multiple methods of the ADKAR model will enable me to come up different methods to address the issue based on the nature and intensity of the issues (Hayes). Accountability and checks-and-balance approach among the vertical and horizontal organizational hierarchy needs to be ensure with the aim to foster a more egalitarian and just organization. There is a need to protect the whistleblowers so that they feel emboldened to speak out about any misconduct violation within the organization. I would expect the Oxfam family to continuously meet with the employees and not solely depend on the chief executive and other authorities to carry out the task. I would exhort the Oxfam family to have conversations with the different employees to understand their concerns and at the same time to change the centralized authority in the organizational structure. The change would be initiated from April 5, 2018 and would continue for a period of three months followed by the valuation of the proposed change model. The Oxfam scandal has shook the world but such incidents are not new. In fact, these are located in the larger discourse of the white colonial worldview towards the poor, developing nations. They operate with the view that it is justified to engage in such frivolous activities due to their exacting nature of work. However, such an attitude not just spoils the image of accompany but it further tarnishes the image of social work and humanitarian service. This was evident in the loss of patronage and blow on the reputation of Oxfam on a global platform. The recommended changes might not turn out to be successful during its first time implementation. However, the essence of the bottom-approach is an urgent need considering the attitude of the contemporary humanitarian organizations towards their aid-work in the nations of the global south. I strongly feel that an enhanced accountability, checks-and- balance, establishment of an external committee to review the behaviour of the employees and periodic conversations between the different levels of the hierarchy looks promising for ushering in the much-needed change in the framework of social and humanitarian work. Aid charities ordered to improve standards following Oxfam scandal".  the Guardian, 2018. Online. Internet. 1 Apr. 2018. . Available: Artman, Knut, and Eric Jonsson. "Managing Change in the Warehouse. a structured change management methodology when implementing a warehouse management system."Master Thesis in Technology Management  (2014). Cameron, Esther, and Mike Green.  Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers, 2015. Easterly, William.  The white man's burden: why the West's efforts to aid the rest have done so much ill and so little good. Tantor Media, 2017. Elgot, Jessica, and Karen McVeigh. "Oxfam loses 7,000 donors since sexual exploitation scandal".  the Guardian, 2018. Online. Internet. 1 Apr. 2018. . Available: Haiti suspends Oxfam GB operations".  BBC News, 2018. Online. Internet. 1 Apr. 2018. . Available: Hayes, John.  The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. Hornstein, Henry A. "The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity."International Journal of Project Management  33.2 (2015): 291-298. Kempadoo, Kamala. "The modern-day white (wo) man’s burden: Trends in anti-trafficking and anti-slavery campaigns."Journal of Human Trafficking  1.1 (2015): 8-20. "Oxfam International | The power of people against poverty"., 2018. Online. Internet. 1 Apr. 2018. . Available: .com is the leading essay writing service in Australia. We are committed to resolving students' all academic problems and help them acquire higher grades. 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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Civil Partnership Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Civil Partnership Act - Essay Example The Act is therefore a landmark legislation in elevating the legal status of same sex relationships to that close to heterosexual marriages. However, while it is undeniable that the Act is a step in the right direction, it is doubtful whether it can actually achieve the objective it was set out to fulfil - to eliminate the discrimination and injustice suffered by same sex relationships within society. Prior to the Civil Partnership Act 2004, same sex relationships in the United Kingdom simply do not have the legal status given to marriages. The Family Law Act 1996 under s 62 §1, for example, limits the definition of cohabitants to â€Å"a man or a woman living together as husband and wife.† The Local Government Act 1988 also provides a similar definition in defining same sex relationships as â€Å"pretended family relationships† under section 28, indicating a lack of recognition both from a legal and social point of view. As a result, same sex relationships have been discriminated

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Analysis of John Dewey's Ideas of Education Essay

Analysis of John Dewey's Ideas of Education - Essay Example Mostly, educational instructions have an established pedagogical method, and each student will react to it and grasp from it, depending upon one’s quality of experiences. So, the teaching curriculum needs to be designed taking into account and caring for the individual differences. Dewey writes, â€Å"The history of educational theory is marked by the opposition between the idea that education is a development from within and that it is formation from without; that it is based upon natural endowment and that education is a process of overcoming natural inclination and substituting in its place habits acquired under external pressure.†(1998, p.1) According to Dewey, education apart from being a private ambition and accomplishment has a broader social purpose, to shape oneself as an effective member of the democratic society.† Dewey argues that the one-way delivery style of authoritarian schooling does not provide a good model for life in a democratic society. Inste ad, students need educational experiences which enable them to become valued, equal, and responsible members of society.† (John Dewey†¦.) What is the theory? The theory is based on another man’s experience. The misunderstanding about Dewey is about his support for progressive education. According to Dewey, just by attacking the traditional education methods, one doesn’t become progressive. Freedom eulogized by votaries of progressive education is no solution. Structure and order are hallmarks of the learning method, and it must adhere to a clear theory of experience; the whims of teachers or students are of no consequence and they will not deliver goods expected of a good system of education. Dewey articulates a system of education on the basis of a theory of experience.  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Define and give examples of downwards, upwards and horizontal Essay

Define and give examples of downwards, upwards and horizontal organizational communication. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different forms of c - Essay Example Downward communication is the most studied form of communication in the business organization. As Downward communication is the most widespread form in organizations as those at the top have the facilities and status for instigating communication. They also have a greater require doing so and are definitely less inhibited about taking such action. at times written messages are issued by top executives to all levels of the organization. though this presents the kind of deformation that takes place when oral messages are sent down the line, employees are conditioned to believe that communications must come through their immediate supervisors. while they don't, employees quickly instigate to lose respect for the supervisors (Jeanette W. Gilsdorf; 1998). If you choose to communicate directly, there is the problem assuring that you do not alienate the layers between yourself and the person you are communicating with. You must also be careful of what you say so as not to countermand or cause confusion from what more immediate supervisors have said (Ferrell, March 10, 1998). Several writers, like Marshall McLuhan in The Medium Is the Massage, have explained how media influence the receiver's perceptions of the message. Douglas Brush asserts, "A ten-minute videotape of a chief executive officer announcing a new corporate policy imparts hundreds of times more information than an audiotape of that same message, which contains hundreds of times more information than a printed text of the message." (Brush, pp. 10-11). Downward communication moves from superior to subordinate, whether from the chairman to all employees of the company or from one superior to one subordinate. It is the main form of communication in corporations. More media carry more messages down the management chart than take them upward or horizontally combined. That is not to say that formal communications in the business organization are typically downward or even vertical. Most are horizontal. However most formal ones are downward, as one writer notes: "It is obvious that the bulk of communication in most organizations is downward--directing, instructing, explaining, and the like. The passing on of orders, policies, and plans is the backbone of managerial communication." (Jose R. Goris, Bobby C. Vaught, John D. Pettit Jr, 2000) Katz and Kahn list five purposes of downward communication: 1. Specific task directive: job instructions. 2. Information designed to produce understanding of the task and its relations to other organizational tasks: job rationale. 3. Information about organizational procedures and

Operation Management - Inventory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Operation Management - Inventory - Essay Example The top-level management formulates the strategy and modifies it over time, while the other department officers make tactical decisions to assist in executing the strategy. The term â€Å"waste† can be defined as anything used in production process other than the minimum amount of time, materials, tools, people, equipments, and space required to add value to the product or service (Focusing on the waste, 2006).Inventory is commonly regarded as one of the seven wastes of lean manufacturing. Inventory can be piled up at various stages of the production process such as, raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods as stock. Organizations often maintain much higher levels of inventory that what is required for the production of goods and services. On the other hand, the customers choose the Just-in-time (JIT) principle to purchase goods and services to fulfill their wants. Every piece of inventory held by the organization has a physical cost connected with it, which must be bore directly by the organization either from the cash balance or from borrowings that carries a rate of interest with it. The essential factor to be remembered in the business operation is that â€Å"cash is king†, and if too many things such as, inventory are tied up with the cash, it may not be available to the organization to use it in elsewhere in its business. Apart from the physical costs, the inventory also has some secondary or less obvious costs. Such costs include cost transportation and movement of inventory from place to another, cost of stores needed to hoard it, cost of containers to preserve it, cost of management for keeping track of it, cost of damage and losses occurring while transportation, cost of writing off materials in case became outdated, and also cost of insuring the inventory. Thus, there are many costs connected with inventory; some of them are more obvious while others are not as evident as others. These costs directly affect the profitability cutting down the profit margin. They cause increasing the organizations’ lead times as well its operating costs, which ultimately results in customer dissatisfaction that provokes them to take their business elsewhere. The essential factor that results in excess production is a mistrust of the organization’s suppliers, production process and even customers. Such suspicions causes the organization to always maintain a â€Å"comfort stock† to enhance a satisfactory buffering if the operations are not going in line with its plans; in fact, the plan often seems failing. When a comfortable stock is in effect, it provides a buffering against such problems that occur in the business, so that the problems fail to impact the operations that they would otherwise. These circumstances force the managers to ignore such issues associated with inventory considering them to be a matter of unimportance. However, these are all costing the organization money. For instance, the lev el of inventory can be exemplified as the sea; if the organization drops the level then it starts to expose the rocks below and have to take actions either to remove them or to reduce their size in order to continue a smooth sail on for the ship of production without getting sunk (Leanman, 2011). As Martin points out, the most

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Iraq War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Iraq War - Research Paper Example Without a doubt, the Iraq War was one of the more hotly-contested wars—many people arguing that this was the next Vietnam. Some eleven-thousand American lives later, it’s possible that some people would not agree. But the Iraq War, no matter how much precedent the U.S. had to invade, will always remain in the American mindset as a colossal financial drain. Here it will be attempted to: identify and describe the Iraq War; analyze the historical and contemporary causes of the Iraq war; analyze different historical interpretations of the Iraq war; and evaluate the positive and negative outcomes of the Iraq war. II. Identification and Description of the Iraq War The Iraq War was an armed conflict that took place beginning in Iraq in 2003. Although people now state that the Iraq War is technically over, there are still U.S. troops which are occupying Iraq. It was technically supposed to have ended a few years ago, but realistically, there are still American forces there, and there probably will be for some time to come. So, even though the war is technically designated as finished, it is still not finished—if that makes sense. There is no â€Å"over† for this war. The war began when President Bush acted (without Congressional authority) to unilaterally declare war on Iraq. According to Kelly (2001), â€Å"A huge controversy arose when President Bush sent troops into Iraq on March 19, 2003 claiming that the country led by Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction and aiding Al Qaeda operatives†¦[however,] time passed and no evidence of those weapons were found in Iraq†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pgh. 7). It was especially distressing to the American public to find out that there were, indeed, no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq. This angered much of the public and made many Americans feel like they were tricked into going into an armed conflict without all of the available evidence laid before them first. This was a major faux pas that continues to be rehashed in the media whenever people argue about whether or not the U.S. should have invaded Iraq; it will probably be a sore spot for years to come. III. Analysis of the Historical and Contemporary Causes of the Iraq War Historically speaking, the rationale that President Bush used for going to war with Iraq was the advent of 9/11. According to Hanson (2004), â€Å"[T]here is a direct connection between Iraq and our current war on terror†¦Whether or not one believes Iraq was involved at the planning in 9/11, there is proof that it had something to do with the first World Trade Center bombing, had intelligence meetings with†¦Al Qaeda [members], [and] tried to assassinate a former president of the United States†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pp. 245). Although 9/11 is traditionally associated with the main reasons for why Bush began his â€Å"war on terror,† another reason that many people feel he went to war with Iraq was to settle an old score with Saddam Hussein for having engaged in conflict with his father (Bush 41) in Operation Desert Storm. Many people feel that one of the sole reasons that Bush went to war with Iraq was so that he could feel vindicated on the behalf of his father. One of the contemporary causes of the Iraq War was also the fact that U.S. companies stood to make millions of dollars off of the war. Vice President Dick Cheney’s construction company Halliburton was called into Iraq for most of the reconstruction of the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Public Health Reform Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Public Health Reform - Research Paper Example The primary objective of the healthcare reforms is to render excellence and affordable medical attention to all the citizens of the U.S. (Kronenfeld & Kronenfeld, 2004). The public health reforms have been put underway. The government has come up with strategies and approaches to warrant that all citizens profit from the medical access. Previously, it was optional for anyone to buy healthcare insurance policy. But since the passage of the healthcare reform bill into law, all members of the public are required to purchase medical insurance policy. This process is referred to as the individual mandate. The government has placed a deadline by which all citizens should have purchased an insurance policy (Kronenfeld & Kronenfeld, 2004). The Affordable Care Act is a portion of the healthcare reform law that was put in place aimed at reducing the cost of healthcare. The act aims at expanding medical coverage to all citizens of the U.S at the lowest costs possible. The act has clauses that hold insurance of its clients. The act also avails citizens with options on whether to choose private health insurance or the public health insurance. Quality of healthcare at the lowest costs is also a major factor that was included in the act. This act advocates for healthcare equality throughout the United States. The act consists of two separate pieces of legislation. These include the Healthcare and Affordable Care Act and Education Reconciliation Act and the Patient Protection. The Healthcare and Education Reconciliation Act aims at educating the public on the best ways of staying a healthy life. The Act has initiated policies and programs that will ensure that citizens will be educated and informed on how to counter some disorders such as diabetes and cancer. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act aims at protecting the needs and rights of all patients, regardless of their social status (Kronenfeld & Kronenfeld, 2004). It has policies that aim at healthcare

Friday, August 23, 2019

Organizational Case Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Organizational Case Study - Assignment Example The transformation forces businesses to rethink their methods and offer new products or services in their stores. In the process, such businesses engage in downsizing. During the process of downsizing, Staples Inc reduced its outlet shops by 15%. This made the company realize reduced profits of 72% (Staples, 2013). The decrease in profits was due to charges of restructuring the company. Staples Inc is experiencing a considerable heat from the southern part where online retailing is flourishing. This forced the company to take more than 90% of its products to be sold online (Staples, 2013). Additionally, Staple Canada develops an innovation lab to test new services centered on small-business customers. The lab is piloting meeting rooms and rental office, a self-serve Banner Xpress machine used for printing, Starbucks coffee shop and technology-training center (Straus, 2013). The stores chosen for downsizing are more than 25,000 square feet though they could reach15,000 square feet. So me of the stores have leases which run out within a year. This gives Staple company time to close them at that time (Staples, 2013). Importance of Downsizing Downsizing helps in managing duplication of roles. It is easy to find more than two employees conducting a task that a single person could conduct. Downsizing assists in correcting such scenario (Staples, 2013). Downsizing is also good in clearing ghost workers who earn a salary without working. Secondly, the system allows an organization to recover from its financial crises. This is because the company can lessen operational costs by lessening proportion of employees. Downsizing also enables the managers to manage an organization properly because the organization is reduced in size (Staples, 2013). Additionally, the company can get rid of incompetent employees and hire employees who are willing to serve the company diligently (Straus, 2013). Human Resources Challenges Facing Staple Company Staple Company is not exactly sure of downsizing would achieve the needed purpose. This is because; the remaining employees would ask more payment due to overworking. Secondly, the employees who were sucked must be compensated. This means Staples Company would have to incur an extra cost thus increase its cost of operation. Downsizing is a source of poor morale, guilt and stress on retained employees. As a result, the employees are likely to reduce their productivity that may reduce the company’s output (Staples, 2013). The company experiences low level of productivity from its employee due insecurity of their jobs as a result of downsizing programme. Another challenge is lack of technological skills in their fields. Inadequacy and weakness due lack of basic education to cope with the changing technological and scientific development also contributes to the current problem. Another problem is lack of mechanism to create promotion opportunities amidst employees. This is due to a high number of employees that the organization hires. The company also loses some of its best employees to rival companies that offer best terms of employment and job security. The company is also unable to attract employees with technical talents. Most of employees shun the company due to its downsizing programme that requires it to reduce its employees. Furthermore, the company lacks good engineers or computer experts who can assist in distribution of its resources. To counter this problem, the company is going

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Reigniting Your Passion for God Essay Example for Free

Reigniting Your Passion for God Essay The creative force behind all great art, all great drama, all great music, all great architecture and all great writing is passion. Nothing great is ever accomplished in life without passion. Nothing great is ever sustained in life without passion. Passion is what energizes life. Passion makes the impossible possible. Passion gives you a reason to get up in the morning and go and say, I’m going to do something with my life today. Without passion life becomes boring. It becomes monotonous. It becomes routine. It becomes dull. God created you with the emotions to have passion in your life and He wants you to live a passionate life for Him. Passion is what mobilizes armies into action. Passion is what causes explorers to boldly go where no man’s gone before. Passion is what causes scientists to spend late night hours trying to find the cure to a dreaded disease. Passion is what takes a good athlete and turns him or her into a great athlete where they’re breaking records. You’ve got to have passion in your life. One day a man walks up to Jesus and he says, Lord, what’s the most important thing in the Bible? And you know what the Great Commandment is. We’ve talked about it many times. Jesus said, I want you to love God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength. Nothing matters more than that. That’s the number one thing in life. I want you to love Me passionately. Nothing else matters in life if you don’t love God with passion. God doesn’t want you to love Him half-heartedly. He wants you to love Him with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength. I love the paraphrase of that verse, Mark 11:30, from The Message Jesus said, ’Love the Lord God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence and energy. Circle the word passion. That word, in Greek, is the word heart. God is saying I want you to put some muscle into it, put some energy, put some emotion into your relationship with Me. Don’t be a wimp about your relationship with Me. Don’t be namby-pamby. Don’t be half-hearted. Give it all you’ve got. Jesus is saying, If you’re going to follow Me, you’ve got to go it with passion. You’ve got to give it some oomph, some spark, some zip, some enthusiasm, some zest. In other words I want you to live your life with me passionately. In fact, this truth is all through the Bible. The Bible tells us that we’re to seek God passionately. We’re to love God passionately. The Bible says that we’re to serve and obey God passionately. We’re to trust God passionately. Then as if you didn’t get the message, in Colossians 3:23 He says Whatever you do, do it with all of your heart as unto the Lord and not unto men. He says I want you to do everything passionately when it comes to loving Me, serving Me, living for Me. Here’s the amazing thing. In America it’s ok to be passionate about anything except God. That is not politically correct to be passionate about God. I can be passionate about movies. I can be passionate about sports. I can be passionate about politics. I can be passionate about fashions and clothes. I can be passionate about restaurants. But I cannot be passionate about God. That’s a no-no. I typed in the phrase a passion for into and found a couple hundred books with that title. There’s a book call A Passion for Birds, A Passion for Books, A Passion for Cactus, A Passion for Chocolate (that’s understandable), A Passion for Fashion, for Fishing for Flying, for Gardening, Golf, Hunting. There’s even a book called A Passion For Mushrooms. A Passion for Needlepoint, Pasta, Ponies. There’s a book called, A Passion for Potatoes, for Roses, for Shoes. There’s even a book called A Passion for Steam. I can’t figure out what that one’s all about! I don’t know why you’d get passionate about steam. But in our culture today it’s ok to be passionate about anything except your religion, except your faith, except your relationship with God. I can go to a concert, or a political rally or a baseball game and I can shout my head off. I can get excited. I can get hoarse from yelling so loud. When my team loses I could cry. Nobody thinks that’s a big deal. When my team wins I can jump up and dance around and wave my hands in the air. If I do that at a game people go, He’s a real fan! But if I do that in church people say, He’s a fanatic! He’s a nut case. You don’t want to get too emotional about your faith. Its ok about anything else but not that. Romans 12:1 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor. Keep the fires going in your life. Circle the word keep. Notice, it’s not automatic. It’s a choice. It’s a discipline. It’s something you must maintain. You are not by nature passionate about God. It’s something that you must choose to do. You get distracted and everything in life conspires to keep you from being passionate about God. So He says keep your passion going. Keep the fires going. It’s a discipline. It’s not just automatic. This kind of thing being passionate about God has nothing to do with either your personality or your age. Our churches are filled with hundreds if not thousands of senior believers who have walked with God a long, long time and are still passionate. But everything in life conspires to keep you from being passionate. And it dissipates your energy. When you first become a believer and you really understand what a good deal you’ve got you get excited about it, This is quite a big deal! All my sins were forgiven. I now have a purpose for living, and I now have a future home in heaven. What a deal! And you get excited about that when you give your life to Christ and you’re pretty passionate. But as time goes by you begin to lose your steam. You begin to lose your zip, your zest, your enthusiasm. What happened? Why does that happen? That’s what we’re going to look at today. As we go through God’s word we’re going to look at seven passion killers, things that rob the joy out of your life. I thought this would be a very appropriate message, right in the middle of winter, when nobody feels very passionate about much of anything. You want the warmth of summer back. So this morning we’re going to look at these passion killers together. I want you to use it as a checklist. Because God says, I want you to love Me with all of your heart.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

In Your Own Words Essay Example for Free

In Your Own Words Essay In a researched proposal, it addresses a particular project academic or scientific research. A research proposal contains extensive literature reviews and must offer convincing support of need for the research being proposed. Thus, this why a proposal is written, it is a scheme from a sellers to a prospective customer. Overall the main purpose is to fulfill the requirements of a client, which I will explain how General Motors will address throughout this proposal. Overview Section In my proposal the researched goals are to understand what makes General Motors successful. We will do this by making a stronger commitment to our customers (We hear you loud and clear), our employees, and partners. I will address the steps we will take in fulfilling our obligations below: Customers In making a stronger commitment to our customers, General Motors will make more fuel-efficient vehicles by building vehicles that get 30 mpg or more. We will produce a pug in vehicle by the name of the Chevrolet Volt, which will show our consumers and potential consumers we are innovative. The Chevy Volt, with its core technology that will drive a higher volume for electrification of automobiles and we also will be expanding our selling to China and Australia, giving our competitors something to scratch their heads about. Additionally, we want to deliver best quality vehicles and this is a major cornerstone of true commitment to our valued customers. Therefore, having a relationship with customers is essential; we strive to create passionate brand of supporters, who cherish their vehicles. We want them to openly tell other of their experience with our innovative vehicles. In addition, being innovative, we know this is something we must do! We challenge us to become more innovative and that ensures we will lead in everything we do! This extends to implementing the smallest improvements to execute bigger ideals. We are constantly increasing our competitive advantage to delight and excite our customers. Employees In making a stronger commitment to our employees, we understand Safety and Quality comes first. Safety is and always be a priority here at GM. Emphasizes will be concentrated on our safety first culture, in our facilities, and with the growth of our businesses in new markets. We will offer incentives to our employees for working safely and productively, such incentive a paid one day off, gift cards, and discounts off vehicles. We will make sure that our employee’s practice our new safety philosophy which is safety is at the heart of development of each one of our vehicles. Partners In making a stronger commitment to our partners, we understand creating lifelong partners that we want here at GM, we take nothing for granted in our efforts are to earn the confidences and loyalty of our partners. We listen to partners to ensure we meet all their needs, and are connecting with them on their terms. General Motors business problems Currently, the business problems General Motors is having is financial, speculated by a few business experts, who have confidence in the company being able to continue in its present form even though it filed bankruptcy in 2006 (Taylor, J, 2013). There are numerous business problems the company is facing, but I will only speak of one which is legacy costs, it’s the caring for General Motor’s retired and injured employees. The union United Auto Worker, have negotiated regularly nice wages, pensions and health care, which protect their member. The profit margin in booming times on automobiles could include buffers to cover the ongoing costs of payments to retirees, hence the financial problem, can’t pay what they agreed. In contrast to foreign competitors and newcomers to auto industry do not have the same problems with their profits. This has forced cash trapped buyers to turn to more affordable cars. General Motors Competition According to General Motor’s Strategic Analysis, the key competitors GM, who’s domestic, are: Daimler/Chrysler, Ford Motor and who are foreign are: Toyota Motor and Honda Motor (Thomas, C, n. d. ). In explanation of why they are competitors Daimler Chrysler placed itself as an industry leader, since, it manufactures brands such as: Dodge, Mercedes Benz, and Jeep. As for Ford Motor Company, two vital businesses are automotive and financial services. Ford has concentrated on reducing cost to raise margins further than its competitors. Thus, Honda Motor Company, it has reliable confident reputation for producing high quality products from cars to motorcycles. Toyota Motor Company has three major brands Toyota, Lexus, and Scion these let Toyota reach many sectors of the globe in a choice of vehicle for the customers. Concluding why General Motors is the leader of its competitors, it manufactures more brands than its competitors, these brands are: Chevrolet, GMC, Cadillac, Buick, Pontiac, Hummer, Saab, Daewoo, Opel, and Holden. It’s to no wonder why our economy rested on GM success. (Thomas, C, n. d. Population Sample In my population sample for customer attitudes and behaviors, I will use cluster sampling in the selection of how I will gather this information needed. I know as the researcher that population that will be under scrutiny is those ethnicities that do the most purchasing, sadly but true its minorities. According to the Consumer Expenditure Survey that was conducted by the Federal Bureau of Labor S tatistics, minorities spend up to 30% more than that of whites who have comparable incomes (BLS. gov, 2013). Their age would range from 35-64 years old. I will you this age because consumers are spending at 63% (BLS. gov, 2013), now for determining how they will feel about company products and services. As I understand population sample is a process through a group of representative individuals are select from the population for the sole purpose of statistical analysis. I know my population sample must be done correctly, since if errors occur, my data will be misleading or invalid. Steps in the research process In identifying the steps in the research process, my first step would be to identify and develop my research topic. I can do so by, stating what I want to research. Second step: find background information on the subject, utilizing internet as resource for gathering information. Third Step: usage of books and media, I will use guided keyword searches to find material by topic or subject, and writing down in both steps 2 and 3 my sources. Fourth Step: search periodical articles, this will be to find citations to articles. Fifth Step: evaluate what I found, critically analyzing information sources. Sixth Step: cite what I found using standard form, just giving credit where credit is due.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Human Resource

Human Resource Human Resource (H.R): Introduction The word â€Å"manage† as used in business can simply be defined as the art of dealing with people with the aim of bringing the best out of then so as to improve the productivity of the business. It is not easy to manage some of the things we have that have no life let alone people. People are complex in themselves and to have different people from different backgrounds to work together can prove to be very difficult. It is however possible for people to come together for a common goal. It does not matter how they are going to achieve their goal but the common thing that they want to achieve plays a very important role in taming people to put their differences aside and work together. Rothwell (2008, p.23) argues that it is mandatory for a leader in a business to be very good at people-skills for it is the people working at the business that are the most important people in the business. Without employees in a business then the business does not achieve its goals. They are the people that make things move. There is therefore no escaping people-skills if a business venture is to highly perform. â€Å"Management is nothing more than motivating other people†. These are the words of Lee Iacocca – former CEO Chrysler. It is therefore important for a manager to have some basic tips on how to manage people. It is vital that a manager delegates most of the objectives set to achieve so that he or she gets time to manage the team he or she has been given to manage. It also helps the manager to clear his or her mind. It is very important that the person who delegates has a clear head on his or her shoulders. Pearce and Conger (2002, p.41) identify that one of the most important â€Å"X factor† is team work. A strong team delivers most of the things put before it. This paper will focus on teamwork and critically analyse it on how it can be used to improve performance. When people come together, more ideas are bound to be generated, there is strength in numbers and also there is the variety being applied in order to achieve a common objective. Whenever humans come together with a common objective there is very little that they cannot do. It is important that the tem leader gets to have a one on one understanding with each of the team members so as to know the individual strengths of the team members. It is in this way that the responsibilities are divided. One does what they are good at but with the conscious awareness that he or she is only but a piece of a jigsaw, that there are others that are also specialising in their area of expertise to complete the jig saw into one complete thing that makes economic and objective sense (Michaels, 1994, p.45). The only reason a company would invest in its people is so as to enhance performance of the business. They are the key players in an organisation and should be handled with care. There are various ways in which organisations or businesses entice and build their employees so as to achieve higher quality and quantity performance. A business is judged by its outcome. It is the various people employed to work for the venture equipped with the spirit of teamwork that determine the performance of the business. It is quite clear that team work is then a very important factor as it is the ship in which if the business sails, it will never drown or subdue to the waves of furious business challenges. The winning team It is always feels good to be associated with winning. It makes one feel like they are pursuing a worthy cause. If a team is to be put together in a business then it better be a winning team. It is not enough to hire professionals who know what they are supposed to do at exactly which time to have a winning team but recruiting a group of people who will work together in the most efficient of ways. A team that has people who share the same destination work extremely well with each other. It is only when people in a team do not share a vision that they do not work well. A team is defined by the togetherness in achieving the specific goals and objectives of a business. When people share a vision then what do they have to fight over and not work together? Nothing. Differences may exist between individuals but for as long as they have a common goal then they can do anything despite their differences. In order for a team to have a common goal, then it is good practice for members to meet in order to discuss the various projects that have to be undertaken. The secret behind managing people is in a business is to make the employees or the team members feel like they coined and own the business objectives, vision and mission. Koestenbaum (2002, p.74) reveals that this will help people to have a common sense of direction. This implies that he visions, missions and objectives of a business need to have a strong base upon which, a strong team is built. Any team has problems but it is up to the team leader to be very sensitive to any slight behavioural change that would reduce the performance of the team in the long run. The team leader as a people manager should also talk to the team members and encourage them. When one is given motivation to do something, a person is performs even better as they flourish in the though that it is not only him or her that believes he or she can do it but also the team leader. There are teams made up of simple human beings like any human being but thee is always something about the teams. They have the attitude that they were born to win. An example of one such team is â€Å"Manchester United Football Team†. They believe that they are winners. When a person believes something, it is very difficult for them not to make it a reality. It is important that people managing people instil a winning attitude in their team members (Lawler et al., 2004, p.14). It goes a long way in building a strong competent team. How Teamwork affects other key performance areas This can be illustrated by a diagram which is shown below: According to Vandenberg and Lance (1992, p.156), under managing self we have several issues that are worth elaborating and they are eight in number. The very first one is the creative nature and originality of the self. Teamwork improves the ability of a person to get creative and think of ways to get out of tasks presented to him or her that are challenging. This is because the person is always trying to get out of something and always jogging his or her mind to get out of something. The person also wants to be original. It is very difficult to find unethical leadership in a person who leads a team or even the team member himself or herself. A person is always out to improve and to build the winning team so as to achieve the objectives of the business and also get to improve the performance of the team. Performance is core in teams so the self is built to consider ethics when tackling organisational challenges (Walker, 2002, p.36). It is the people around us that build us. Man is no island. People in good teams have been found to have a better way of communication and also have the character to go with this. For a good team to succeed, the members that comprise it have to be in constant communication with each other. A marriage is a good example of a team. Whenever there is breakdown of communication in a marriage then it becomes difficult for things to move. Good marriages are ones in which there is constant effective communication going on, on the regular (West, 2004, p.6). It is through teamwork that a person becomes effective in communication and also gets to know the character he or she should acquire in order to succeed in the business world. Managing people is not only about managing other people but also managing the self. Team work greatly helps in doing this. In teams, it is normal for people to make contributions that they own in order to steer their objective forward. This helps to build a person I problem solving skills which is a factor important to have in the business world. Williams and Anderson , (1991, p.604) concurs that the values of the self are also improved or built. In good effective teams, good values are encouraged as undesirable ones are normally discouraged. This helps a person to always focus on having good values whose practice leads to them sticking. Effective teams have brainstorming sessions where team members contribute in order to make the achievement of their objectives a success. This helps a person to improve their thinking capacities and also helps team members to think in a way that optimises the performance of the business (Blau, 1985, p.279). It gives the individual that deliberate way of thinking that involves thinking in a certain direction. Team members benefit by being in such teams. For a team to succeed then the personalities of the persons in it need to be on point. It is the work personality that helps team members to be able to work through their differences with that common vision in mind. When members learn the personality they need to have in order to work together they will definitely practice this as all of them want to get to the goal so bad. In life, it really matters how badly, one wants to get something as if one does not want something so badly, they will not put differences aside, they will not work hard enough and they will not value input from team members. Under managing people, there are four key areas that need to be discussed and team work is a major component or ingredient in managing people. Arbinger Institute (2002, p.9) suggests that there is team work, the diversity of people, transformed leadership and motivating people. Team work is intertwined with the three issues as it is in team work that people are motivated to push on in order to improve performance. Leadership Leadership is also transformed in team work as most of the time, it is not the team members that learn from the team leader but it is the team leader most of the time rather than not that learn from the team members (National Institute of Social Work, 1996, p.11). The members teach the leaders on hoe to lead knowingly or unknowingly. This gives birth to a new way of leading especially if the leader of a tea listens to his members. Teams can be made up of a rich diversity of people which can either be used to achieve the objectives of a business or also allow the differences that exist within to ruin the team. In International Companies, recruitment as in the type of the company is done at an international level. This means that people will be mixed from different cultures and backgrounds and also different races as well (Block, 1996, p.33). It is quite challenging building a team of people of the same background. It is quite tasking to build a team that comprises of different people. People of one background have been seen to appreciate the music from another background even when they do not know what they are saying. It is in this regard that a team leader needs to direct his team members to be able to dance to the same tune which is synonymous to achieving the same objectives of the business. Such teams come to appreciate diversity. They come to understand that people are different but sure can work together in order to achieve a common goal. Brown and Wardle (1996, p.12) argues that managing work is also another factor that is intertwined with team work. In order to manage a team then the work also has to be managed; the work needs to be kept track of. It is very important that work goes on smoothly in a team even when the management of the team has to be changed for this purpose. Managing work involves the judgement of decisions and also the ability to manage the decision. A decision can be evaluated on the basis of the results of the work that is done or the work that has been achieved in order. The team can easily be evaluated on the same based on the decisions the team made. A team can be judged based on the decisions they made. The decisions they make have to improve performance in the business or organisation (Covey, 2009, p.62). Once the decision is made, then it needs to be managed. When a decision is not managed, then it beats logic to have made the decision in the first place. It is important that team members carry follow through their decisions in order to achieve the task given to undertake. A good team is one that manages the team members well. A strong human resource management is a must in strong teams. Whenever the human resource in a team is good, there are very slim chances of a team not doing its best to accomplish whatever task that is presented before them. We have seen that people are very important and it is through people that a business gets to achieve its objectives. According to Dimma (2007, p.47), a good human resource department forming part of a team will value the employee and make that employee as reasonably comfortable as possible in order for the business to achieve its objectives. A good human resource sub team will provide incentives to persons working in their business; give them a reason to turn down job offers given by other businesses or companies. Good teams also ensure that they manage the information they have in a way to improve performance rather than sitting on information. It is the information we gather in business or in life that assist us in making decisions hence the word informed decision. It is important that a team acts on the basis that it has information. Innovation, Priority management and Objective setting are al components of managing work but also relate to team work (Harrison, 1972, p.28). It is in teams that innovative ideas, decisions and work emerge from. This is because of the team aspect. Teams also prioritise in terms of work so as not to leave important work pending for a long time than usual. It is important that a team sets for itself objectives aside from the objectives of the business so as to also have a common goal in terms of work. Team building and Team Work Companies have been seen to spend quite a lot of money so as to improve the team building skills of their employees. This goes on to show just how important team work is important in the world we live in today especially in the business world. It is essential that a manager has team building skills as it is part and parcel of managing people. It is an important part of managing people. The same people can work by themselves but achieve less productivity. A good, strong team is one in which these same people come together and work towards a goal but perform much better than when they were working on an individual basis. This is the idea behind merging. Some companies merge because together, they have more yields and perform on a different level, giving their customers higher quality of service than when the companies were doing it on their own (Iverson and Roy, 1994, p.39). This is the secret of synergy. Individuals are different but synergised so as to achieve optimum performance. In team building, there are two very important factors to consider. One factor that we have to appreciate in team building is the diversity that exists in terms of the personalities that exist and also the skills. The different people have to be in such a way that they fully exploit their potential to the last drop but again, the weaknesses of the same people are covered for by the other people‘s strengths. Their different personalities have to be in a way that they balance out. In a good team, all ideas, works and decisions in a team made by different individuals are directed to a common purpose either created within the team or the objectives of the business (Goodwin, 2005, p.91). The goals have to be clearly understood by the team members. When some team members get it while others don’t then already there is a loophole and the team is bound to fail because of a different set of goals embedded in the different team members’ minds. Team building Activities aimed at team building are very important so as to assist in the establishment of a strong team. To have a great team takes a lot of hard work, dedication and determination. Team building activities are therefore very important in that they assist in the building of a great team. It is important that a team is led by someone but not just anyone but a good leader. It may not help that a team has clearly understood the objectives, they ma have the same personality thus resulting in conflicts mostly because of fighting (Charan, Drotter and Noel, 2001, p.29). If everyone in a team wants to be a leader then we have a problem as each team member will be acting so as to show how he or she can dominate people. This has led to in-house fighting on too many an instance. There are many factors that have to be overcome to have a good team which is reason the more for team building activities to be taken seriously. There are basic techniques that have to be in place for an effective team to be built. The most obvious one is that all the team members need to have understood and clearly have the goals and objectives behind having the team and also the goals and objectives behind having the business or organisation. There also has to be a clear chain of command in that every single team member is completely aware of their duties and responsibilities and there should be no grey area in this. All the roles have to be distinct so that in the case that there is competition over a certain role then the role needs to be split into smaller distinct roles so as to avoid conflict in the team built. A team leader also needs to be able to spend time with his or her team members so as to understand the various personalities and skills he or she has in the team and also appreciate the same. When a team leader is fair, open, honest and loyal then it becomes a little bit easier to have the same back from the employees or team members. This may be summarised to leading by example. It is in team building activities that members learn how to trust each other and also be open with each other. When this is done then they work together better. The activities should have social times deliberately to prompt people to bond and share their experiences. They get to know each other better which is good for the business as this will help them accommodate each other’s faults but accentuating their strengths (Brion, 1989, p.32). This is what we want to achieve by having a team working on something. An example of one such activity is scheduling the week such that a specific day of the week is set aside so that employees or team members can share lunch. It is over this that they bond. The secret to having an effective team built is also to have the practice of involving the team members in the decision making process so that they feel like they own the decision. When one owns something, it is very difficult for them not to take care of it and watch it grow. The goal can be set in a group. The tactics to be used to undertake in undertaking challenges presented to a team are also brainstormed by the team with them being encouraged to give possible solutions. This leads to the obligated feeling of a team member since a sense of ownership has been cultivated in him or her, which leads to the commitment of team leaders to the cause of the team. There is also need to keep the lines of communication open in a team. It is through this that a team can succeed. Conclusion In today’s world, it is not so fashionable to do things on an individual basis as performance is result driven. The world expects so much from people that the only way the same expectation can be met is through team work. Most of the world’s greatest achievements have been accomplished because of team work. It is very difficult to achieve the results desired in a business single handily. It will have to be in a team. Team work is a very important aspect of business (Curry, et al., 1986, p.851). This explains why businesses always want to now if one is a team player before recruiting them into their companies. Business owners will look at a person’s history to be able to establish whether they are team players or not. It is quite normal in the global arena to find teams in businesses as people have appreciated strength in numbers. To achieve almost perfection in a business and to boost sales or improve the quality of businesses, team work is essential. It is important to have team skills whether one will eventually be a team member or a team leader (Kelley, 1999, p.63). A team leader is a leader to the extent of the performance of his or her team. A team leader is always a member of another team only on a different level. It is quite clear that the world revolves in team work. It is safe to say that the world is a family of teams; its just that they have different objectives and different personalities and skills. References Arbinger Institute, 2000, Leadership and self-deception: getting out of the box, London: Berrett- Koehler Publishers. Blau, G 1985, The measurement and prediction of career commitment, Journal of Occupational Psychology, Vol. 58, pp.277-288. Block, P 1996, Stewardship: choosing service over self interest, Sydney: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Brion, J.M 1989, Organizational leadership of human resources: the knowledge and the skills, New York: Jai Press. Brown, J., Wardle, M 1996, Chance favors the prepared mind: leadership, teamwork and mapping change for human resources, Cambridge: H.M.S.O. Charan, R., Drotter, S.J., Noel, J. L 2001, The leadership pipeline: how to build the leadership-powered company, London: John Wiley and Sons. Covey, S.R 2009, Principle-centered leadership, California: Summit Books. 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Iverson, R.D., Roy, P 1994, A causal model of behavioral commitment: evidence from a study of Australian blue-collar employees, Journal of Management, Vol. 20, No.1, pp.15-41. Kelley, R.E 1999, How to be a star at work: nine breakthrough strategies you need to succeed, Atlanta: Times Business. Koestenbaum, P 2002, Leadership: the inner side of greatness : a philosophy for leaders. 2nd ed., Cairo: John Wiley and Sons. Komives, S.R., Lucas, N., McMahon, T.R 1998, Exploring leadership: for college students who want to make a difference, Michigan: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Lahiry, S. 1994, Building commitment through organizational culture, Training and Development, Vol. 3, pp.50-52. Lawler, E.E., et al. 2004, Human resources business process outsourcing: transforming how HR gets its work done, Boston: John Wiley and Sons. 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Monday, August 19, 2019

Energy Self-Sufficiency in Building through Photovoltaic Cells Essays

Energy Self-Sufficiency in Building through Photovoltaic Cells ABSTRACT Solar energy is a way to acquire self-sufficiency of many residential buildings. The different forms of solar cells made from different materials and in different ways are able to increase the efficiency of the solar cells and allow solar energy to become more widespread. Due to the possibility of a shortage of fossil fuels in the near future, solar power can serve as an integral component in solving the energy crisis through developing energy self-sufficient buildings. However, after researching many already published materials, the possibility of allowing the world's buildings to become self-sufficient is not possible unless other solar cells become affordable for the general public and more efficient. INTRODUCTION The world is entering an energy crisis that will require the need for new energy sources. Some predict that at the current rate of consumption, the dominant energy source, fossil fuels, will deplete by the year 2050 (EcoSystems 2005). As of 2001, the world consumed 426.1 billion gigajoules; the United States consumed 102.1 billion gigajoules that same year, the most energy consumption in a single country (see Table 1). Of the energy consumed in the United States, only 0.063% was solar power (Energy Information Administration 2001). However, solar energy has great potential. The sun radiates through the earth’s atmosphere enough energy in one hour to power the earth for more than a year (Solarbuzz 2004). Moreover, solar collectors can harness this energy in a clean and environmentally safe method. Many collectors use photovoltaic cells, devices based on the photovoltaic effect, in which solar energy changes to electri... ...Research News. Retrieved 7/29/05 from Articles/Archive/MSD-full-spectrum-solar-cell.html Sandia Labs Working on Solar Power Farm (November 2004), Deseret News Publishing Company, Retrieved 8/2/05 from,1249,595107883,00.html Scheer, H., A Solar Manifesto, UK: Cromwell Press, 1993 Photovoltaic Cells 16 Solar Cell. (2005). Wikipedia – The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 7/28/05 from Solar Energy Costs/Prices (2005). Solarbuzz. Retrieved 7/29/05 from World Energy Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 1990- 2025 (2005). Infoplease. Retrieved 7/28/05 from Walker, E. (2004). Solar Cell Principles and Applications. Retrieved 7/29/05 from

Un-Victorian Tenets of Brownings Strange Medical Experience of Karshish, the Arab Physician :: Strange Medical Experience of Karshish

Un-Victorian Tenets of Browning's Strange Medical Experience of Karshish, the Arab Physician Robert Browning's "An Epistle Containing the Strange Medical Experience of Karshish, the Arab Physician" is a dramatic monologue in which Karshish writes to Abib about his experiencing the miracle of Jesus, when he raises Lazarus from the dead. "Karshish" is a dramatic monologue containing most of the tenets of Browning. Although "Karshish" is in the form of a letter, it is still an excellent example of a dramatic monologue. There is a speaker, Karshish, who is not the poet. There is a silent audience, Abib the reader of the letter. There is a mental exchange between the speaker and the audience: Karshish writes as if Abib were right in front of him listening to everything. This can be seen in the hang between "here I end" and "yet stay;" it is as if Abib were getting up to leave (61-2). There is a distinct critical moment, when Karshish decides to write about his original concern: "Yet stay. . . I half resolve to tell thee, yet I blush/ What set me off a-writing first of all" (62, 65-6). "Karshish" has all the basics to a dramatic monologue. It also contains a character study in which the speaker speaks from an extraordinary perspective. Karshish is a humble doctor from one of the most civilized nations of the time, he has seen most of the civilized world, and he is still amazed by the miracle that he witnessed. His amazement after having seen many great things in the world proves to the audience that this event was indeed spectacular and significant. In the non-Christian world, the most common response is to doubt and to reject, but because of the conviction of the speaker the audience believe that the miracle did happen. This contrast between doubt and believe creates the dramatic tension of the work. Thus, "Karshish" contains the character study and dramatic tension which make the work a dramatic monologue. "Karshish" contains many of the tenets of Browning. One of first tenets noticed is the idea that physical success in this life does not correspond to success in the next. This can be seen in the peaceful "carelessness" seen in Lazarus after being raised from the dead despite the

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Cold War Essays -- World History Communism

Following World War Two, two distant political governments emerged to dictate the direction the world would take. These two governments consisted of Communism and Democracy which stared untrustingly at each other and staunched economic growth with their excessive military budgets. In the end though, Democracy would prove to be the preferred government archetype for the general population of the world. During World War Two, the United States and the Soviet Union along with their allies were united to defeat Nazi Germany. After the war however the two nations began to distrust each other after negotiations on how Europe should be governed. These negotiations called the Yalta Conference in 1945 consisted of the big three, Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin. It established that Germany and Austria were to be divided into four parts of occupation as well as the capitals of Berlin and Vienna. Later that year the Potsdam Conference was attended by Truman, Atlee, and Stalin, which fell through over the East-West hostility which made it difficult for the council to reach a unanimous decision. As Russia sought to dominate the whole of Eastern Europe as a defense against invasion, the United States wanted Democracy for the European people. It was during this time that the cold war began and the iron curtain came down across Eastern Europe. The Cold War in the United States came from the fear that Communists intended to take over all of Europe. Seeing that Communist governments were established in Poland, Bulgaria, and Hungary by the Soviet army, along with local communists setting up their own governments in Albania, Yugoslavia, and the United States began her policy called the Truman Doctrine. This Doctrine was est... ...rappled with questions about her new place in the world. The collapse of the Soviet Union ended the division of Europe into two opposing camps and united Europe with the sole purpose and shared commitment to capitalism and democracy. In the end of this entire struggle communism fell and democracy was governed the majority of the world for the first time. Works Cited McKay, et al. A History of World Societies volume C. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s 2009 "ECONOMIC RECOVERY AND ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION 1945-1960." TheCorner. @HW Poon, 1979. Adapted by TK Chung. Web. 08 Jan. 2011. . Betts, Raymond F. "Europe in Retropsect: The Decade of European Recovery - The Cold War & Bipolarization." Britannia: British History and Travel. Web. 08 Jan. 2011. .

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Microsoft Csr

â€Å"Technology creates opportunities for people and organizations to realize their full potential† is the thought driving Microsoft’s corporate citizenship program. With the enduring commitment to serve needs of communities worldwide Microsoft is playing the role of a responsible global citizen. Going far beyond its products and services it has collaborated with business partners, governments and non profit organizations around the globe to fulfil its commitment. It delivers new technology to people and organizations to unleash their creativity, productivity and opportunity across borders.In today’s world there is no scarcity of opportunities yet there is a growing divide between young people who have the chance to succeed owing to their enhanced skills and those who don’t. In response to this divide Microsoft has targeted its corporate citizenship program particularly towards youth empowerment. Microsoft YouthSpark is a youth empowerment initiative that connects millions of youth the world over and provides them with opportunities for education, employment and entrepreneurship.It brought together more than 350,000 students from more than 260 regions and countries to participate in the 2012 Imagine Cup—the world’s largest student technology competition. In the auspicious event students from different parts of the world and cultures use their skills to solve world’s most challenging problems. Such competitions are great motivators for youth as it provides them with a platform to showcase their talent across borders and to explore and enhance global opportunities.Microsoft has provided students free access to state-of-art technology facilities at more than 90 Microsoft innovation centres in 44 countries to accelerate their career opportunities. It has also provided innovative designer and web developer tools to students and teachers around the globe under the Microsoft Dreamspark initiative. Most of the companyâ €™s donations are targeted towards Non-profit organizations addressing the need of youth skill development. Also, through Microsoft BizSpark the company is helping young entrepreneurs launch new businesses by providing access to software development tools, industry connections, and investors.Empowering non profits: It goes without saying that the biggest problem a non-profit organization faces is raising funds for the upgrade and betterment of its core processes. â€Å"Nonprofits need powerful tools to transform passion into progress. Modern productivity, communication, and collaboration solutions help people drive social change where it’s needed most. † says Kurt DelBene, President, Microsoft Office Division. Through its technology for good program Microsoft is helping 62,000 non profit organizations around the globe to get affordable access to technology for serving communities with a greater zeal.Some activities under the initiative were donating hardware and so ftware to non profit organizations and providing them with refurbished laptops at relatively cheaper rates. Microsoft also collaborates with nonprofits for hosting more than 100 NGO Connection Days and in educating NGO staff on how to get the most value from donated software via webinars. Other than the above mentioned points Microsoft also provides technological process solutions to the non profits so that they can reach out to the people in need efficiently and effectively.Microsoft’s Employee giving program: Employees are the heart of any organization and the initiatives taken by them are prone to be embedded in the core of the organizational culture . The Microsoft’s employee giving program is a campaign by which employees devote their time and money as a service to the communities. Since its inception in 1983 the company has raised nearly $ 1 billion as donations. On 18th Oct, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Chairman and Founder Bill Gates commemorated Microsoftâ €™s 30th Employee Giving Campaign during a special town hall event where the congratulated the employees for their efforts.In FY12 the employees gave nearly $100 million with a volunteering percentage of 65%. The company Encourages employee giving and volunteering by offering company matching contributions for US employees up to $12,000 for total time and cash donations. It gives employees at least three days off from their office work if they want to volunteer outside the United States. The volunteering percentage has increased 12. 5% year over year and more than 12000 employees and 2,000 non-profits have been registered on Volunteer Manager, Microsoft’s opportunity matching system for bringing needs and skills together.The organization motivates volunteering through the Give SharePoint site, where employees can share experiences and opportunities with the rest of the Microsoft community. Beyond direct service to the community, Microsoft has made significant strides in t he areas of human rights and environmental sustainability. It consulted with businesses, government and other key stakeholders to develop a human rights statement that brings together long-standing policies on issues such as privacy, security, free expression and labour rights.It exceeded its goal to cut carbon emissions by 30 percent compared with 2007, due in part to the 1. 1 billion kilowatt hours of green power it purchased, the third most of any US company. Its endorsement of the United Nations Global Compact drives Microsoft to continually improve its business practices and increase its accountability. â€Å"Stick to your core competenciesâ€Å"– the famous business jargon is what Microsoft is incorporating in its pursuit of becoming a world leader in Corporate citizenship.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Comprehensive Problem: Service Industry Essay

Objectives: Demonstrate application of accounting concepts pertaining to a service company, including the following: selection of business form,  journalization and posting of daily transactions,  creation of unadjusted trial balance,  adjustment of the accounts to properly report changes in balances, creation of financial statements,  completion of the closing process with appropriate closing entries and posting to T accounts, determination of book value for fixed assets, and  discussion of company’s financial position. As you work through this problem please refer to the Penn State rules regarding Academic Integrity. It is very important that you cite your sources. Part 1: 5% of Assignment Grade Monica Porter loves photography and wants to start her own company. She is single, 26 years old, and lives in an apartment in Nicetown. She has a job as a clerk in a grocery store that currently pays her living expenses. Her dream is to be a portrait photographer specializing in events such as weddings, birthdays, graduations, etc. She has saved $10,000 to start this endeavor. She knows nothing about accounting and has hired you to provide her with accounting services as well as guidance in starting this business. This first task is to determine which business organization entity she should choose. Please explain the different business formats and which one you would suggest for her business, which will be named â€Å"Portraits by Porter† (PBP). Part 2: 85% of Assignment Grade Monica has followed your advice and on January 11, 2012, she deposited $10,000 into a business bank account for PBP and started pursuing her dream. It has been a hectic year, and in June Monica contacts you to ask your advice in helping her to determine whether she can leave the grocery store and work the photography business full time. She provides you with a list of the things that have happened during the past 6 months. She has applied for a small business loan of $25,000 and has been told by her banker that she  needs a set of books (whatever that means) and financial statements (?) along with a listing of her fixed assets at book value. The banker told her that the books should be closed for the year as ended June 30, 2012, with corresponding financial statements. 1. Create the journal for the transactions and post these to the T accounts (45 pts). 2. Create the unadjusted trial balance (5 pts). 3. Make the necessary adjusted journal entries (6 pts). 4. Create the adjusted trial balance (5 pts). 5. Complete the financial statements: income statement, retained earnings, and balance sheet (15 pts). 6. Close the books using appropriate journal entries with T accounts (5 pts). 7. Determine the BV of the fixed assets (4 pts). PART 3: 10% of assignment grade Discuss the economic position of BPB and what you would advise Monica concerning her job at the grocery store.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Career Plans Essay

Business schools look keenly at your career goals because they know that students who are clear about their goals make the most of MBA programs. They are able to focus on relevant parts of the curriculum, make use of the on-campus activities to their advantage and by doing well in their careers become good ambassadors for their programs. You need to share goals that have captured your imagination and burn in your heart. Imagine you have just graduated from your dream school after two years of rigorous study. What kind of work would you like to do now? Think about responsibilities you want to shoulder, positions you want to hold, challenges you want to meet, skills you want to build, and contributions you want to make. Be specific – which industry, what role, what would you like to do and achieve? Reflecting on all this will take time. Be patient with yourself. Keep the questions in your head and pen down your thoughts as they pop up. Working this way prepare a career progress graph in your mind. Keep in mind the fact that your aim here is to fulfill your aspirations and leverage your strengths. When you sit down to write your goals in the essays, explain: How did the goals develop? How well are your goals connected with your professional background and personal strengths and abilities? How have you assessed suitability for the required career? Show understanding of the career you wish to get into. CAREER PROGRESS You would share your career progression through an essay. Some schools have an essay that asks for it. Or you would share it through the way you describe your work experience through the application form and the resume. In whichever way you share your career progress, remember that your objective is to demonstrate how your past experiences qualify you to seek the career you now desire, which you will share through the career goals essay. Your past is looked at keenly since it adds credibility to claims you make about the future you seek. Start by thinking about all the career-related decisions you’ve made till now. You laid the foundations of your career when you chose your undergraduate specialization. Think about what motivated you then. You learned new skills and your first degree qualified you either to get a job or continue further studies. What motivated you then? What were your career plans when you took up your first job? How have they changed over the years? While on your job, did you discover any new aspects of your personality or work style? List the areas in which you excelled and all the new skills you developed. Consider all the job changes and reflect on the reasons that made you want to change. What did you gain or lose in the process? Think of all the new assignments you undertook and how you handled them. How did you feel about changing your style of working to suit the demands of the new assignment? Were you comfortable? Did you falter? What did you learn from each experience of success or failure? Get the most significant answers from the above questions into your essays, application form or resume and strengthen your case for admission. All the Best