Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Deterrence And Rational Choice Theory - 777 Words

Throughout the world crime is happening every single day. Yes, some people may feel as if the deterrence theory does not work. Due to the fact that crime still happens in the world. This essay will look at the support for the theory. As well as the key problems for the theory. Next, it will explain some of the newest directions in deterrence/rational choice theory. Finally, it will either agree/disagree with someone’s thought on deterrence and how it does not work and is a waste of time to study. Deterrence and rational choice are two different things. Deterrence is used to punish those who disobey and in return help deter others from committing the same crime. While rational choice is when the individual thinks about the cost and the benefits of them committing this crime (Cornish and Clarke, text CH 34). Deterrence and rational choice tend to work pretty well on young adults. For example, if a teenager sees his friends face time in prison for committing an act of violence. T hat may deter them from committing the same crime or something similar. Reason is that they possibly think of the pros and cons of each situation and how the effect it could have on family. Also where deterrence and rational choice work could not be define. Due to the fact that judges interpret the law, and do not have a across the board rule and sentencing guideline to help them make a decision. Deterrence and rational choice does have some problems. One problem is that there is no way to tell ifShow MoreRelatedDeterrence And Rational Choice Theory748 Words   |  3 Pages In the following paragraphs, deterrence and rational choice theory, two important ideas, will be discussed. Deterrence theory argues that people are more likely to be dissuaded from committing crimes due to fear of being caught, rather than using a moral sense of what is right and what is the wrong thing to do. The three elements of the deterrent effect of punish relies on the severity, certainty, and celerity of the punishment (Lab, 2016). General deterrence is designed to impact more thanRead MoreDeterrence And Rational Choice Theory3785 Words   |  16 PagesIntroduction Deterrence and Rational Choice Theory and the three strikes laws are seen by some researcher as the way to maintain control, deter crime and deliver harsh punishment for repeat offenders by subjecting them to the three strikes law. They believe that if the punishment is harsh that offenders will be deterred to commit crime. We will take a look at these theories, and see if they are really the answer to our crime problems in the USA. It will also allow us to ask the question which is:Read MoreDeterrence Theory Is The Rational Choice Theory992 Words   |  4 PagesDeterrence theory is the basis and the ultimate desired outcome to deter crime in the United States (Feldmeyer, 2015). That has not always been true. There has been a period in U.S. history, 1960’s and 1970’s that Rehabilitation Theory was considered the method of choice (Feldmeyer, 2015). Rehabilitation Theory, including treatment, was to treat the â€Å"illness† rather than place heavier sanctions suc h as incapacitation. Even though Rehabilitation is not the predominate approach used today, it is stillRead MoreDeterrence and Rational Choice Theory of Crime3085 Words   |  13 PagesThe issue of whether decision making by criminals is a rational process is a heated topic of discussion when one asserts that crime is the role of choice. Before the classical school of criminology, crime was thought to be the product of the paranormal occurrence of demons, witches, ghouls, and other creatures. The time prior to the classical school of criminology, called the preclassical era, is divided in two parts. Before the time of state intervention into private matters, each individual dealtRead MoreHow Rational Choice And Deterrence Theory Around The World1547 Words   |  7 Pages Everybody has a choice, but it’s up to the individual to the make a decisions on what they choice to do in a positive way, in every event that takes place in their life on an everyday basis. In today’s society dealing with Rational Choice a question always comes into play on why people engage in criminal behavior, but who really knows and most people wonder is it who they surrender their selves around in their social life or could it have been where they grow up and what they sense as a child withRead MoreContemporary Utilization Of Classical Perspective1575 Words   |  7 Pagesexplain the contemporary utilization of the classical perspective of criminology. Deterrence theory, rational choice theory, routine activities theory, and lifestyle theory will be explained and defined thoroughly detailing each theory and provide a historical background, theorist(s) involved, prior literature, scientific methods, results, personal opinions, and policy implications for each th eory. These theories are still being utilized in law enforcement in present day enforcement of laws andRead MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Court Imposed Bans1563 Words   |  7 Pagespolice imposed bans, court imposed bans, and venue imposed bans. These three bans differ in a number of ways, and have different strengths and weaknesses regarding how well they work. They also relate to different social theories including, deterrence theory, and rational choice theory; all of which will be explored throughout this presentation. Court Court imposed bans can be issued for a number of reasons, most commonly to violent patrons who are likely to endanger the safety of others. 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To answer these questions, the theory looks at the variables which are social, economic, and economic which has it affects on law and justice (Akers Sellers, 2009). For theories of crime and criminalRead MoreDeterrence And Rational Choice : The Criminal Justice System And Crime Prevention1196 Words   |  5 PagesDeterrence or rational choice, which one is the better, or should I say wiser theory to follow when it comes to the criminal justice system and crime prevention. Using extreme capacitation (Deterrence) can be an effective punishment for many in our society, however, there will still be a small portion of our society that will still commit crimes. The majority of the society would use goo d-ole common sense (Rational Choice) and not commit crimes in the first place. DISCUSSION: Deterrence and Rational

Monday, December 16, 2019

Causes of Slow Internet and Solut Free Essays

string(50) " profile manager and the user profile is updated\." Slow Internet Connection 1. Faulty electrical connection near Internet modem/router Faulty electrical connections can be caused by bad cabling and loose connections. If it’s a cable modem, the modem must be attached to the first cable split and preferably the connection with the greatest signal level. We will write a custom essay sample on Causes of Slow Internet and Solut or any similar topic only for you Order Now If it’s a DSL circuit, no other cables should attach to the circuit between the telephone company box and the DSL splitter. . DSL circuit frequency interference If it’s a DSL circuit, interference from other circuits in the telephone company’s cable bundle can cause packet loss, latency and outages. T1 circuits are prone for causing problems. T1 circuits installed in neighbors’ offices can interfere with DSL. 3. Interference from Wi-Fi radio in Internet Modem/Router Some Internet companies supply modems and routers with built-in Wi-Fi access point capabilities. The built-in access point can be convenient, but it can play havoc with the modem/router itself.Wi-Fi operates in the 2. 4 Ghz frequency range. That is the same for many cordless phones and microwaves. Using any 2. 4 Ghz device in close proximity to the Wi-Fi enabled modem/router can overload the receive side of a Wi-Fi radio and could cause many problems including device resets. This is true even if the Wi-Fi is not being used as long as the radio is turned on. Make sure the Wi-Fi radio is turned off in software programming for any Internet modem/router. If Wi-Fi is needed, install a stand alone access point. 4. Virus, Worm or Trojan on a PCViruses, worms and Trojans can do more than just slow down a PC, they can slow down an entire network. Depending on what they are doing, they can be sending out significant network traffic that can slow down an internal network and give the appearance that the Internet is slow. They can also be sending traffic out to the Internet which would indeed slow down the Internet because they are consuming such a large quantity of bandwidth. It is wise to check PCs for malware anytime a network is slow for no apparent reason. 5.Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters Are Not Set Appropriately for the Available Internet Speed When Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is being used as well as other realtime data applications, many companies install/program QoS parameters into their Internet routers. One field in the configuration is the amount of available bandwidth. The router must know this in order to know when it is time to employ packet prioritization. It also means that the router will not pass through any more bandwidth then this availability setting even if more is available.If QoS settings are active in router configurations, make sure they are appropriate for the available bandwidth. 6. Congested ISP ISPs frequently become congested during heavy traffic and sometimes during normal traffic use. Congestion can also happen between routers in their network and are especially prevalent in meet points between two ISPs. Detecting ISP congestion requires monitoring the Internet circuit with an ISP Packet Loss and Delay Test Tool. If the problem is intermittent, then the tool must monitor over an extended period of time such as several days or even a week. 7. ISP Not Delivering Promised SpeedUnless the Internet connection is a fixed circuit such as a T1, the delivered bandwidth from an ISP can vary throughout the day. Typically, the varied rate is due to congestion but it can be other factors as well. Still the rate can frequently be below the expected bandwidth. Speed tests can help determine the delivered bandwidth at a precise moment in time. Be careful, as speed tests results can frequently be misleading and they measure only what is happening at one moment versus an extended period of time. 8. Old Browser Profiles Some Web browsers such as Firefox have profiles that can become bloated and corrupted after a while.Unfortunately, they usually work well enough that you wouldn’t know they’re corrupted. Create a new profile occasionally—especially when you update to major new versions of the software—and see if that doesn’t speed up your browsing. 9. High Bandwidth Usage If you like to download large files such as movies, music and other multi-gigabyte files—and you like to do all these things simultaneously—you will probably see significant slowdown unless you are running a high bandwidth connection such as business-class Internet such as a T1 connection. 10. Multiple Users of Bandwidth If you have multiple  computers  using the same connection, each computer uses some of the connection. The more people using the same connection the slower it will run for each. Worse, with Wi-Fi someone within range of your router may be hijacking your connection and slowing it down as a result 11. Malware Less common although still a danger is malware. If your computer becomes infected with certain malware it can be turned into what is known as a zombie, which means that the computer becomes a slave that is at the whim of whoever controls the malware.That person can use your computer for whatever he wants in the background without you knowing it, such as for sending spam emails. To avoid this, use a dependable antivirus, antimalware and firewall software to keep your computer secure. How Requests are Processed over the Internet | HTTP request/response path The numeric steps below refer to the steps shown above 1. When the user requests a document, the browser issues the request to the local proxy server. 2. This request first goes through an HTTP request filter. The request may be immediately satisfied (e. g. f the request is for a site that is blocked out, such as advertisements), may be modified (e. g. header compression), or may be passed through without modification. Determination of filterable requests is based on substring matching of URLs to key strings and running corresponding scripts defined in a configuration file. 3. If a response was not generated immediately, the request is logged by the local profile manager and the user profile is updated. You read "Causes of Slow Internet and Solut" in category "Papers" 4. The request is then passed on to the cache manager. 5. The profile manager will create a pre-fetch list based on the usage profile and send it to the pre-fetcher. . Requests which change the profile, specifically URLs which point to HTML pages, are sent to the backbone profile engine to enable backbone aggressive pre-fetches and to update the backbone profiles. Note that the use of an explicit connection to send the profile updates is mainly for ease of implementation. A more efficient mechanism would be to piggy-back such data on HTTP requests that gets transmitted from the local proxy server to the backbone proxy server. 7. Periodically, the backbone profile engine returns a list of recommended pages to pre-fetch based on group profiles.This can occur when many users of a particular group visit a particular page. Similar to above, such information can be piggy-backed onto HTTP responses in a more efficient implementation. 8. The recommended URLs are operated on by a function in the HTTP request filter to eliminate URLs that would be filtered (i. e. , we do not want to pre-fetch items that we will filter). This new list is submitted to the pre-fetcher. 9. The pre-fetcher collates the pre-fetch list and group document pre-fetch recommendations that are found to be not filterable.It then amortizes the pre-fetch requests to the cache manager. 10. If the cache has a fresh copy of the document originally requested, the request is satisfied immediately. 11. Otherwise, the request is forwarded to the backbone proxy server. 12. The normal HTTP transaction occurs between the backbone cache manager and the WWW server. 13. After retrieval, the document is passed through the backbone HTTP response filter. 14. The response is sent back to the local cache manager, who will cache the document if it is a cacheable item. It is then sent back to the browser (10). 15.The backbone profile manager maintains individual as well as group profiles. Periodically, it creates a list of recommended group documents and sends it to the local proxy server (7) of each member of the group. As profile updates arrive, it creates a list of documents to pre-fetch based on individual and group usage profiles. The only difference from the local pre-fetch list is that the backbone list is longer (i. e. , we do more aggressive pre-fetches on the backbone). This list is then submitted to the backbone pre-fetch engine. 16. The backbone pre-fetcher will issue the necessary pre-fetch requests.Causes of Possible Delays The main issues that can adversely affect the performance and scalability of your Web services are: * Incorrect communication mechanism. Currently, there are three main technologies for remoting a method call: Enterprise Services, . NET remoting, and ASP. NET Web services. The best choice depends upon various factors, including the source and target platforms, whether you need to communicate across an intranet or the Internet, whether you require additional services such as distributed transactions, your security equirements, deployment considerations (such as whether your communication must pass through a firewall), other port limitations, and so on. * Web services. Use Web services to build your services. * Enterprise Services. If you use Web services to build your services, you may still need to use Enterprise Services within your service implementation. For example, you may need it to support distributed transactions or if you want to use object pooling. * . NET remoting. Use remoting for same-process, cross-application domain communication or for remote communication if you need to integrate with a legacy protocol.If you use remoting, avoid custom proxies, custom sinks, and using contexts. This helps to avoid compatibility issues with future communication technologies. * Chatty calls. Network round trips to and from a Web service can be expensive. This issue is magnified if clients need to issue multiple requests to a Web service to complete a single logical operation. * Improper choice of parameters. Your choice of parameters depends upon various factors, such as interoperability, the varying platforms used by the clients, maintainability, the type of encoding format used, and so on.Improper choice of parameters can lead to a number of issues, including increased serialization costs and potential versioning problems for the Web service (for example where a custom type is updated). Where possible, you should use primitive types. If interoperability is an issue, consider using the  XmlElement  andXmlDocument  types and choose types specific to your application, such as an  Employee  or  Person  class. * Serialization. Serializing large amounts of data and passing it to and from Web services can cause performance-related issues, including network congestion and excessive memory and processor overhead. Improper data transfer strategies for large amounts of data. Selecting an appropriate data transfer strategy — such as using a SOAP extension that performs compression and decompression or offloading data transfer to other services — is critical to the performance of your Web services solution. * Improper choice of encoding format. You can use either literal or SOAP encoding. SOAP encoding involves more SOAP-processing overhead as compared to literal encoding. * Lack of caching or inefficient caching. In many situations, application or perimeter caching can improve Web services performance.Caching-related issues that can significantly affect Web services performance include failure to use caching for Web methods, caching too much data, caching inappropriate data, and using inappropriate expiration settings. * Inefficient state management. Inefficient state management design in Web services can lead to scalability bottlenecks because the server becomes overloaded with state information that it must maintain on a per-user basis. Common pitfalls for Web services state management include using stateful Web methods, using cookie container based state management, and choosing an inappropriate state store.The most scalable Web services maintain no state. * Misuse of threads. It is easy to misuse threads. For example, you might create threads on a per-request basis or you might write code that misuses the thread pool. Also, unnecessarily implementing a Web method asynchronously can cause more worker threads to be used and blocked, which affects the performance of the Web server. On the client side, consumers of Web services have the option of calling Web services asynchronously or synchronously. Your code should call a Web service asynchronously only when you want to avoid blocking the client while a Web service call is in progress.If you are not careful, you can use a greater number of worker and I/O threads, which negatively affects performance. It is also slower to call a service asynchronously; therefore, you should avoid doing so unless your client application needs to do something else while the service is invoked. * Inefficient Web method processing. A common example of inefficient processing is not using a schema to validate input upfront. This issue can be significant because the Web method may de-serialize the incoming message and then throw exceptions later on while processing the input data.How to Enhance the Service Serialization The amount of serialization that is required for your Web method requests and responses is a significant factor for overall Web services performance. Serialization overhead affects network congestion, memory consumption, and processor utilization. To help keep the serialization overhead to a minimum: XML Compression Compressing the XML payload sent over the wire helps reduce the network traffic significantly. You can implement XML compression by using one of the ollowing techniques: * Use SOAP extensions on the server and client for the compression and decompression of requests and responses. * Use a custom HTTP module on the server and override the proxy for the Web service on the client. * Use HTTP compression features available in IIS 5. 0 and later versions for compressing the response from the Web services. Note that you need a decompression mechanism on the client. Caching Caching is a great way to improve Web services performance. By reducing the average request time and easing server load, caching also helps scalability.You can cache frequently used data applicable to all users, or you can cache SOAP response output. You can cache application data by using ASP. NET caching features. You can cache SOAP output by using either the ASP. NET output cache or by employing perimeter caching. When designing a caching strategy for your Web services, consider the following guidelines: Design Chunky Interfaces to Reduce Round Trips Design chunky interfaces by exposing Web methods that allow your clients to perform single logical operations by calling a single Web method. Avoid exposing properties.Instead, provide methods that accept multiple parameters to reduce roundtrips. Do not create a Web service for each of your business objects. A Web service should wrap a set of business objects. Use Web services to abstract these objects and increase the chunkiness of your calls. Prefer Message-Based Programming over RPC Style You can design Web services by using either of two programming models: messaging style and RPC style. The RPC style is based on the use of objects and methods. Web methods take object parameters to do the processing, and then return the results.The messaging style does not focus on objects as parameters. It is based on a data contract (schema) between the Web service and its clients. The Web service expects the message to be XML that conforms to the published data contract. This approach allows you to package and send all parameters in a single message payload and complete the operation with a single call, thus reducing chatty communication. The Web service may or may not return results immediately; therefore, the clients do not need to wait for results.Use Literal Message Encoding for Parameter Formatting The encoded formatting of the parameters in messages creates larger messages than literal message encoding (literal message encoding is the default). In general, you should use literal format unless you are forced to switch to SOAP encoding for interoperability with a Web services platform that does not support the literal format. Prefer Primitive Types for Web Services Parameters There are two broad categories of parameter types that you can pass to Web services: * Strongly typed . These include .NET types such as  double  and  int, and custom objects such as  Employee,Person, and so on. The advantage of using strongly typed parameters is that . NET automatically generates the schema for these types and validates the incoming values for you. Clients use the schema to construct appropriately formatted XML messages before sending them. * Loosely typed. These parameters use the  string  type. Note that you should not pass XML documents as string parameters because the entire string then needs to be XML encoded. For example,  ;lt;  and  ;gt;  needs to be converted to  ;amp;lt  and  ;amp;gt  and so on.Instead, you should use either an  XmlElement  parameter or implementIXmlSerializable. The latter is the most efficient and works well for large data sizes, regardless of which encoding style you use, you should prefer simple primitive types like  int,  double, and  string  for Web services parameters. Use of primitive types leads to reduced serialization and automatic and efficient validation by the . NET Framework. Avoid Maintaining Server State Between Calls Maintaining per-caller state in memory on the server limits scalability because the state consumes server resources. As an alternative, you can pass state back and forth between the client and Web service. Although this approach enables you to scale your service, it does add performance overhead — including the time taken to serialize, transmit, parse, and de-serialize the state with each call. Input Validation for Costly Web Methods If you have a Web method that performs costly and time-consuming processing, consider validating the Web method input before processing it. It can be more efficient to accept the validation overhead to eliminate unnecessary downstream processing.However, unless you are likely to receive invalid input frequently, you should probably avoid schema validation due to the significant overhead that it introduces. You need to assess your specific situation to determine whether or not schema validation is appropriate. You can validate input data either by using SOAP extensions or by using separate internal helper methods that your Web methods call. The advantage of using SOAP extensions is that they permit you to separate your validation code from your business logic. If there is any schema change in the future, the extension can change independently of the Web method.Approach to Caching You can greatly enhance Web services performance by caching data. With ASP. NET Web services, you can use many of the same caching features that are available to ASP. NET applications. These include ASP. NET output caching, HTTP response caching, and ASP. NET application caching. In common with any caching solution, your caching design for a Web service must consider issues such as how frequently the cached data needs to be updated, whether or not the data is user-specific or application-wide, what mechanism to use to indicate that the cache needs updating, and so on.For more information about caching with Web services, see the â€Å"Caching† section later in this chapter. Approaches for Bulk Data Transfer and Attachments You can use the following approaches to optimize the performance of bulk data transfer: * Chunking. With this approach, you use fixed-size byte arrays to send the data one chunk at a time. * Offloading the transfer. With this approach, you return a URL from your Web service which points to the file to be downloaded. * Compression. You can use a SOAP extension to compress the SOAP messages before transmitting them.This helps when you are constrained primarily by network bandwidth or latency. To handle attachments, your options include: * WS-Attachments * Base 64 encoding * SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) Avoid Calling Local Web Services Web services located on the same computer as a client ASP. NET application share the same thread pool with the ASP. NET application. Therefore, the client application and the Web service share the same threads and other related resources, such as CPU for request processing.Calling a local Web service also means that your request travels through the entire processing pipeline and incurs overhead, including serialization, thread switching, request queuing, and de-serialization. In addition, the  maxconnection  attribute of Machine. config has no affect on the connection limit for making calls to local Web services. Therefore, local Web services always tend to give preference to the requests that come from the local computer over requests that come from other machines. This degrades the throughput of the Web service for remote clients How to cite Causes of Slow Internet and Solut, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Accounting System For Design And Development

Question: Discuss about theAccounting System For Design And Development. Answer: Introduction Transformation in an organization is perceived as the process whereby organizations change their structures, operations, strategies, culture and technology that tend to affect change within the organization (Pasmore et al, 2010). Organizational change tends to occur in a continuous manner or in distinct periods of time. Todays business environment entail that companies should undergo change constantly for the purpose of remaining competitive and improve the levels of service satisfaction to customers (Demers, 2007). In most instances, companies consider changing their systems because of the change that they face. The step of taking change tends to be vital but there also arises driving forces and restraining forces of change which will be discussed in this paper based on VLF change development case study. Driving Forces: Inefficiency and Errors Due to Paper Work To begin with will be identification of driving forces to change. It is evident from the case study that after surgery a patient was to be taken to the recovery room and nurses began reviewing the patient. Hence, this meant that a lot of paper work was to be done during these instances. Thus, inefficiency in procedures developed extra work and delays which negatively affected the surgeons schedules (Serlenno Brock, 2008). Maria a nurse in the firm exclaims that sometimes the necessary supplies were not provided because the instruments were incomplete. Hence, this acts a key driver showing the need of change in the manner the organization keeps its records and procedures. Errors Emerging It is explained that VLF health professions who dealt with a patient made notes on the procedures performed. Hence, the notes were dictated by the attending physician into a recording machine and then transcribed by the secretary. Such a procedure had several implications on quality and availability of information (Campbell, 2014). Since, doctors arent known for their legible handwriting, secretaries can make errors or documents may be lost or filed wrongly. At times, it may be hard for patients to remember the actual comments of the physician. Hence, due to the development of these risks of losing data, errors and forgetting previous comments, it tends to act as a driving force why there is need of change in VLF health centre. Challenges: Extra Skills and Extra Work for Physicians Though, VLF faces challenges that act as driving force to the need of change. There are also other restraining forces that tend to affect change in VLF. To begin with, we observe that VLF has implemented new systems in their healthcare delivery process. Hence, this meant that doctors have to fill out patient records over electronic systems so as to lower levels of error. Thus, this created an extra work and extra skill by the physicians to fill out the records. Therefore, this comes out to be a challenge because it was difficult for doctors with no extra computing skills as they had to undergo training to be able to use the systems (Demers, 2007). Hence, this acted as a restraining factor the implementation of change. Selecting the Best Team Another challenge that emerged though it was solved as change went on was on the issue of integration of the system such that it wasnt about ethical medical records but there was to be an administrative procedure that provides a unified picture. For all these to happen getting the correct team for governance was a challenge that was later to be addressed. Hence, this shows in change there is the driving and restraining forces that tend to affect the process, as they should be effectively monitored. References Pasmore, W. A., Woodman, R. W., Shani, A. B. (2010).Research in organizational change and development. Volume 18 Volume 18. Bingley, UK, Emerald. https://jab.sagepub.com/content/early/2016/04/18/0021886316641509 Salerno, A., Brock, L. (2008).The change cycle: how people can survive and thrive in organizational change. San Francisco, Berrett-Koehler Publishers. https://www.bkconnection.com/static/The_Change_Cycle_EXCERPT.pdf Campbell, H. (2014).Managing organizational change. https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=ssz1CAAAQBAJpg=PA196lpg=PA196dq=Campbell,+H.+(2014).+Managing+organizational+changesource=blots=iC_96zAIdUsig=yzF-NqqSxDmLAzTvq90DQpB3eLkhl=ensa=Xredir_esc=y#v=onepageq=Campbell%2C%20H.%20(2014).%20Managing%20organizational%20changef=false Demers, C. (2007).Organizational change theories: a synthesis. Los Angeles, CA, SAGE Publications. https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=b1aZomTELuwCpg=PA79lpg=PA79dq=Demers,+C.+(2007).+Organizational+change+theories:+a+synthesis.+Los+Angeles,+CA,+SAGE+Publications.source=blots=Pyl3_S5C_1sig=Dv6-GpNzinmtacpbbWbw-olmImchl=ensa=Xredir_esc=y#v=onepageq=Demers%2C%20C.%20(2007).%20Organizational%20change%20theories%3A%20a%20synthesis.%20Los%20Angeles%2C%20CA%2C%20SAGE%20Publications.f=false

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Most Effective Treatment For Anxiety Disorders Essays

The Most Effective Treatment For Anxiety Disorders Anxiety disorders are becoming a widespread epidemic in America. Each year we spend more than $46 billion dollars, nearly one third of our total mental health bill, treating the almost 20 million Americans affected by anxiety disorders. With these staggering numbers, it is no surprise that researchers and experts are examining many different forms of treatment in order to find more and better ways to diagnose and treat these debilitating disorders. The American Psychiatric Association states that no single situation or condition causes anxiety disorders. Rather, physical and environmental triggers may combine to create a particular anxiety illness. Psychoanalytic theory suggests that anxiety stems from unconscious conflicts that arose from discomfort during infancy or childhood. For example, a person may carry the unconscious conflict of sexual feelings toward the parent of the opposite sex. Or the person may have developed problems from experiencing an illness, fright or other emotionally laden event as a child. By this theory, anxiety can be resolved by identifying and resolving the unconscious conflict. The symptoms that symbolize the conflict would then disappear. Learning theory says that anxiety is a learned behavior that can be unlearned. People who feel uncomfortable in a given situation or near a certain object will begin to avoid it. However, such avoidance can limit a patient's ability to live a normal life. More recently, research has indicated that biochemical imbalances can be factors. Many scientists say all thoughts and feelings result from complex electrochemical interactions in the central nervous system. Moreover, some studies indicate that infusions of certain biochemicals can cause a panic attack in some people. According to this theory, treatment of anxiety should correct these biochemical imbalances. Although medications first come to mind with this theory, remember that studies have found biochemical changes can occur as a result of emotional, psychological or behavioral changes. No doubt each of these theories is true to some extent. A person may develop or inherit a biological susceptibility to anxiety disorders. Events in childhood may lead to certain fears that, over time, develop into a full-blown anxiety disorder. Dr. Rolland Bailey, D.O. states in a recent interview, "A variety of factors have been identified as possible causes of persistent anxiety. There is evidence it may be due to an imbalance of a chemical called serotonin n the brain. In people with anxiety disorders, it has been suggested that there is an excess of serotonin. Other chemicals may also be responsible for causing anxiety. Persistent anxiety has also been shown to run in families, indicating a possible hereditary influence. Stressful events may also be causes or triggers of anxiety. According to the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill several factors seem to contribute to the development of an anxiety disorder. Much new research suggests that these disorders both run in families and are the result of one's brain chemistry. Certain life experiences and one's general personality are also thought to influence the likelihood of having an anxiety disorder. As indicated by James Herbert, Ph.D. Program Director and Associate Professor of Psychology at Hahnemann University that while no one knows for certain what causes social phobia, the scientific research suggests that both biological and environmental factors are probably involved. People with social phobia have also been shown to have certain biases in their thinking. For example, they often exaggerate the risks and dangers of certain social situations. The treatment options are as varied as the number of professionals treating these disorders. The problem with treatment options for social anxiety disorders is that, unlike some other psychological problems, social anxiety is not well understood by the general public or by medical and mental health care professionals, such as doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, social workers, and counselors. In fact, people with social anxiety are misdiagnosed almost 90% of the time. People with social phobia are often labeled as schizophrenic, manic-depressive, clinically depressed, panic disordered, and personality disordered, among other damaging misdiagnoses. Social anxiety disorders, like other mental illnesses, reflect dysfunction within the brain, according to Dr. Steven Hyman, "we are beginning to understand the specific circuits in the brain that underlie the different illnesses" (1). Most people experience feeling of anxiety before an important event, so what separates these

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

buy custom Gingival Enlargement and Pregnancy essay

buy custom Gingival Enlargement and Pregnancy essay 1.0 Introduction Gingival enlargement also known as gingival hypertrophy or hyperplasia is an abnormal overgrowth of gingival tissues6. Studies have revealed that pregnancy is among the risk factors causing periodontal disease, due to increased levels of progesterone and estrogens. Gingiva has been found to be one of the target organs for female sex hormones. In order to reduce incidences of gingival inflammation, it is recommended that pregnant women should maintain their oral hygiene. The increase in gingival inflammation begins during the second month of pregnancy and and reach its maximum level during the eighth month of pregnancy. The inflammatory changes may lead to gingival appearing edematous, hyperplastic or erythematous. Usually, the changes are either localized or generalized and may be noted on the interdental papilla and also on the marginal gingival. The condition is accompanied by local irritation. 2.0 Purpose of the Project In this paper, the relationship between gingival enlargement and pregnancy is presented. The paper will enable us discover the causes of gingival enlargement in pregnant women, the intense of the condition and how it can be prevented. Gingival enlargement has been found to cause various problems such as chewing, breathing, speaking and cosmetic problems, especially during pregnancy. Hormonal imbalances, which occur during pregnancy, have been associated with localized and generalized gingival enlargements. Pregnancy does not cause this condition directly, but rather metabolism during pregnancy accentuates the response to irritants, thus causing gingival inflammation. All these are discussed in depth in the paper. Having a deeper understanding of the relationship between gingival enlargement and pregnancy is crucial because the condition has become a common clinical entity. Because of its association with various local and systematic factors, complete management of the condition requires differential diagnosis. Most gingival enlargement causative factors lead to unusual hyperplastic tissue response, which are associated with local irritants such as calculus, plague, and bacteria. 3.0 Background Gingival enlargement is a common clinical entity, especially with pregnant women. Hormonal imbalances, which occur during pregnancy, have been known to be one of the causative factors of gingival enlargement. The paper addresses the relationship between gingival enlargement and pregnancy. The topic has a wide range of importance to health issues. Hormonal imbalances, which occur during puberty and pregnancy, have been known to be associated with various types of gingival enlargement. The hormonal changes significantly potentiate the effects of irritants on gingival connective tissues. In all body inflammation good oral hygiene is necessary in order to minimize the negative effects of the associated systematic factors. Gingivectomy or Gingivoplasty may be done in combination with oral hygiene and prophylaxis instructions. Lesions that do not cause a significant esthetic or functional problem should be avoided during pregnancy because they may reoccur. Furthermore, they may resolve to a spontaneous post-partum. The importance of oral prophylaxis and regular check up cannot be overlooked. Though, gingival hyperplasia is a rare condition, it is important for mechanic and cosmetic reasons. During pregnancy hyperplasia of gingival may be caused by various factors including poor oral hygiene, poor nutrition or by systematic hormonal stimulation. The objective of the paper is to explain deeply the causes of gingival enlargement during pregnancy, effects and prevention of the condition. The following research questions will be answered in the course of the paper: How is gingival enlargement related to pregnancy? What causes gingival enlargement during pregnancy? What are the influences of hormonal imbalances during pregnancy on the development of gingival lesions? How can gingival inflammation be prevented and treated? 4.0Literature Review Periodontal inflammation and pregnancy have now been linked for many years. For instance, in1978, Vermeeran discussed the intense of toothpains" in pregnancy5. Also in 1818, Pitcarin tried to give a description of gingival hyperplasia in pregnancy6. Pregnancy related abnormalities are most frequent in gingival tissue. Pregnancy does not cause gingivitis, but rather aggravate preexisting disease. The most common known changes exhibit themselves in gingival vasculature. Various studies have been done to understand how ovarian hormones may increase the enlargement the gingival tissues and exaggerate the response to local irritants. Gingival inflammation has been found to be aggravated by an imbalance or an increase in sex hormones. According to a study by Pitcarin sex hormones affects and modifies the actions of cells of immune system2. Furthermore, evidence suggests that the interaction of estrogen and immune system can lead to non immune regulatory effects. Estrogen and progesterone receptors have been demonstrated in the gingival. The sub-gingival micro-flora and the gingival tissues respond to the hormonal imbalance during pregnancy with a variety of changes. Epidemiological studies suggests that the prevalence of pregnancy gingivitis ranges from 35% to 100% During collection of information regarding the topic I made use of pub-med search. Using Google as the search engine I entered the URL. This is the National Library of medicine address. I clicked on PubMed, which took me to simple search interface pages for PubMed. The key words I searched for include the following; gingival enlargement, gingivectomy and periodontal inflammation including many others. 5.0 Theoretical Framework A study, which was done by Carranza and Newman1 on February 2008, involving 95 pregnant women aged between 15-45 years old, suggests that untreated periodontal diseases in pregnant mothers poses a significant risk factor, which may cause preterm, less than 37 weeks gestation and low birth weight (less than 2500 grams)1. Currently, there have been opinions that the co-relation of periodontal diseases to preterm low birth weights (PLBW) occurs due to infections. The evidence further suggests that the condition can be mediated indirectly through the translocation of bacterial products such as endotoxin or by the action of maternally produced inflammatory mediators. The biologically active molecules, which are normally in normal parturition, such as prostaglandin PGE and tumor necrosis factors are raised to high levels by the infection. This may foster premature labor. Recently, there has been a positive relation between gingival crevicular fluid levels of PGE with intra amniotic PGE levels, suggesting that negative periodontal infections may present a challenge sufficient to initiate the onset of premature labor through the stimulatiion of secondary mediators such as PGE and Interleukin 1 beta. Pregnancy gingivitis manifests itself in various ways. This includes; erythema, hyperplasia, edema and increased bleeding. These manifestations are similar to those of conventional gingivitis. The condition varies from mild to server inflammation and progresses to serious enlargement causing spontaneous bleeding and pain of gingiva. Occasionally, there might appear a localized gingival enlargement called pregnancy tumor. Serious gingival condition leads to tissue inflammation causing periodontal tooth mobility. It has been observed that during pregnancy hormonal levels increases to a greater extent. For instance, etcradial levels in the plasma increases up to 30 times that during reproductive cycle. Estrogen and progesterone are produced in the placenta during pregnancy. The estrogen produced may regulate cellular differentiation, proliferation and keratinization, while progesterone changes the rate of production of collagen and also affects the permeability of microvasculature. Receptors for progesterone and estrogen have been revealed in the gingival; providing direct biochemical evidence that gingiva can be a target organ for sex hormones. In addition, there exists an evidence of sex hormone concentration in the crevicular fluid, which provides a growth medium for periodontal pathogens. Also, there are various changes which occur in maternal immune system leading to a decrease in the ration of peripheral T helper cells to T suppressor cells. The changes in maternal immune response increase the degree of gingival inflammation. Because of increased sex hormones in gingival tissues, gingival crevicular fluid and in the saliva, the response of tissues (gingival) to local factors (plague) becomes exaggerated7. Gingival inflammation, presence of calculus and plague and consequently, gingival bleeding have been found to be more in pregnant women in comparison to non-pregnant women. It has been estimated that the prevalence of gingivitis in pregnant women ranges from 30% to 100%. According to another study did by Laine, pregnant women need to have a high standard of hygiene4. Because of the hormonal imbalances during pregnancy, pregnant women are more susceptible to gingival-periodontal diseases. This is consistent with the finding by Pinard, which showed that pregnant women need more oral hygiene instructions and care in order to deal with oral diseases3. Oral hygiene instructions such as instructions on how to care for oral heath during gestation, and after delivering, are among the parameters to be considered for pregnant women6. Although a considerable proportion of pregnant women experience gingivitis during pregnancy, gingival tissues return to their original healthy state after wards. This happens when the levels of estrogen and progesterone reach baseline values. In a clinical situation, apart from a slight increase in gingivitis, a sub-gingival microbial shift and bleeding, healthy pregnant women are unlikely to experience a significant gingival response that would have serious clinical implication. It is important for women, who are susceptible to gingival conditions, to seek treatment to prevent serious extension of inflammation that may cause bacteremia8. Preventive measures such as meticulous plague control and dental prophylaxis helps in preventing periodontal conditions from development. Hence, it is necessary to include periodontal examination as one of antenatal check up during pregnancy in order to ensure that both the mother and the child are healthy. Buy custom Gingival Enlargement and Pregnancy essay

Friday, November 22, 2019

Trees Make Oxygen, People Use Oxygen

Trees Make Oxygen, People Use Oxygen Trees alone can produce enough oxygen to support all human oxygen needs in North America. Trees are important and benefit the environment. A mature leafy tree produces as much oxygen in a season as 10 people inhale in a year. This quote was by an Arbor Day Foundation report.  For a number of reasons, including tree availability and other photosynthetic plants, human consumption of oxygen produced just by trees can vary dramatically. There is also some question as to how many mature leafy trees are in the United States, but a rough estimate using United States Forest Service (FIA) data would be around 1.5 billion that have reached maturity (assuming they are 20 years old or older). There are approximately three mature trees for every person in the United States... more than enough. Other Tree Oxygen Estimations Here are some other quotes from different sources which may be more or less conservative than  my report: A single mature tree can absorb carbon dioxide at a rate of 48 lbs./year and release enough oxygen back into the atmosphere to support 2 human beings. - ​ McAliney, Mike. Arguments for Land Conservation: Documentation and Information Sources for Land Resources Protection, Trust for Public Land, Sacramento, CA, December, 1993.On average, one tree produces nearly 260 pounds of oxygen each year. Two mature trees can provide enough oxygen for a family of four. - Canadas environmental agency, Environment Canada.Mean net annual oxygen production (after accounting for decomposition) per hectare of trees (100% tree canopy) offsets oxygen consumption of 19 people per year (eight people per acre of tree cover), but ranges from nine people per hectare of canopy cover (four people/ac cover) in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to 28 people/ha cover (12 people/ac cover) in Calgary, Alberta. - U.S. Forest Service and International Society of Arboriculture joint publication. Considerations Several of these sources suggest that it all depends on the tree species and their local populations. Other things that will increase oxygen availability to humans is a trees health and where you live when computing tree oxygen availability per person.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Theme 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Theme 2 - Essay Example The â€Å"Tale of Kieu† is a typical example that exemplifies the concept of morality within a literary piece. The poem tackles the concept of morality in differing dimensions as displayed by different characters in the play. Depending on one’s school of thought in evaluating the concept of morality, â€Å"The Tale of Kieu† can largely be considered as an immoral piece that exposes the societal immoral acts through relationships and promises in a larger societal set up. My argument to justify this line of thought is largely influenced after examining the characters and behaviors of the main protagonist, Kieu, Kim and Thu and their liberal actions in the entire poem. I therefore strongly argue that â€Å"The Tale of Kieu† points out the conflicting merits imposed on people and the way these merits affected their immoral lives in the years to come. (Du) Morality is one of the key themes in controversy of events surrounding â€Å"The Tale of Kieu†. It is a usual thing that fundamental moral acts largely involve the keeping of promises, being steadfast during times of opposition, and due unselfishness concerning being accommodating to others opinions and suggestions. Emanating from that basic understanding one may be at a crossroads in solving the moral equation of Kieu and other characters as exemplified in this poem. As such, one would commonly ask, is â€Å"The Tale of Kieu† an ideal moral poem? In my personal opinion, the poem just displays how many people in the real world can do â€Å"whatever they can get their hands on† so that they get what they desire even if their actions considerably affect those around them. The fascinating evidence in the story undoubtedly justifies my line of thought, as â€Å"The Tale of Kieu† is not that moral piece as some may argue. For instance, Kim Throng is displayed as a young, brilliant of mind man who desires Kieu. He is riches and sets out to love Kieu. In one instanc e, we are told how the two lovebirds go out to bond their relationship. Kim pours out his heart to Kieu and asserts, â€Å"Let's pledge our troth with something† (line 341) which Kieu responds, â€Å"to your kind bosom†¦ I’ll etch your word, our troth, in stone and bronze.† (Line 352) The above statement sought to re-affirm each other’s promise. Kieu further consolidates this promise by saying that â€Å"while am alive you’ll sometimes get your due† (line 522) suggesting a long trusted mutual relationship between the two lovers, and their intention of keeping the promise and living by the morality principle they swore. However, on their first date, we see Kim making sexual advances towards Kieu, was this action justified, being that both of them were not married? Keeping this purity until marriage was a noble thing to do as they both made vows to each other. In fact, it takes the efforts of Kieu to remind Kim of the noble vow they swore that they would keep the sexual affair issue until marriage. Immediately two issues emerge from the above analysis, Kim considerably displays immoral acts while Kieu is the moral one trying to live by the principles of their vow. The moral principle requires making a promise and keeping that particular promise irrespective the social circumstances and situations one finds him or herself. Kim and Kieu had made a promise to marry each other and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Advertisement to bid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Advertisement to bid - Essay Example This entails the strengthening of the construction concrete with steel bars known as rebars. Vibrators are also used to remove any air that might be trapped in the concrete to increase the strength. It is also understood that you require stained concrete floors, we have unlimited number of designs and colors for a beautiful finish. We also understand that you require light steel framing of good thermal properties. We have managed to use steel studs for rough-framing in both residential and commercial construction. The steel we use has good thermal and structural behavior especially in cold climate regions as heat loss is reduced and has tenement thermal comfort. We have also used clear windows to do some our previous constructions. Clear windows are able to let in light at the same time keeps inclement weather outside. The entire faà §ade of the building can be covered by curtain walls. We have examined the plan located on Chin building, 55 west 45 street, and confirm that we are able to complete the task in the required time. Enclosed is the bill bond of $18200 for the total of 6000 square foot. We write to inquire if you would be interested in working as a wood framing subcontractor on an office/warehouse project. In case you are interested, you are supposed to present your major history, including main works undertaken by you recently. The details of key personnel you will have performing your portion of work over the entire period should also be presented. The building technique should be the stud technique which provides a stable frame to which the wall coverings are attached. Plywood, oriented strand boards, and wind braces should be used in wall sectioning and stabilization. For other fittings you, glued limited timber and laminated veneer lumber will be used. To save on materials used, dimensional lumber method should be used. You will also be required to fix a laminate floor with a high aesthetic value. The floor pieces should be machine

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Romeo and Juliet Critical Lens Essay Example for Free

Romeo and Juliet Critical Lens Essay Robert Assagioli once said, â€Å"Without forgiveness life is governed by . . . an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation.† In other words, if one can’t learn to be compassionate, one’s life is going to be controlled by a continuous feeling of hatred and revenge. This quote is accurate because people need to forgive others in order to move on with their own lives. Harboring negative feelings and holding grudges consumes you. The Tragedy of Romeo Juliet by William Shakespeare illustrates this quote well. In The Tragedy of Romeo Juliet by William Shakespeare, many of the characters hold grudges and set out for revenge quickly after having been provoked. For example, the antagonist, Tybalt Capulet, is easily angered when the protagonist, Romeo Montague, shows up to the Capulet’s part uninvited. He swears for revenge and goes to find Romeo to challenge him and ends up killing another Montague and then being killed himself. As a result of this, the Prince sets out to banish Romeo. The underlying problem in the story, though, is that the Montague and Capulet’s are feuding and have been for years. They only realize it’s wrong when their children die. On the other hand, the story also illustrates a lighter note associated with forgiveness instead of holding grudges. Juliet forgives Romeo for killing Tybalt, even though Tybalt was her kinsman. When Juliet is in despair because of Romeo’s banishment and disobeys her father, he is outraged, but later forgives Juliet when she seemingly comes around. The most important apology acceptance is in the end when Capulet’s and Montague’s end their feud and erect statues of each other’s deceased children. The Tragedy of Romeo Juliet by William Shakespeare proves Assagioli’s quote. Although it seemed the families could not stand each other in the beginning and many had personal grudges whereas others had only a general grudge towards the opposing family, in the end the Capulet’s and Montague’s decide it’s pointless to keep feuding. It goes to show that if one has been wronged and seeks immediate revenge or let’s one’s self fume and hold onto it, then they will be a miserable person until they can learn to let it go and forgive.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Anglo-Saxon Warriors and the Klephts of Greece: Their Indo-European Ori

Anglo-Saxon Warriors and the Klephts of Greece: Their Indo-European Origins Anglo-Saxon warrior bands share the same code of honor as the Greek resistance fighters called Klephts both nations having a common Indo-European heritage and concept of hero. Beginning in the fifth century Germanic invasions transformed the Celtic culture of the British Isles. Anglo-Saxon warrior bands conquered the native Celts and prevailed in England from the fifth until the eleventh century. Warfare, the idea of comitatus, and the Germanic heroic code comprised the Anglo-Saxon way of life. Their warrior clans were ruled by a heroic figure, a chieftain or king, and the heroic code valued bravery, boasting, and above all allegiance to their king. Loyalty to the king gave warriors a sense of honor, identity and belonging. In Germania Tacitus writes, They choose their kings for their noble birth, their leaders for their valour. The power even of the kings is not absolute or arbitrary. As for the leaders, it is their example rather than theirauthority that wins them special admiration(7.1). It was their leaders rather than their kings who were the heroic figures whom the warriors could admire and emulate. The Kings were usually "inferior in virtue and courage to the great heroes who serve them" (Oosten, 152). Nevertheless, the Anglo-Saxon heroic code valued allegiance to the king above all else, since he was viewed not only as a protector but also the provider of plenty (Chaney, 90). On the field of battle, that loyalty was transferred to their leader or hero. Tacitus explains that Anglo-Saxon warriors were expected to support their leaders in battle unto death or live a life of infamy. Tacitus, (6.22-3). Since they were forced to struggle co... ...hop. The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom Hymnal. Brookline, Mass: Greek Orthodox Diocese of North and South America, 1977. Oosten, Jarich G. The War of the gods, The Social Code in Indo European Mythology. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985. Runciman, Steven. The Great Church in Captivity, A Study of the Patriarchate of Constantinople From the Eve of the Turkish Conquest to the Greek War of Independence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1968. Stover, Leon E. and Kraig, Bruce. Stonehenge, The Indo- European Heritage. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1978. Winn, Shan M. M. Heaven, Heroes, and Happiness, The Indo-European Roots of Western Ideology. New York: University Press of America, 1995. Zafiropoulos, Simoni, ed. Greece in Poetry, With Painting Drawings, Photographs, and Other Works of Art. New York: Harry N. Abrahms, Inc., 1993.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Do Stop and Searches Breach Our Privacy?

Since it was first introduced, the ‘stop and search' method of countering crime has sparked a fierce debate as to whether these searches are morally right. Happening almost daily, the practice continues to be very controversial, with many claiming that ‘stop and searches' breach our right to privacy. In the next couple of paragraphs, I shall attempt to answer the question â€Å"do stop and searches breach our privacy?† and learn a little more about the controversial topic. Depending on where in the UK one lives, one is likely to be stopped and searched at least once in their life by a police officer – it has become an inevitable fact. When told by an officer that they are going to be searched in public, a person is given a number of key rights and responsibilities. Both the former and the latter are obvious: the right to be told the officer's name and police station, the right to receive a ‘receipt' from the officer about the search, the right to not be strip searched in public, and the right to be searched by an officer of the same sex, as well as the responsibility to comply with the police, to not resist or abuse the officers, to take off all garments when asked to (only up to a jacket; never trousers or a shirt), and the responsibility to tell them your name and address. This fairly ordinary occurrence happens all the time, and is, for many, a regular procedure. It may seem like a harmless, if slightly annoying, chore. Unfortunately, when one looks a little deeper into the facts and statistics, there seems to be a racially-motivated reason why some social groups are more searched than others; black people are six times more likely to be stopped and searched than white people, and Asians are twice as likely. Most people are searched under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, which gives police officers the permission to perform the act randomly with anybody they suspect of carrying drugs or concealed weapons. The stubbornly high levels are shocking as it would seem that, according to members of the police force, people from ethnic minority groups are more likely to carry illegal drugs or items. This prejudice has led to more fierce debate and is, quite simply, unfair. Many people attack ‘stop and searches' due to this fact, claiming that this racially-motivated trend is ridiculously cruel, and out-dated for modern western society. Another argument against the ‘stop and search' procedure is one that criticises the lack of evidence that proves that ethnic minorities are more likely to be involved in crime; it is simply not justifiable for officers to base their ‘reasonable suspicion' on personal beliefs. A final argument is the low reduction of crime caused by the search, with crime rates dropping by only 0.2%. On the other hand, many claim that it is a necessary way to prevent crime, and is justifiable as an officer should know who is more likely to commit offenses. Some also believe that due to the large amount of crime possibly prevented by ‘stop and searches' (in 2009 14,700 people were arrested and 7,500 knives were recovered) the whole thing has helped to make society a safer place. In conclusion, it seems clear that the ‘stop and search' method is wrong and has little impact on criminals, and despite the amount of crime prevented, the whole procedure is unnecessary, unfair, bullying, and inefficient.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Crime in Kansas City

Atlanta, and Cleveland. Kansas City's crime risk is more tun three times the national average. i guess it could be worse. e could be St. Louis, the ations number one city for crime. The national crime data from 2011 showed that Kansas City had the 10th highest rate of violent crime of 72 US cities with more than 250,000 people. Our murder rates were seventh highest of the 72 large cities, and second highest of its midwestern peers. These figures show that supporters of state control have few facts on their side when arguing that the current arrangement does much to keep the crimes in Kansas City low. Boosters of local control point out that a change could lead to more innovative approaches to battling crime.Elected officials and the entire city hall staff ust have more responsibility and accountability for reducing crime in the future. Kansas city is one the few US cities without local control of its police agencies. KCS police staffing and police budget were compared to 10 other cit ies: Denver, Fort Worth, Indianapolis, Memphis, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Oklahoma City, Omaha, St. Louis and Tulsa. Kansas City had the second highest cost for its Police Department per 1,000 residents. And the third highest number of uniformed and civilian employees per 1,000 residents. So that being said, why does Kansas city have such a high crime rate?Kansas City, with a land area of almost 320 square miles, is somewhat split into two separate divisions. south of the Missouri River, and north of the River. Two very different from each other in many ways. south of the river is more urban, which would make since because Down Town KC is south of the river. north of the river is mostly all suburban. The main difference between these two sides of the river is Crime Rate. North of the river, north Kansas city is relatively safe. With a total of 15 homicides over the last five years, thats an average of only three annually.South of the river is he part of Kansas City that gets most of t he headlines for violent crime. its a dangerous place to live, especially anywhere around Troost Avenue to the interstateate 435. What i am getting at is, since the northland isn't where all of the crime is at, move some of the law enforcement from the North to the South. I read an article that was explaining what they are trying to do to help the crime rates to stop increasing, and basically all it was saying was that the one way police can be more effective is through communication. They simply said, you take the areas where the crime is, and thats where you put the cops.I feel like it shouldn't be that simple. Crime can happen anywhere, so Just because crime happens in the south of you put a bunch of cops in one area, it would be way less likely to have crime. But if all the cops are in one area, then theres no cops anywhere else, and crime will start moving to other places where it shouldn't. The next article i read was from the Missouri Torch, they interviewed the Mayor of Kans as City, Sly James. James said the main solution is Just to educate. He said, â€Å"All along the way, adults have failed to take nessacary steps to break the cycle of an ducation system that has been inefficient at best. Exactly, people wouldn't know what is right from wrong if you don't tell them growing up.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Gift of Life essays

Gift of Life essays The purpose of this paper will be to evaluate the benefits of organ donation and the steps to obtain one. Organ donation is a very controversial topic with various questions involved and the proceedings to acquire an organ. While there are people that believe that organ donation is unethical and should not be supported, it will be discussed and proved how imperative it is in todays culture for organ donation to be available for all. Possibly, if our nation was more aware of this growing issue, there would not be so many concerns regarding this topic, however the people willing to give the amount that is needed isnt near enough. Within the ever changing medical field it is imperative that something should be done about the shortage of donations as it is becoming ever more vital for people to obtain a transplant. Uniform Anatomical Gift Act (UAGA), was established in 1968, in all of the fifty states. This act provided that at the time of a persons death their kidney, liver, or other organ(s) could be used to benefit a life. Due to this act there have been numerous people benefiting from living a longer, fuller life because of the gift of an organ. After being accepted to receive an organ transplant, the person is registered with United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS Organ Center) after which a system of computers links all organ procurement organizations, also called OPOS. They are a non-profit organization and become involved when a patient has been proclaimed as being brain dead thus becoming a potential candidate. The Organ Center matches, and transports the shared organs throughout the United States. The computer system automatically will produce a list of potential recipients positioned according the individuals criteria, such as the patients blood type, medical urgency, the parti cular organ needed etc. Subsequent to this step the coordinator of the program informs the surgeon of the top-ranking ca...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Women and Associations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Women and Associations - Essay Example Women and associations are all about the information of the US women revolving around their history and their successes based on their lifestyles, ethnic groups, religions and where they come from. The factors that motivated women to start NACWC were to ensure that, the Africa American-based women’s welfare was well taken care of in their societies. They also aimed at protecting their civil rights when it came to matters that concerned registration and voting and they wanted to address the issues that faced military and schools in their communities. The impact of this group led to many benefits in the American societies; where they developed destinations for children, who were helpless, settled and ensured that girls were occupied with jobs and developed schools to promote education. On the other hand, the National Women’s Party NWP, was an organization whose members were women and was founded in 1915. The association fought for the women’s rights in America around the 20th century specifically the rights that would enable them to be equal to the way men were treated. When contrasted to organizations like the National Association of Colored women, which concentrated on the lobbying specific states, NWP dealt with matters that concerned the constitution amendment that fought for women’s right to vote and get places in offices. NWP also fought for the equal rights to be incorporated in the constitution where they campaigned for their conservative of their cultures and their jobs (DuBois, 2008).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Plea Bargaining Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Plea Bargaining Assignment - Essay Example Arreola declined to do either of the two options given to him explaining the Pomona police officers gave a false accusation. He was charged with resisting arrest, assaulting Hamilton as well as interfering with Pomona officers’ work by the Los Angeles County district attorneys office. During his trial, the jury acquainted Arreola after establishing that he was not guilty. He was awarded $260,000 in damages and the LAPD offered to reinstate him. Arreola’s case fits charge bargaining, where the prosecutors trade off serious offenses with lower crimes for a plea. Arreola was given the option to plead guilty for a lesser offense, but decline the plea. According to Rubin, â€Å"Arreola refused to consider a guilty plea in exchange for a lenient sentence† (Para 10). In the, case, Arreola emerged the beneficiary because he was acquainted and awarded $260,000 after he was found not guilty of the offense by the jury. Moreover, he never pleaded guilty for a lesser charge as was initially decided by the Los Angeles County district attorneys office. Rubin, Joel. â€Å"LAPD officer awarded $260,000 over arrest by Pomona police.† Los Angels Time January 24, 2014:A4. Accessed April 18, 2014

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Family - Essay Example society by extension stick together just to have the very basic and important company of others, for it is through such company that the reserves of good feelings are built to arrest personal and/or societal crises more effectively. Right from one’s achievement in life to day-to-day troubles, the desire to first and foremost share with the family is immeasurable. As Carson (2005) notes in his book titled â€Å"Think Big†, â€Å"life is but a series of partings†; as much as individuals may gain trustable friends during a lifetime, the role played by the family unit remains incomparable, for the bond within is irreplaceable and goes to the very foundation an individual’s life, with children and adults alike always feeding in from a chain that ever revolves from that basic foundation. In a world full of turmoil and uncertainties, the individual’s development, more particularly with regards to emotional and physical fulfillments, all depends to a greater extent on the family unit. No matter what make it up, whether adoptive or nature given, a family provides the safety net for every individual, the young or the old, the educated or the unlucky ones, at work or at home, to be fed, nurture one’s abilities, and most importantly, to give and be given; for this is the very reason why we stick together, work together to find the best attainable solutions to the everyday challenges that all humans, irrespective of place of origin, age and/or race faces almost in equal

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Wal-Mart and Union Representation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Wal-Mart and Union Representation - Essay Example Advantages: Some of most considerable advantages that Wal-Mart can get while being represented by unions include better working conditions, increased number of benefits, good compensation, and secure place in the market. Wal-Mart can struggle for these benefits with the help of unions. Almost every retailer wants better working conditions not only to operate effectively but also to earn high revenue. Efficient supply chain, better relationships with suppliers, security of supply, and improved compliance are some of the main aspects of good working conditions for retailers. Along with these benefits, Wal-Mart can also raise its voice for good compensation and secure place in the market under the umbrella of unions. Working alone in foreign countries can be risky for Wal-Mart because there will be no one to support the business moves in case of any change in the economic policy. Therefore, in working with unions, Wal-Mart can achieve the above-mentioned benefits for its retail stores present in C hina and Canada. Disadvantages The capacity to accommodate economic strikes is one of the main disadvantages of union representation. Another disadvantage can be the rules, which people have to abide by under the representation of unions. Apart from these disadvantages, there is no big disadvantage of union representation for Wal-Mart.... cant benefits, which unions can provide to the employees, include increased wages, reduction in wage inequality, better way to raise voice against discrimination, job security, better fringe and health benefits, and improved working conditions. Almost every employee working for any company or organization wants increase in the wages and job security. Union representation is a perfect way for the employees to achieve these goals. Unions work for the favor of employees and do everything, which can secure their professional future. Strong labor unions set the pay scales for the employees, which employers need to follow in order to avoid conflicts. The collective bargaining power of unions also protects employees from being dismissed without any mistake (Blank, n.d.). Unions not only help employees get fringe and heath benefits from the employers but also they raise their voice in order to convince governments to develop policies regarding reduction in wage differences and workplace disc riminations. Workers represented by unions get their basic rights and benefits regardless of their race, sex, or religion. Therefore, we can say that unions really help employees get a considerable number of benefits. The disadvantages of unions for employees are not big enough to overshadow the benefits of unions. Some of the main disadvantages include limited workplace flexibility and limitations to adhere to the plans of the unions. Answer: no: 3 Wal-Mart tends to slow or stop union representation in the United States. The consequences of Wal-Mart’s efforts can be detrimental both for Wal-Mart and for the employees working in the United States. The consequences for Wal-Mart can be poor working conditions, decreased number of benefits, and insecure place in the market in case of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Being Judged On The Company You Keep Philosophy Essay

Being Judged On The Company You Keep Philosophy Essay A farmer was sick and tired of cranes, which were repeatedly destroying his corn fields. When he could take the loss no further he decided to place a net over the fields so that the birds could be taken care of. Therefore as decided, he spread the net over the fields during the evening. Next morning when he went to the fields, he found that along with the cranes a stork was also caught in the net. As he approached the net to deal with the birds, the stork made a humble appeal. The bird cried for mercy and said that it was not one of those cranes responsible for destroying the crop. It was a mistake altogether and only accidentally was stork present on the field, with the cranes. It pleaded and prayed for mercy. Upon listening to the storks plea, farmer responded by saying that maybe you are right. Maybe its not your mistake. But youve been caught in the net along with those evil birds who have been repeatedly harming my crops. So while you are not proven guilty, but youll be judged by the company you keep. And your company is certainly not safe for you. This is an old fable taught to young kids, aimed at teaching them an important lesson. Company plays a fundamentally important role in determining your success. As children even our teachers would have recited this story for us. For maybe as holidays homework we were asked to learn this fable and recite in class or some of us were perhaps asked to prepare charts for this narration; but irrespective, we tend to forget the important message encapsulated in this simple narration. We are judged by the kind of company we keep. For example if you are friends with the top ranking students of your class, you are naturally considered intelligent and mannered. While if you are close to the infamous ones, the results are negative. So even if you are not involved in placing crackers in school during Diwali, you are still suspended, along with your group. The idea is to simply emphasize upon the impression company bestows. Monica Bedis life is a perfect example to illustrate the hardships one could face, just for selecting the wrong company. Monica Bedi had started her career in Bollywood in the year 1995. As a Bollywood actress theres nothing much to her credit, but her alliance with Abu Salem certainly demands attention. In the year 2002, she was arrested along with Abu Salem for travelling with forged documents. But this was not the key reason for her demotion. She was arrested because she was a friend of Abu Salem, who was involved with 1993 Mumbai blasts and many other serious crimes. Because she was this mans girlfriend or rather because she kept his company, she was charged of criminal offence, cheating and more. Despite being innocent, as later proved, she had to suffer the most terrible times of her life. Not only was she under police custody for five long years, but the incident ruined her career and reputation, both personally and professionally. Why? Because others judged her with the same yardstick as Abu Salem. Because she was involved with the don, she was given the same treatment. Such high are the costs of keeping wrong company. Something similar is reflected in this Buddhism teaching: If you never meet your equal, travel Alone There is no fellowship with fools. You might argue that this is not fair, so did Monica Bedi. However irrespective of whether you approve of it or not, this is how it works. You are being judged by others around you and that includes the group which can make a difference to your future. And this group, amongst other things, is also looking at the company you keep. But why is it done like this? Why arent the decisions based upon you as an individual and why the company? Two logical answers to this: Because it is not possible for everybody to know everybody as an individual. However it is much easier to categorize into groups and thus form beliefs about the members. For example, quite difficult it is for a teacher to know each and every student of a class. But it is much easier to demarcate few as intelligent, few as problem creators, few as average performing silent types and so on so forth and thus judge them. So when a new student takes admission to this class he, depending upon the co classmates he befriends, is allotted a group and thus judged accordingly. The second reason is much more important. Here it is not about the comfort of the person trying to judge, but about the logical explanation to it. Company leaves its affect on each and every member of the group. So even if you are a fresh apple, kept in a bucket of rotten fruits, youll end up being rotten. Likewise if an alcoholic is made to stay with a group of serious non alcoholics, sooner or later he will develop the resistance towards alcohol. The influence of people around While judgements by others are dependent upon the company we have, there are other strong influences as well, extended by the people around us. While the reference here is not towards those people who take decisions for us, like family, but it is about those who act as influencers. Knowingly or unknowingly we are influenced by our friends, co-workers and others in the various social circles and this is where company matters most. When we talk about the people around there is another fact to be borne in mind. We do not have the liberty to select all around us. While we opt for those whom we would like to be friends with, there are those as well who exist owing to social standings. Your teachers for instance; you can select tuition teachers, but you have limited or no control over teachers who teach you in school. But again irrespective of the control you can exercise, there will be influence. For example consider cricket. Any reasonable Indian is crazy about this sport. Now lets assume that you are learning the game or rather trying to get at it. For this while you are practicing, you also need an opponent to challenge and thus find out your weaknesses. Two options here, an excellent player or an average one. If you decide to live in a myth and tell your own self that you are a great player, youll pick the weaker opponent. On the other hand, if you decide to sharpen your skills at the game and thus bring yourself to face the serious competition and thus eventually improve. So the company you selected proved strategically important for your cricketing skills. In the stated cricket example, the decision criterion is the playing skill of the people we prefer to keep company with i.e. if they play good, we be a part of their group and vice versa. However it is not always this simple to make the decision. We are most of the times ignorant or if not that then confused about whom we would want to be with and who is not the right one. So while we are now aware of the relevance of good company lets emphasize upon clarifying the puzzle. Lets divide all in two categories, the right kind i.e. those whom we would want to keep around us and the wrong kinds i.e. those we should be wary of. But again what is right kind and what is wrong kind. Basically nobody is perfect, neither are you and nor is anybody else and so right kind does means the perfect ones. This also emphasizes to the fact that you are not perfect either and thus while you judge others on various parameters, judge your own self as well, on the same yardsticks, and thus make a continuous effort to improve. This will ensure that others think that you are the right kind and therefore approve of you as their accepted company. Also while somebody could be right for few, the same set of people could be wrong for another few. So there is no universal applicability. The idea is to say that I cannot judge people and make a list of right and wrong which you can use for your reference. You will have to prepare the classification for your own personal use. I can guide though and so can many others, but beyond that your discretion has to solve the purpose. Another facet that you need to keep in mind is that the same rules dont apply for all. So applicability varies with relationships and circumstances. Your boss will not get intimate with you, but will obviously maintain a healthy distance. While on the other hand, your best friend will be intimate enough for you to share whatever. So while in one case it is justified to keep distance, in another the same is there indicates something wrong. So read through the below mentioned selection details carefully and make the important decision wisely, because this will picture your future. Unsafe people maintain walls around. These people will act intimate but they will never really be as close. They will have this strong tendency to shy behind a veil, perhaps because they are hiding their true selves from you. They will not let the connection happen because they feel that the same will reveal something about them they are hiding. And if that is the case, how can they be the right kind for you. Safe people dont construct walls, but maintain reasonable boundaries. This is to suggest that the right kind of people understand the importance of getting enough acquainted and still maintaining comfortable distance. Like your mentor, the right person would listen to your problems and delve into linked factors, but will not barge into private territory. The whole point is that with the right kind of people around you dont feel isolated. There is a hand for support when needed. With wrong kind of people it is more about them. So when you get to hear expressions beginning with me and not us, you should know that youve opted for the wrong company. These people will be very self centred. Most of the times theyll be thinking of individual gains. Their priority will never be to make it work for all, but focused at self gain. In fact they will not be very delighted if it works well with all. Jealousy comes naturally with unsafe kinds. Safe people or the right kinds are busy dealing with your qualms while the wrong ones are occupied with the task of highlighting your mistakes in the whole process. So if youve scored badly in any subject, the right people will talk about what you can do to improve in times to come. Theyll be looking at your weaknesses, not to make fun of you or criticize you, but to help you put in the requisite effort and thus turn weaknesses into strengths. The other group however will be busy figuring out your mistakes only. Theyll talk about the days you didnt studied or will tell you that you are a loser or will be ignorant, but nothing close suggestive. What you dont need is judgement, what you need is support. Right people know the different between two, while wrong dont. Right people make adjustments, while wrong impose. Say it is friendship day tomorrow, but at the same time you have an important exam in the coming week. Your group plans an outing to celebrate the day. They tell you the plan and instruct you to be there. You are excited about the whole idea but convey your difficulty in making it for the outing, because of the approaching exams. The right kind of people understand, while the wrong kinds nudge you and tell you that you are not worthy of their friendship, etc. They basically dont understand and are not really bothered about the priorities of your life. They impose them on you. The right kinds lend you an ear and a shoulder, when you need the most. These people try to genuinely understand and if nothing else give you a vent for your problems. Under the same circumstances, the wrong people label you as cry baby or cribby and thus leave you with your struggles. Right people abide by the commitments they make or they have a reputation for dependability. As discussed in the earlier chapter, this attribute is highly important. Remember Ruchit, he was intelligent, but unreliable and thus all preferred to maintain a distance, when it came to important project execution. Why, because he was considered unsafe and nobody wanted to take the risk. So right kinds are those who know value of their commitments and abide by their words. And this is not an exclusive list, there is more that can be added, but this should give you a starting point. As stated earlier, all this is important all through the life, but the relevance is highest, when you are a student. This is because you make yourself or ruin yourself during the teen years of your life and thus are spent either in a school or college. So as a student you have the liberty to shape your future or ruin it and company plays an important role in this. Those around you influence your personality and thus the way you would be as an adult. So besides our normal tendencies, where we simply opt for friends who share similar interests or are more outgoing, etc. we need to focus upon identifying the right kinds. So keep the following few vital things in mind and make your decisions in this direction wisely: You are under observation and your choice of friends will deicide the attitude of your teachers and family towards you. If they dont support you they do not deserve enough to be friends. The focus of group has to be towards shaping each others skills and thus working towards a stable future and not just making plans for another day out. So think and think hard, while you decide. Reading all would have given you the impression that it is indeed difficult to identify the right kind of people. Well maybe it is difficult, but the effort is worth it. So put in the extra energy and try your best, to be around the best!

Friday, October 25, 2019

Oppression in Cry Freedom Cry, the Beloved Country :: Cry the Beloved Country Essays

Oppression in Cry Freedom   Cry, the Beloved Country  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      For years the government of South Africa suppressed its black population. Oppression that wasn’t deserved, oppression based on difference in color. In both of these works, the cries of South Africa were heard. The cries of the black people that are the foundation of South Africa, the blacks that were the heart of what South Africa was all about. In both stories, there is the fact that the only way to change your ways sometimes has to come through suffering. In Cry Freedom, we   see change through extreme suffering in the character of Donald Woods. Woods starts out in the movie as being not really open to the ideas of black consciousness. He sees them as only getting the blacks into more trouble. After meeting Biko, he starts to warm up to the ideas the blacks hold precious, but when Biko dies, Woods becomes a whole new man. Immediately, Woods begins to notify the public about how these blacks are being treated. He changes the way he goes about fighting for the rights of the blacks. Before, he only stood behind the black population of South Africa. After Biko’s death, he leads them. He is looked down upon by most whites, and hate crimes, like when the police came to his house and shot through the windows,   are committed against him and his family. Yet still, he fights. He moves his whole family away and writes a book to help the plighted blacks in South Africa. After Biko’s death, he begins to see himself as the only o ne who can continue Biko’s hope for South Africa. In Cry, the Beloved Country, every character involved goes through severe suffering and it leads to change. Kumalo goes through tremendous suffering, with the death of his son. He has to face it, and begin to understand the many problems in the lives of the black population in South Africa. He leaves Johannesburg   with a new and improved view on the changes taking in place in the South Africa that he used to know. We see Kumalo’s change after he returns to Ndotsheni. â€Å"Kumalo began to pray regularly in his church for the restoration of Ndotsheni. But he knew that was not enough. Somewhere down here upon the earth men must come together, think something, do something†(Paton 263). He now realizes that praying isn’t enough, that he has to work toward making South Africa a better place.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Biography of Galileo Galilei Essay

Galileo Galilei, a world-renowned physicist, was born in Pisa, Italy on February 15, 1564. He was the oldest of seven children. His father was a musician and wool trader, who wanted his son to study medicine as there was more money in medicine. At age eleven, Galileo was sent off to study in a Jesuit monastery. After four years, Galileo had announced to his father that he wanted to be a monk. This was not exactly what father had in mind, so Galileo was hastily withdrawn from the monastery. In 1581, at the age of 17, he entered the University of Pisa to study medicine, as his father wished but never completed it because of his keen interest in mathematics and philosophy. At age twenty, Galileo noticed a lamp swinging overhead while he was in a cathedral. Curious to find out how long it took the lamp to swing back and forth, he used his pulse to time large and small swings. Galileo discovered something that no one else had ever realized, which was the period of each swing was exactly the same. The law of the pendulum, which would eventually be used to regulate clocks, made Galileo Galilei instantly famous. In 1592, he was appointed to the position of a mathematician at the University of Padua and it was during his time, he began his work on the telescope. While in Padua, he met Marina Gamba and in 1600 their daughter Virginia was born. In 1601 they had another daughter Livia and in 1606 a son Vincenzo. Galileo’s research was specialized in the motion of inclined planes, motion of the pendulum and the motion of freely falling bodies. He is known for his breakthrough discoveries and also his controversial beliefs which allowed for a more modern and practical science. Galileo was the first person to direct a refractive telescope out into the night sky and he decided to study the Moon. One of his largest discoveries was that there were four moons orbiting Jupiter. Another one of Galileo’s observations through his telescope was that the planet Venus went through phase changes similar to our Moon. Galileo had noticed that the observable size of Venus as seen through his telescope is related to the position of the planet relative to the Sun. This observation had pushed Galileo to believe that the Earth and other planets had to revolve around the Sun or it would not be feasible for Venus to have a phase change. This is known as the Copernican System. For Galileo Galilei, saying that the Earth went around the Sun changed everything since he was contradicting the teachings of the Church. While some of the Church’s mathematicians wrote that his observations were clearly correct, many members of the Church believed that he must be wrong and accused him of committing â€Å"heresy†, which was a very serious matter. However, Galileo was found innocent of all charges but was cautioned not to teach the Copernican System. In 1634, while Galileo was under house arrest, his daughter, Virginia died. At this time he began work on his final book, Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations concerning Two New Sciences. This book was smuggled out of Italy and published in Holland. Galileo died early in 1642. Due to his conviction, he was buried obscurely in 1737.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Law Sample of Essay Plan

Introduction * The 6 essential elements to form a contract is offer, acceptance, consideration, intention to create legal bound, capacity to contract and legality of promise. * An acceptance of an offer will create an agreement. * However, not all agreements are recognized as contracts. * Agreements with no intention to create legal obligations will not create a contract. * In order to create blinding agreement acceptance must be final and unconditional. Body Paragraph 1 * Acceptance is a clear and undoubted assent to the offer and all of its terms. * The law regard as acceptance when the offeree accepted the offeror’s offer. Not acceptance is when one party disputes whether the other accepted the offer. * Acceptance is important because acceptance will lead to agreement to be formed and contract will comes into existence. Paragraph 2 * 4 rule in acceptance which are, acceptance must be clear and undoubted, offeror requirements must be met, acceptance in reliance upon the offe r and acceptance must be communicated. * Mirror image rule is the rule of contracts that prohibits an offeree from changing the terms of that offer * The alteration in terms of the offer by the acceptance voided the agreement and there will no contract exists. The rationale of the mirror image rule is to ensure the acceptance is final and absolutely unconditional so that blinding contract can be done. Paragraph 3 * Conditional or qualified acceptance is as long as the conditions are not satisfied, an acceptance give subject to a condition will not operate * A conditional acceptance is not a blinding agreement due to acceptance must be final and absolutely unconditional. * This type of acceptance operates as a counter offer, therefore this will destroy the first offer. The purpose of inserting â€Å"subject to contract† means parties does not want to be bound by the contract until it become the written contract. * This will affect enforceability due to the conditions were not been satisfied. Paragraph 4 * I) Masters v Cameron * II) Souter v Shyamba Pty Ltd * III) First Church of Christ, Scientist , Brisbane as trustee under instrument 7020202154 v Ormile Trading Pty Ltd * IV) Teviot Downs Estate Pty Ltd & Anor v MTAA Superannuation Fund (Flagstone Cheek and Spring Mountain Park) Property Pty Limited * V) Redowood Pty Ltd v Mongoose Pty Ltd VI) Australian Woollen Mills Pty Ltd v The Commonwealth * VII) Godecke v Kirwan * VIII) Niesmann v Collingridge * The past case decisions have shown clear guidelines on what is conditional acceptance Conclusion * Acceptance can occur when there is exist of an offer and through acceptance, blinding agreement will be made. * I agree that blinding agreement can be create through final and absolutely acceptance. * This is to ensure that both parties will not make any loses and prevent injustice to occur. The past case decision can be used due to its accuracy that given out fair and justice to the both parties. (506 Words) Bibliography Book 1) David Parker and Gerald Box, Business Law For Business Student 2011 (Lawbook Co, 1st ed, 2011) 2) Stephen Graw, An Introduction to the law of Contract (LBC Information Services, 3rd ed,1998). Case Law 1) Australian Woollen Mills Pty Ltd v The Commonwealth (1955) 93 CLR 546 (Privy Council) 2) Redowood Pty Ltd v Mongoose Pty Ltd [2005] NSWCA 32 (Spigelman CJ, Tobias JA and Bryson JA)