Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How to Write An About Me Page As a Freelance Writer

Get some about me page models Along these lines, you need to be an independent essayist and you realize you need a blog to do this. Alright. Presently what? All things considered, you unquestionably need an About me page on your independent composing site. Possibilities need to think about you, isn't that so? What are you assume to put on your About me page? Keep in mind, a blog for your independent composing business isnt about you (stunning!) †its about the expected customer. Also, that goes for your About page duplicate as well. Also, one more thing †one of your most well known pages on your site will be your About me page! I need to impart to you my excursion as an independent essayist †from the earliest starting point to now. Thinking back, I was much the same as you quite recently! I did likewise things as you and commonly I fizzled. In any case, I dont need that for you essayists! I need to help you as much as could be expected under the circumstances! Before we get into this post, in the event that you dont have the opportunity to understand this, look at my video on making your About page for your business. Likewise make a point to buy in to my YouTube channel for independent scholars! (You can without much of a stretch buy in by drifting over my headshot in the upper left corner of this video!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVAkUNwaobE My First About Me Page Copy as a Brand New Freelance Writer I was spic and span to numerous things when I set up my first essayist site. I additionally was new to advancing a business on the web! I didnt know anything. I wound up taking a gander at other independent essayist sites to assist me with making sense of what I expected to accomplish for mine. Here is my unique About me page duplicate for my author site: It is safe to say that you are maintaining your own business alone? Do you discover you don’t have enough hours in the day to complete everything? Possibly it’s time to get some assistance! I’m Elna Cain and I have an energy for composing. I appreciate composing on an assortment of subjects and I enjoy inundating myself in finding out about new and energizing regions. I have a lot of involvement with the emotional wellness field and instructive setting as I have a bachelor’s in Psychology and have worked in training for a long time. I am likewise a hitched millennial mother of twin little children with master information, intrigue and individual involvement with child rearing, vocation counsel, normal and all encompassing living, connections, raising twins and being a work-at-home mother. I am proficient at fastidiously exploring any point given and I work to create unique yet captivating composition for my customers. I additionally have a lot of involvement with making very much enhanced, web search tool benevolent substance for customers who need to expand their online traffic and perceivability. My essential composing center is around article, blog and webpage content, yet I am consistently open to different regions of composing. I additionally do eBook plan and organizing. I use Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign to make an expert and present day eBook plan. At the point when I am not composing, you can discover me at the recreation center pursuing my rowdy multi year old twins. Some incredible things about this duplicate is: Im addressing expected customers in the primary sentence or two I notice my involvement in SEO content (which †at the time †I dont think I knew a lot) I shared a portion of my character toward the finish of this duplicate Some not all that good things about this duplicate is: I utilize troublesome language in this †fastidiously and exposition. I could never utilize these words now! I dont have believability in what Im saying †Having connections to what you are discussing can assist you with getting increasingly dependable in your specialty. I notice such a large number of specialties and administrations †While its alright to have more than one specialty, dont have 5 or six and dont have 4 or 5 administrations either! I notice that I can expound on any theme †this is as large no-no. You dont need to advertise yourself as a catch-all author; you need to showcase yourself as the go-to essayist in a specific specialty theme. Did I Land Freelance Writing Jobs With This Copy? Truly, I did. Be that as it may, the gigs I had were shifted and everywhere. A portion of these gigs too a lot of time to compose on the grounds that it wasnt right up my alley of information. When I had tests and customer posts with bylines distributed, I needed to change my About me page duplicate to mirror this. A couple of months after the fact from beginning my independent composing business, I had the option to share connects to where I was composing on my About me page. Some large things I saw that helped my improved my About me page are: I separated my content with slug records †Many entrepreneurs dont have the opportunity to sit and peruse long passages. On the off chance that you make your data simple to peruse, theyll stick around longer. I have connections to my composing †Its a smart thought to connection to your writing in your About me page. Keep in mind, possibilities dont have the opportunity to look ALL over your author site. I attempt to persuade perusers to enlist me †The part in my About me page where I ask, however would you say you are pondering, why me? is my method of persuading possibilities that Im exceptional and not the same as different essayists. The not all that good thing about this About me page duplicate is that Im despite everything advertising myself as a handyman author. I havent niched down yet. My About Page Copy a Little Over a Year Later It took me longer than a year to at long last specialty down to the computerized promoting specialty. Along these lines, starting here on, my About me page duplicate mirrors that. Furthermore, a few things Iâ kept from before are my feature and shot records. However, Im New to Freelance Writing OK, so youre new and you have to compose your About me page duplicate. I would advance yourself as an independent author for recruit and notice what specialties you serve. I would make your duplicate spotlight on your expected customer. What do they need for their composition? Conveyed on schedule Arranged properly Cutting-edge Connecting with composing Sourced Surpasses what the customer needed! About Me Page Examples These are things you can mesh into your About me page to make it viable! In the event that you need more assistance, look at my post on different approaches to compose your About page to draw in customers. Become a Highly-Paid Writer Today!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Envisioning America & What Caused the Pueblo Revolt Essay - 1

Imagining America and What Caused the Pueblo Revolt - Essay Example From the start we thought the white man’s god secured us, so we openly venerated. At that point the downpours quit coming. Different clans started assaulting us for our meager food and water. As a people, the Pueblos, acknowledged we had rankled our Gods. The Gods were rebuffing us with a dry spell. We abandoned the white man approaches back to the genuine methods of our dads. The white men were frantic. They captured many man, including Popã ©. A portion of the Pueblos were murdered. The remainder of the men, including Popã © were whipped. The narrative of his disgrace coursed among the clans. Popã © promised retribution. Alongside Pop㠩’s stories, my kin had lost control with the white man’s ways. My family was no special case. The white men’s sacred men had made a few Pueblo kids and ladies work in their blessed places and homes. My mom would take me to the blessed spot as a kid. She would clean the congregation and cook for the blessed man. As a small kid I would convey water for the white man’s blessed man. Every so often it would take the entire day to fill the water needs of the white man. I didn't comprehend why I battled so difficult to convey water and afterward the heavenly man would squander it. Significantly progressively abnormal was the blessed man’s inefficiency of water during dry seasons. The man would dunk his fingers into water and spot it on babies heads. I never saw how water could help a baby’s thirst whenever put on the baby’s head. My mom would need to return home and watch out for her harvests and different tasks in the wake o f working for the heavenly man. This made my mom tired. Different Pueblos felt a similar way. We started to despise the Spaniards, rather than simply being dubious. After the sprinter left, my dad and the ancestral older folks met to talk about the message. I covered up in the shadows to tune in. My dad talked saying â€Å"Popà © will assault on the day the last bunch is untied.† I was energized. Perhaps my

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Classroom Management for New Substitute Teachers

Classroom Management for New Substitute Teachers Substitute teachers often do not receive any substantial training. A former full-time and current substitute teacher shares her best tips for temporarily managing a classroom. When I was working as a full-time teacher, I dreaded taking days off. If I woke up with a cold, I had to ask myself: is it going to be harder to work through this, or to prep for a substitute? As a teacher, leaving your class to a stranger can be a terrifying prospect, but I never really considered how equally frightening the situation could be for a substitute until becoming one myself. When my husband and I decided to start our family, I transitioned from teaching full-time to subbing because I needed a more flexible schedule. After the exhaustive preparation and training I’d completed to become a teacher, I expected at least a few instructional meetings for substituting, but soon learned that the bulk of my one-hour, online substitute training consisted of explaining that jeans and a t-shirt are not appropriate attire. Suddenly my negative sub experiences were coming into focus. How could these teachers really handle high school students with only “wear slacks” as their guide? From my experience as both a substitute and a teacher, I can tell you that the main hurdle is classroom management â€" not so much what you teach, but how you interact with the class. It can be intimidating approaching this task as a substitute, especially when you don’t have a lot of experience or training, so I have three simple rules of classroom management to help you get started. They “smell” fear; be confident. On my very first day of subbing, I decided to ease myself in. As a teacher, I’d taught Language Arts, so the first class I decided to substitute was Shakespeare. I had taught the play before and led literature discussions more times than I could countâ€"what could possibly go wrong? Unfortunately, despite my qualifications, I was a ball of nerves, thinking to myself, “I’m just a sub.” When the first period began, I nervously dove into a lengthy overview of my teaching experience, mentioning my tenure with senior students and how often I had taught Shakespeare. I practically recited my CV for them before actually saying the phrase, “So I promise I’m not going to be the worst sub ever.” It was a disaster. The usually well-behaved students quickly turned their attention to phones, friends, and the backs of their eyelids. Thanks to my first year of teaching, I knew instinctively what the problem was: students smell fear. If you’re lucky, they’ll just become bored and disengaged, but in the worst cases, it can’t lead to huge behavior problems and even losing complete control of a class. When I got up in that first period, my body language, voice, and rambling introduction all told the kids I was terrified to be there. Students don’t respond well to fear. Why should they be obedient to someone who is clearly not in control of the situation? No matter how nervous you might be, the first and most important task of a sub is to act confident. When you begin class, speak clearly and make eye contact. Make your introduction succinct and to the point; avoid rambling and irrelevant personal information. I’ve found the time it takes me to get from the bell ring to taking roll is directly correlated to student behavior for the rest of class. Keep the students busy, but trust the teacher’s time management. It can be tempting to adjust a teacher’s timetable in fear of extra time. Recently, I substituted for a friend of mine, covering each of his English concurrent enrollment classes. His notes suggested giving only ten minutes for discussion before an in-class essay, but after his first period completed their essays with almost fifteen minutes to spare, I decided to give his second period a few more minutes for discussion. Three students in the second class were unable to finish their essays, and left the class in tears. Despite my observations in first period, my friend knew his students’ needs better than I did, and he had planned his schedule accordingly. If you’re worried about having extra time at the end of the period, it’s always good to have extra activities that you can do with any class. I call it my “bag of tricks.” Find a cool brainteaser that you can have them figure out in small groups. Write a prompt like “Who would win in a fight for world domination: kittens with opposable thumbs or puppies trained in jiu jitsu?” and have a class debate. Teach them “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” in another language. It’s also advisable to have both whole-class activities and some that can be completed individually. When students finish a test early, having a brainteaser on the board or a creative writing/drawing prompt can keep the room quiet and controlled while the rest of the students finish. If a teacher doesn’t leave you a lesson plan, whole-class activities can keep the students engaged and prevent behavior problems. Either way, coming prepared with a back of tricks enables you to adjust to surprises without second-guessing the teacher’s plans. Don’t be a wallflower. I recently saw a teacher’s worst nightmare on several students’ camera phones: a substitute teacher propped up against a filing cabinet with a pillow, sound asleep. Hopefully you aren’t packing nap supplies in your workbag, but I know how tempting it can be to relax in the back of the room after getting students started on a self-directed activity. Unfortunately, this relaxation can be the welcome mat for behavior problems. Students are always going to be better behaved when they know there’s a chance they will be observed soon. Walking around the classroom to monitor students’ progress is the simplest solution. Try check-in questions such as: “How is your assignment coming?” “Tell me what you guys came up with for #1,” “How is your group doing?” and “It looks like you haven’t started yet; do you have any questions?” These interactions will have a huge impact on student engagement and behavior. Off-task students will feel motivated to get back to work. Students who were reluctant to come ask you clarification will readily do so. Distracted students will reign in their focus once more. It’s also a great opportunity to build trust and positive relationships, however brief, with the students. Some of my favorite time in the classroom is this chance to talk with students about their work and their related ideas, and it’s the easiest way to bring some levity into your interactions. Humor is the best line of defense for any teacher â€" substitute or full-timeâ€"when it comes to behavior management. When you catch misbehavior early on, it’s easy to deflect and deescalate the situation with jokes. Avoid sarcasm at the students’ expense, but don’t take yourself too seriously. By maintaining this ongoing, positive interaction with students throughout the class, you will prevent most behavior issues before they ever come up. Getting started as a new substitute can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Focus on these basics of classroom management to get you acclimated to interacting with students in a foreign classroom, and you’ll find it’s much easier than you expected. Share your thoughts on this post with us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+. Author Bio: Allison taught on the collegiate level for three years before spending two years as a high school English teacher. After starting a family earlier this year, she is currently working as a substitute teacher.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Sole System You Need to Be Using for Us History Dbq Essay Samples

The Sole System You Need to Be Using for Us History Dbq Essay Samples The Ultimate Us History Dbq Essay Samples Trick Preparation Before you commence writing your cold war dbq essay paper, progressive era dbq essay, or some other topic, there are a number of measures you will need to keep in mind. Writing the whole stories won't offer you marks. Our group of capable writers is prepared to create your one-ofa-kind essay. If you start to compose your essay in the introductory paragraph, you haven't written an excellent thesis statement. Many great essay writers demonstrate a feeling of complexity in the documents, showing that almost all of the evidence may point in 1 direction but that portion of the evidence points in a different direction. Don't forget it is essential to demonstrate your own interpretation of events or facts within this paper. Examine the origin of the document for biases. A thesis ought to take a stand when answering the question. You should have a look at a sample dbq essay to find a notion of the way in which a thesis appears like. A couple more helpful tips You might be utilised to writing a typical five-paragraph essay with a single opening paragraph, of which the thesis is the previous line. How to compose a thesis statement. There's, obviously, a limit on the range of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but generally, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. There is a plethora of information that can be found on the internet that you are able to research and gather for such a topic. You've many documents to create sense of in a short period of time. Attempt to consider everything that you learned in class about this issue in question and list all of the relevant outside information to help you as soon as you get into writing. Grading samples carefully can help you receive a feeling of y our very own blind spots so you'll know what skills to concentrate on in your prep. Grading samples carefullywill help you to get a sense ofyour own blind spots so that you know what skills to concentrate on in your prep. You'll know that you want to work on your thesis abilities. The essay part of the AP European history exam forces you to get a deep understanding of the subject, which makes it particularly hard to study for. If you're an auditory learner, I advise the followingvideo, which breaks down all the components you must get a seven. It is possible to only earn expanded core points if you're awarded all the simple core. Contemplating a sample can help you to understand its structure and fashion. Not just you get to get a great grade, in the grueling procedure, you also learned some new understanding. Finding the Best Us History Dbq Essay Samples Your essay should demonstrate an ideal grasp of the many documents you've been given. Don't be scared to use a document more than once, and attempt to use because many documents because you can overall. You should keep in mind that you must use all the documents or minus among the documents supplied for your dbq for you to receive whole credit. You should use all or all but among the documents in your essay. A Secret Weapon for Us History Dbq Essay Samples College Board sample essay sets are a terrific method to test how well you comprehend the rubric. You can't simply jump to writing before adequately preparing what you are likely to put on paper. As you know by this time, reviewing different students' work can be a really powerful and beneficial means to study for DBQ. The previous scores as awarded by the College Board will be useful in establishing a ballparkobviously a 9 is still likely to be a fantastic essay under the 7-point scalebut there could be some modest differences in grades between the 2 scales. Fortunately there are a number of basic rules you may follow to ensure. You are going to need a good comprehension of the chronology of the history of Europe, and ought to be in a position to spot important events or broad historical movements. Next, you've got to determine possible free response topics that relate to every occasion. The response to this question is dependent on your study plans! To compose a DBQ essay, you will need to be conscious of some rules or tips. You cannot have an ideal essay if it's full of mistakes and typos. Keep reading and you'll find some fantastic suggestions on the best way to compose a DBQ for the APUSH exam. Before writing your DBQ essay, you first have to go at your own pace in preparations. It is crucial to learn to compose a DBQ essay before getting down to do the job. The DBQ isn't made to check your understanding of history generally, but rather how well you may write a historical essay from provided documents. To guarantee an outstanding DBQ essay you will need to get started with these steps It is essential that you directly answer the DBQ essay question. You may find more prep tips in my personal article on how best to compose a DBQ. Key Pieces of Us History Dbq Essay Samples You won't be made to proceed from 1 essay to the other, so be certain to budget your time carefully. You are able to get started writing whenever you want. You are prepared to begin prepping for success. It is imperative to prepare a splendid thesis and it's a fantastic concept to use brainstorming here.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Life Experience Free Essays

When becoming a leader or a manager, it does make a different when it comes into play. I have found that it is very important that personal value plays a role in every leader’s success. For any leader or manager, he/she should apply these personal values and share this information within the organizations that they work for and as well as for the employees that are working for them. We will write a custom essay sample on My Life Experience or any similar topic only for you Order Now By taking the Ethic Awareness Inventory Assessment to see how well I do to realize my own ethical standpoint and compare the result with the inventory analysis. To my surprise, I scored high in the obligation and the results profiles. It stated real clearly that ethical decision-making involves three components awareness, articulation, and application (Ethics Awareness Inventory, 2006). Upon the evaluation of this test, it stated that an individual with equal high scores in both of these areas can be experiencing some internal conflict with the leader’s own feelings of moral obligations to employees, although the leader was attempting to accomplish specific results for a any group or organization (Ethics Awareness Inventory, 2006). After learning more about this assessment and its results, I can see how this is appropriate assessment for me. When I used to work, I always gave it my best all because I had a group of students (mental retarded) depending on me. I made sure I was not only right, however I would be there to assist them who needed it. After reviewing the strategic plan that Kudler Fine Foods has developed for a while, I can tell that they do believe in working hard, increasing customer service, a mixed diverse group of employees, and personal relations with different communities in the area. In order for a business to be successful, these are important what they do. I believe that my personal value assessment result would fit right in with becoming a manager at Kudler Fine Foods, and would assist in making the business become so successful by having the right planning in place. Ethics is an important essential fact within the technical world. It offers some valuable information regardless to ethical point of view which identify my values and the values of Kudler Fine foods and how it would affect my role as a manager if I had worked at Kudler Fine Foods. What my understanding is that ethics plays a part that involves employees’ feelings, thoughts and the benefits. I would try to do my best and achieve the most positive outcome in any given situation. â€Å"The Williams Instuition Ethic Awareness Inventory explained differert ethical beliefs in their study. It is based on charater, obligation, equity and result. In this inventory, my personal opinion is closer to result than equity. Based on its report, I am more focused on the result and the consquesences of my actions, but honestly I do believe that conduct is a way to promoting excellent for many employees. The Williams Institute for Ethics and Management had stated that: You believe that we each have a moral right to experience the â€Å"good life. One way to measure how good life really is would be to determine how satisfied the majority of the people in our society seem to be. If most people are unhappy, something is morally wrong and needs to be fixed. Therefore, your approach to ethics is likely to focus on what could be done to improve the well being of the greatest numbers of persons. † (The Williams Instuitie for Ethics and Management, 2008) I am so extremely exciting to realie my own ethical because values and ethics combined are the most important characteristic of a person. They both basically define who we are and what we believe in. There is a list of factors that determine both our value and ethics. I will name a few and they are: Religion, and culture and other factors that affect our beliefs. It is definitely a fact that value and ethics can bump heads with many people from different background who have a different point of view and beliefs whether it is right or wrong. It doesn’t means that it is not a good foundation to practicing good ethics and morals. How we can develop values and ethics, begins from the time we are born into this world and it all begins with the people who play a major influences in our daily life. Parents, siblings, best friends, teachers and mentors are a huge part of our lives as we are growing up . They all played an important part influenicing our thoughts and beliefs. We develop all kind of values and ethics through past experiences whether it is right or what is wrong. Values and ethics are one of the most important characteristic of person. They basically define who we are and what we believe. There are many factors that determine our values and ethics. Religion and culture play a part in our lives and there are many other factors that affect our beliefs. Many times are values and ethics can clash with different people who hold different views and beliefs. This doesn’t mean our values or ethics are wrong it just means we think differently than others. Most people have a good sense of ethics and values. Knowing between right and wrong is a good foundation to practicing good ethics and morals. As we develop many values and ethics through past experiences, it can be either a positive and/or negative experience. It depends how we use our thoughts and beliefs when making decisions and judgements. Culture has a biggest influence in both of our values and ethics. Many countries have different beliefs and thoughts of what is or not socially accepted. They have been around for years and their thoughts and beliefs could be just as old if we go way back in history. My personal values experience is very strong and I feel that I developed values and ethics as a young girl. My mother and my grandmother taught me what is right and what is wrong, so that I would not get punished. I remember doing something wrong by telling a lie, but I ended up getting punished anyway. I am so glad that I was raised by two most important intelligent women who had strong morals and high standards. These were very important to learn because they did not like for me to keep lying, stealing or cheating to get punished and have bad luck. When you do wrong, you will be accountable for your actions if you did these things. So that is why they taught and expected me to be honest show respect to others and treat them the way you wanted to be treated. I mean I love this golden rule. That one thing that I live by is live life like a golden. Learning and comparing the results from the Williams institute for Ethics Awareness Inventory along with Kudler Fine Foods as a make-believe manager, does make me want to do a better job at planning a appropriate strategic plan for the team and organization to become a successful business. It is all about having a good foundation block throughtout the oraganiation and exchange ideas and views by communicating and working together as a team. How to cite My Life Experience, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Sex Education Should Be Taught in School Essay Sample free essay sample

â€Å"If the Liberals’ jurisprudence is passed. will arouse instruction in the schools. including simple classs. include the same portraitures of sexual activity which soon exist in heterosexual direction? Will at that place be the same presentation of homosexual activity? Of class there will. † Stockwell Day Sexual activity instruction. besides known as gender instruction or sex and relationships instruction. is a procedure of giving cognition and organizing attitudes and beliefs about sex. sexual individuality. relationships and familiarity. It is a wide term that describes instruction on human anatomy. sexual reproduction. sexual intercourse. generative wellness. emotional dealingss. generative rights and duties. abstention. contraceptive method and other facets of human sexual behavior. Sexual activity instruction is fundamentally conducted to assist childs and seniors prevent themselves against maltreatment. development. unintended gestations. sexually familial diseases and HIV and AIDS. Sexual activity instruction is chiefly provided by parents or health professionals. instructors. school plans and public wellness runs. We will write a custom essay sample on Sex Education Should Be Taught in School Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Ideally. it should be given to childs before they reach puberty and before they have developed established forms of behavior. Should arouse instruction be taught in schools? There had been many arguments over this. They say that sex instruction merely destroys the morality of people because they think that sex instruction teaches pupils about how sexual intercourse is done. Sexual activity instruction. besides known as gender instruction or sex and relationships instruction. is a procedure of giving cognition and organizing attitudes and beliefs about sex. sexual individuality. relationships and familiarity. Although sex instruction lowers the morality of people by learning pupils how to utilize rubbers and preventives. it should be taught in primary school and secondary school because it teaches pupil about their organic structure. it is so a demand in instance of parents’ absence. and it gives kids the thought of what is right and what is incorrect. Others say that holding sex instruction merely encourages the pupils to prosecute in sexual intercourse and that it leads to sexual diseases and teenage gestation. The truth is that sex instruction does non promote pupils to make it. Harmonizing to Bleakley ( 2006 ) . in a study conducted. merely about 17 per centum of the respondents answered that sex instruction does promote them to make â€Å"it† and that the staying 80 three per centum strongly disagreed. Sexual activity instruction prevents sexual diseases and teenage gestation. But how? Students are taught how to utilize rubbers. Harmonizing to Masland ( n. d. ) . childs are going more sexually active at an earlier age. Sixty-six per centum of high school pupils in America have done it by their senior twelvemonth. These childs are in danger of sexually transmitted diseases. There is besides a large possibility for them to go pregnant and that is why sex instruction should be taught to avoid these things from go oning. In sex instruction. pupils are besides taught of abstention. They are taught that they should merely hold sexual intercourse after they get married. It gives pupils clear thought about their organic structure and they will cognize that sex before married is incorrect and can take to many negative consequence. Children usually shy to inquire parents about sex information so sex instruction should be taught to them so that they would larn it from an educated and responsible grownup alternatively of larning it from the media or from their friends. The media itself sometimes gives bad influence to kids and adolescents unwittingly followed what they saw on telecasting. There will ever be equals who would severely act upon others. I remember my friend when I was in High School. They are merely age eight to ten but the words that come out of their oral cavities are disgusting sex linguistic communications. I was truly surprised and our coach driver did non even intend to talk them. When I was their age. I still did non cognize anything. The coevals today merely keeps on acquiring worse. The media and engineering played a large function on this. Students can now entree any site on the cyberspace that contains big content or adult stuffs. That is why sex instruction should be implemented in schools. It is better for kids to be informed earlier because they will still cognize about it when they grow up as they will be more open to it through their equals and the media ( Cooper. n. d. ) . Through sex instruction. immature people are able to pass on. listen. negociate with others. inquire for and place beginnings of aid and advice when it comes to sexual relationships. Through communicating adolescents more confident and cognize better about the effects of holding sex before matrimony. Peoples say that sex instruction teaches the pupils about how sexual intercourse is done but the truth is sex instruction lets the pupils know about the effects and the truth about sex. One may probably endure emotional or mental depression which may take to suicide. Students are besides informed that it is merely for integrity and reproduction of married twosomes who are committed to each other. They are besides informed that they will cognize the true intent of sex when they grow up as grownups. Appropriate sex instruction in schools has a great impact on forestalling sexual jobs in maturity. Besides. it teaches pupils on what is right and what is incorrect. Sexual instruction should get down at place. Parents and defenders ought to be the primary teachers of sex instruction for their kids. Daily. parents should take advantage of every chance to learn this topic to their kids. From the beginning of a child’s life. they learn how to react to fondness. show love. and how to respond in different types of relationships. Children even learn about their gender when their parents talk to them. alter their apparels. drama with them or learn them their organic structure parts. As they progress from kids to adolescents or striplings they continue to larn about their genders systematically. However. some parents and defenders are really uncomfortable about speaking about or supplying information about sex or sexual instruction. They are either excessively abashed about speaking about the utmost subject of sex. afraid of supplying to much information to force their kids to move on what they have told them or shy of non cognizing the replies to the inquiries that their kids might inquire. Honest. unfastened communicating between parents and kids through childhood. pre-teen. stripling and immature maturity can assist immature people to maturate into sexually healthy grownups. Research has shown that parents and kids have a scope of uncomfortableness degrees when it comes to discoursing gender. School-based gender instruction complements and supplements the gender instruction kids receive from their households. spiritual and community groups. Therefore. due to the necessity of school-based gender instruction it is in my sentiment that it be a portion of the course of study for pupils in the Bahamian High Schools that is junior and senior high. This class needs to be taught in the assorted high schools for a figure of grounds including: to pupils to construct a strong foundation. to diminish adolescent gestation. to do pupils cognizant of Sexually Transmitted diseases and forestall them from happening. to learn about abstention. which is the better manner and to inform the pupils about sexual orientation and homosexualism. The primary end of sex instruction in the schools should be to assist immature people to construct a foundation as they mature into sexually healthy grownups. These plans should help immature people in understanding a positive position of gender. supply them with information and accomplishments about taking attention of their sexual wellness and assist them do determinations about work outing jobs now and in the hereafter. Harmonizing to my reading. sex instruction should supply an chance for immature people to develop and understand their values. attitudes. and beliefs about gender. This class should assist immature people to develop relationships and interpersonal accomplishments and assist them to exert duty sing sexual relationships including turn toing abstention. force per unit areas to go prematurely involved in sexual intercourse and the usage of contraceptive method and other sexual wellness steps. Teenage Pregnancy is really rampant in today’s society. In a conversation with a senior high school instructor. she related that at least two immature ladies from each senior category graduates being pregnant. She went on to state that this did non include the legion others who end their categories prematurely as a consequence of their pregnant province and their inability to go on with regular schooling. What do you believe is the cause of this? In my sentiment the cause of gestations among these adolescents is wrong instruction about sex from equals or neighbors or no sex instruction at all. If these pupils were educated from their entryway into the high school plan with a sexual instruction category. the result might hold been different. This does non intend that they would non hold experimented with sexual intercourse or the opposite sex. it would hold meant that they would hold been better prepared to cover with the determinations or picks that they made. Sex instruction demands to be implemented in the high school coursework to do adolescents or pre-teens cognizant of the effects of unprotected sex. Each of these teens or preteens will or hold gone through pubescence. therefore they need to be really good educated as to what can happen if they are sexually active. even for merely one clip. Sexual instruction would non halt teenage gestations but it so reduces them. Homosexuality is another subject that gender instruction will discourse. Teenagers come into contact with homophiles on a twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours footing. They are forced to cover with homosexualism in their places. their vicinities. their churches and even in their schools. These pupils are in their adolescent or stripling old ages where they are larning about who they are and what their feelings mean. In my sentiment. homosexualism is a misinterpretation. one that can be easy adopted by adolescents who are easy misunderstood. If they are non taught about both heterosexualism and homosexualism. they can easy fall quarry to the homophiles who are skulking in the society’s shadows. Sexual instruction would promote heterosexuality- healthy relationships between males and females. It would learn pupils about sexual penchant and that homosexualism is non familial. It would besides assist pupils to cover with feelings toward the same sex and with homophiles that they come in contact with. Some may state that if adolescents are taught about sex and gender that their involvement in it will escalate therefore. ensuing in experimentation. Although this might so be a true statement that adolescents are really funny. â€Å"curious heads will experiment. † Sexuality instruction is non an either or proposition. The world is that immature people need and merit information about abstention and contraceptive method. Sexual activity instruction would learn that gender is a natural. normal portion of life. Abstinence from sexual intercourse is the most effectual method of forestalling unintended gestations and sexually familial diseases. including HIV/AIDS. Abstinence is in fact the better manner. Adolescent or pre-teens should be encouraged by non merely their parents to detain sexual Acts of the Apostless until they are physically. cognitively and emotionally ready for mature sexual relationships and their effects. The coursework of sex instruction would offer them a broad scope of information entirely on abstention until matrimony. Interventions that are effectual in promoting adolescents to prorogue sexual intercourse helps them to develop interpersonal accomplishments they need to defy premature sexual engagement. For intercessions to be most effectual. adolescents need to be exposed to these plans before they initiate intercourse. sooner during their high school old ages. The sex instruction course of study when implemented into the high school system will be designed to advance cognition about human development and reproduction. to do pupils cognizant of the effects of all types of sexual activity. and to advance immature people’s regard for and grasp of themselves. their households and others. This execution would in fact aid to cut down adolescent gestation. for the ground that of import subjects such as pubescence. sexual wellness and hygiene. generative systems. gestation and contraceptive method will be focused on. These subjects will discourse abstention. rubber usage. diverseness. gestation options. safer sex and sexual behavior. Students have to be encouraged to accept the shared duty of gestation bar by instructors explicating the effects of premature and unprotected sexual activity. pressing responsible determinations about sexual intercourse. and promoting healthy. respectful and safe male and female relationships. Even though that there are many advantages of holding instruction of sex on school there are disadvantages. Sexual activity instruction merely teach pupils immoral behavior and it merely lead pupils to perpetrate immoral activities. Even without know adequate information about sex they already do it what if they already been teach about sex. The possibility for the adolescents to make sex before matrimony is more higher compared to non learn them about sex. In decision. sex instruction should be taught in schools because it is better to see wellness than beliefs and we should see world. Since immorality can non be eliminated and adolescents can non be stopped from going sexually active. we should implement sex instruction in schools. every bit early as primary school. It besides the lone manner for kids whose parents are ever off from them and that is why sex instruction is needed so that they will non lose path of the right way. Through sex instruction. pupils will be able to larn the truth about sex and they will be able to forbear and command themselves.

Friday, March 20, 2020

How to Order Coffee in France

How to Order Coffee in France If you think ordering coffee in a French cafà © or bar is the same as back home, you might be in for an unpleasant surprise. Ask for un cafà © and youll be presented with a tiny cup of espresso, and if you then request milk, youre likely to get a dirty look or sigh of exasperation. Whats the problem? Le Cafà © Franà §ais In France, un cafà ©, which may also be called un petit cafà ©, un cafà © simple, un cafà © noir, un petit noir, un cafà © express, or un express, is an espresso: a tiny cup of strong black coffee. Thats what the French drink, so thats what the simple word cafà © refers to. Many visitors to France, however, prefer a large cup of filtered, relatively weak coffee, which in France is known as un cafà © amà ©ricain or un cafà © filtre. If you like the taste but not the strength of espresso, order un cafà © allongà © and youll get an espresso in a large cup which you can dilute with hot water. On the other hand, if youd like something even stronger than espresso, ask for un cafà © serrà ©. In the unlikely event that you find a place serving iced coffee, it will be called cafà © glacà ©. For decaffeinated coffee, add the word dà ©ca to your order: un cafà © dà ©ca, un cafà © amà ©ricain dà ©ca, etc. Du Lait, Sil Vous Plaà ®t If you want milk, you have to order it with the coffee: un cafà © au lait, un cafà © crà ¨me, un crà ¨me - espresso with hot milk (large cup)un cappuccino - espresso with foamed milk (large cup)un cafà © noisette, une noisette - espresso with a dash of milk or a spoonful of foam (small cup) Et Du Sucre? You dont need to ask for sugar - if its not already on the bar or table, it will arrive with your coffee, in little envelopes or cubes. (If its the latter, you can do like the French and faire un canard: dip a sugar cube in your coffee, wait a moment for it to turn brown, and then eat it.) Coffee Notes At breakfast, the French like to dip croissants and day-old baguettes into cafà © crà ¨me - indeed, thats why it comes in such a large cup or even a bowl. But breakfast is the only meal at which coffee is consumed (1) with milk and (2) with food. The French drink un express after lunch and dinner, which means after- not with- dessert. French coffee is not meant to be consumed on the street, so theres no takeaway. But if youre in a hurry, drink your petit cafà © standing up at the bar, rather than sitting at a table. Youll be rubbing elbows with locals, and youll save money to boot. (Some cafà ©s have three different prices: bar, indoor table, and outdoor table.) Un cafà © lià ©geois is not a drink, but rather a dessert: a coffee ice cream sundae. (Youre also likely to encounter un chocolat lià ©geois.) Other Hot Drinks un chocolat - hot chocolateun thà © - black teaun thà © vert - green teaune tisane, une infusion - herbal tea In the mood for something different? This article has an extensive list of other drinks and their French pronunciations.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Terminal Velocity and Free Fall

Terminal Velocity and Free Fall Terminal velocity and free fall are two related concepts that tend to get confusing because they depend on whether or not a body is in empty space or in a fluid (e.g., and atmosphere or even water). Take a look at the definitions and equations of the terms, how they are related, and how fast a body falls in free fall or at terminal velocity under different conditions. Terminal Velocity Definition Terminal velocity is defined as the highest velocity that can be achieved by an object that is falling through a fluid, such as air or water. When terminal velocity is reached, the downward force of gravity is equal to the sum of the objects buoyancy and the drag force. An object a terminal velocity has zero net acceleration. Terminal Velocity Equation There are two particularly useful equations for finding terminal velocity. The first is for terminal velocity without taking into account buoyancy: Vt (2mg/Ï ACd)1/2 where: Vt is the terminal velocitym is the mass of the object that is fallingg is acceleration due to gravityCd is the drag coefficientÏ  is the density of the fluid through which the object is fallingA is the cross-sectional area projected by the object In liquids, in particular, its important to account for the buoyancy of the object. Archimedes principle is used to account for the displacement of volume (V) by the mass. The equation then becomes: Vt [2(m - Ï V)g/Ï ACd]1/2 Free Fall Definition The everyday use of the term free fall is not the same as the scientific definition. In common usage, a sky diver is considered to be in free fall upon achieving terminal velocity without a parachute. In actuality, the weight of the sky diver is supported by a cushion of air. Free fall is defined either according to Newtonian (classical) physics or in terms of general relativity. In classical mechanics, free fall describes the motion of a body when the only force acting upon it is gravity. The direction of the movement (up, down, etc.) is unimportant. If the gravitational field is uniform, it acts equally on all parts of the body, making it weightless or experiencing 0 g. Although it might seem strange, an object can be in free fall even when moving upward or at the top of its motion. A skydiver jumping from outside the atmosphere (like a HALO jump) very nearly achieves true terminal velocity and free fall. In general, as long as air resistance is negligible with respect to an objects weight, it can achieve free fall. Examples include: A spacecraft in space without a propulsion system engagedAn object thrown upwardAn object dropped from a drop tower or into a drop tubeA person jumping up In contrast, objects not in free fall include A flying birdA flying aircraft (because the wings provide lift)Using a parachute (because it counters gravity with drag and in some cases may provide lift)A skydiver not using a parachute (because the drag force equals his weight at terminal velocity) In general relativity, free fall is defined as the movement of a body along a geodesic, with gravity described as   space-time curvature. Free Fall Equation If an object is falling toward the surface of a planet and the force of gravity is much greater than the force of air resistance or else its velocity is much less than terminal velocity, the vertical velocity of free fall may be approximated as: vt gt v0 where: vt is the vertical velocity in meters per secondv0 is the initial velocity (m/s)g is the acceleration due to gravity (about 9.81 m/s2 near Earth)t is the elapsed time (s) How Fast Is Terminal Velocity? How Far Do You Fall? Because terminal velocity depends on drag and an objects cross section, there is no one speed for terminal velocity. In general, a person falling through the air on Earth reaches terminal velocity after about 12 seconds, which covers about 450 meters or 1500 feet. A skydiver in the belly-to-earth position reaches a terminal velocity of about 195 km/hr (54 m/s or 121 mph). If the skydiver pulls in his arms and legs, his cross section is decreased, increasing terminal velocity to about 320 km/hr (90 m/s or just under 200 mph). This is about the same as the terminal velocity achieved by a peregrine falcon diving for prey or for a bullet falling down after having been dropped or fired upward. The world record terminal velocity was set by Felix Baumgartner, who jumped from 39,000 meters and reached a terminal velocity of 134 km/hr (834 mph). References and Further Reading Huang, Jian (1999). Speed of a Skydiver (Terminal Velocity). The Physics Factbook. Glenn Elert, Midwood High School, Brooklyn College.All About the Peregrine Falcon. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. December 20, 2007. (archived)The Ballistician (March 2001). Bullets in the Sky. W. Square Enterprises, 9826 Sagedale, Houston, Texas 77089.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Main Capabilities That Motivate LinkedIn Case Study

The Main Capabilities That Motivate LinkedIn - Case Study Example In 2011, the company’s revenues stood at $522.2 million making it the world’s largest professional network by 2012 (Yoffie and Kind 2012, p. 1). The company’s revenues and profits come from marketing solutions, premium subscriptions, and hiring solutions. LinkedIn became the first U.S social networking firm to participate in an IPO where it raised $270.2 million (Yoffie and Kind 2012, p. 1). LinkedIn has a mission to connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful (Yoffie and Kind 2012, p. 3). Indeed, the company helps the members to access people, jobs, news, updates, and insights that help them to become good entrepreneurs (LinkedIn 2014). The company seeks to link about 640 million knowledge workers across the globe (Yoffie and Kind 2012, p. 4). LinkedIn has a vision to connect 640 million knowledge workers across the world (Yoffie and Kind 2012, p. 4). With such a promising mission and vision, the company attracts more than 5,400 full-time employees, 5.7 billion professionally oriented searches in 2012, and 186 million unique visitors in the first quarter of 2014 (LinkedIn Corporation 2014). The company enjoys about 36% of the online advertising market (Fawley 2013, p. 31-32). The company generated revenues from premium subscriptions (20%), marketing solutions (30%), and hiring solutions (50%) in 2011 (Yoffie and Kind 2012, p. 7-8). Most of its competitors could not match these revenues. LinkedIn adopts (R&D) Innovative product development to produce new products that will address market changes and customer needs. This defines a competitive advantage since other firms like Google + and Facebook are only applicable in specific occasions (Yoffie and Kind 2012, p. 1). This detailed strategic management analysis of LinkedIn Corporation addressed the internal and external environment of the company and identified the strategic challenges for the firm. Consequently, it proposed a set of rational options and derived the best applicable option that the company must adapt to survive in the competitive market.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Real estate debt markets Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Real estate debt markets - Assignment Example The original plan of the buyers was to refurbish and add more size to the building convert it in a building with several places of renting. For this property, potential investors acted first to buy it which today is 26% let. There is a cash flow excel sheet showing a holding period of 5 years starting with an investment of $76 million the first year of purchasing the property and making installments of about $ 67,000 annually. The loan plan used in pricing in relation to the document is in installments as the building is too expensive to purchase a block the first time. The point here is that, there are to be small premiums. These premiums are about the size that the banks want to buy the property. The total loan amount is $17,230,802 in order to purchase the building with a maturity date of 30/11/2014. The interest was at three months with 350 bps. The maximum price to get the loan is $17,230,802. In order to get the $76 needed, the will have to installments made to purchase the bui lding. The strategy employed is that of getting all the investors to on the investor’s committee to understand the value of buying the mezzanine loans, as this would help the investors to purchase the building. The building should have returns to give encouragement to the lenders, Danske. The project had several recommendations and conclusions such always waiting for the right time in order to get the loans among the others. In addition, the purchase of the loan itself is to under installment process and not paying at once. The investors should participate by doing a fact-finding survey of the property and loans to see if they are worth undertaking. The final decision on taking the loan is on principle of business and investment as whether to make such a mega loan. The property needs evaluations to see if it is in the standard class. Such a type attracts quality tenants. The

Saturday, January 25, 2020

To Be Is To Be Perceived

To Be Is To Be Perceived To be is to be perceived, esse est percipi. This empirical statement was made by the 17th century Irish philosopher Bishop Berkley. He was a foundationalist that aimed to restore the role of religion in philosophy and consequently eradicate scepticism. He was the first philosopher to coherently refute the Cartesian revolution. One generally assumes that empiricism and modern science go hand in hand. That anyone who aims to study the ways of our material world would empirically be studying it, and would thus be an empiricist. However, as we later will discuss, appearances are sometimes not as they seem. In order to critically assess Berkleys statement and his notion that reality is an infinite mind, we must first cover the influential material put forward by Locke and Descartes. These two philosophers from an epistemological point of view were in disagreement, however, from a metaphysical point of view both believed that matter furnished our world. Their only metaphysical difference was how each of them got to their metaphysics. They had opposed epistemological views due to their different opinions regarding the ways in which humans acquire knowledge. Locke was an empiricist, the view that the source and test of contingent knowledge is experience (pg 486 yellow book) Descartes on the other hand was a rationalist, believing that the chief route to knowledge is intellectual rather than sensory. (pg 486 yellow book) In a hypothetical conversation between Locke and Descartes, Descartes would for example ask Locke how he believes to have acquired the notion of infinity. The term Infinity being an idea that cant be experienced would thus leave Locke response less. However, Locke would probably claim that he could empirically sense that numbers for instance will exponentially continue forever, and forever presumes the idea of infinity. When analysing both their epistemological doctrines, it is inevitable that these fall into the area of metaphysics as well. One cannot discuss the ways of acquiring knowledge without mentioning the mind/body problem. This being the main focus of the rest of this essay. Lockes philosophy had a big impact on the world and to a certain extent on Berkleys philosophy, simply because his doctrines transcend empirical methodology. He attempts to prove in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding the relationship between knowledge and ideas. Ideas to Locke came about through sensation and reflection, thus there being no such thing as innate ideas. Sensation and reflection take into account various categories of material intuition for example: extension, solidity and duration. Resulting in simple ideas, which our mind later combines with two or many other simple ideas, creating as Locke calls it: complex ideas. He then makes the important distinction that later is re-interpreted by Berkley and opens the door to his theory of idealism. Locke points out that properties that make up an object are divided into primary and secondary qualities. Primary qualities belong not only to observable substances, but also to the minute corpuscles which make them up. Seconda ry qualities such as colour and taste belong to the substance but not to its corpuscles (Woolhouse, 1998, p.870) This reference of corpuscles in Lockes philosophy is remarkable, simply because of the prematurity of Newtonian physics at the time. Primary qualities are therefore the properties that Newtonian physicists analysed in objects. Whilst secondary qualities are for example those of colour, because its unreliability ceases to be a fixed quality of the actual object being perceived. When the lights go out the object ceases to have a colour. All of this experience then amounts to knowledge through intuition, logical entailment and sensation. However, the knowledge that one empirically deduces from experience, Locke claimed that due to our sensory limitations there are complex objects in the world whose essence will remain unperceivable. It is probable that they exist however empirically impossible to prove. He takes this concept of an objects unperceivable essence from Aristotles concept of substance. Berkley picks up on this notion and cunningly points out that declaring the existence of the unperceivable, strictly conflicts empirical rules. We now move the focus of the essay to Berkley and how from Lockes doctrines he develops his own. What Berkley counters in Lockes theory is: to what extent do objects or matter in general have the ability to cause these proclaimed ideas; and if these objects actually have independent qualities that can excite our perception of them. How can it be known, that the things that are perceived, are conformable to those that are not perceived, or exist without the mind? (A. C. Graylingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦p.509) Berkley uses Lockes and Descartes theories and rules concerning dualism and is able to demonstrate its flaws. For dualism to function it has to abide to three rules: 1. Material events have to cause neural brain events. 2. In order to have knowledge, ideas in the mind have to be represented by these material events that caused them. 3. Ideas in the mind consequently have to cause neural changes. Berkleys idealism is an outcome of proving that these three dualistic rules are in fact incoherent. It is bizarre, Berkley claimed, how there is a relationship between immaterial ideas that do not abide to physical laws and material objects in space. How can my immaterial idea of a beer take after its material conception of a beer. I cannot drink my idea of a beer. There is a flaw in dualism that isnt able to account for the transition between space and non-space. We are unable to think of any mind-independent properties; all properties that we are aware of exist in our minds. Therefore, since the only thing we can, with certainty, claim that we experience is our perceptions. It is thus irresponsible to claim that there is anything else but our own perceptions. Thus there are no primary qualities of objects/matter, everything is secondary, and everything is in the mind. Berkley has therefore destroyed Lockes distinction between primary and secondary qualities and due to his failed definition of primary qualities, Locke was judged as a contradicting empiricist. Now that dualism has been scratched out, either Berkley adopts a purely material view of the world or a purely immaterial one. Descartes proved, and Berkley agrees, that there has to be a mind I think therefore I am(R. Descartes, 1644, part 1, article 7) Berkleys dogmatic idealism was thus born. What we experience is in fact experience itself and in order to exist one has to be perceived. Having no matter means that in order for something or someone to exist, there has to be a mind to conceive of its existence. It is at this point that Berkleys doctrine becomes a theological one. He attempted to disprove matter because he viewed it as an atheistic doctrine. If matter exists, it is to say that it has a nature of its own, independent of God. His doctrine entails that we communicate with God through our experiences and that experience is Gods language and science and mathematics its grammar. God is the infinite mind that coordinates all of our finite minds. From a macro point of view and as far as research indicates: Berkleys immaterialism is a doctrine that was constructed on top of the building blocks that Descartes created. If we reject the Cartesian super-premise on which his project is groundedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦his views are not so resilient (A. C. Grayling, p. 516) Berkleys foundationalism was to disprove matter in order to remove scepticism and atheism, thus glorifying theology. The loophole in dualism and Descartes super-premise allowed him (in a very intellectual manner) to succeed in his aimed philosophical foundation. However, what if there is no such thing as an immaterial mind? The two main jointly agreed facts that the three philosophers agree on were: we posses an immaterial mind, independent of space; and that God is responsible for this immaterial mind. What if the super-premise to whom three philosophers dedicated their entire lifes work is false? If we reject the idea of an immaterial mind and substitute it with the idea of a mechanical intelligent body, the simple notion of matter is reborn. Lockes epistemology is once again viewed as valid, however not from the perspective of the mind but from the perspective of a material complex brain. Materialism does not rule out the existence of a God, it doesnt have to be viewed as atheistic. It however makes us finite beings whose laws of reality are Newtonian. For Descartes an infinite substance requires nothing but itself in order to exist. This brings us to my favourite and final philosopher: Spinoza. Spinoza like Descartes was a rationalist. However, unlike Descartes, he combined God with metaphysics and was able to supply a material solution to the mind/body problem. He claimed that Whatsoever is, is God, and without God nothing can be, or be conceived.(Ethics pt.1, prop15) In other words if God is infinite, there isnt anything that isnt God. For Spinoza a dependent substance cant exist, there is only one substance that can in fact be independent and that is the whole. God and Nature therefore are the same substance, and this substance is both material and spiritual. His theory on the surface might seem too poetic and similar to eastern philosophies; it however is a plausible and analytical metaphysical doctrine. He believed that mental and physical effects didnt cause each other, they happened in parallel; and God linked these paralle l chains of events. To conclude,

Friday, January 17, 2020

Chinese Somatic Science Essay

In 1984 when the Japan-France symposium was held, scholars of religion, medicine and psychology were gathered from both sides, and they engaged in discussion in order to promote the movement of New Age Science. I included a suggestion, made from the Japanese side, presentations on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Parapsychology, Eastern martial arts and their demonstrations. In the martial arts demonstration there was included the performance of a technique in which a master martial artist, by emitting ki-energy (chi-energy), makes opponents, who are spatially distanced from him, fall down. This technique is called â€Å"distant hitting† [to-ate: é   Ã¥ ½â€œÃ£  ¦], and it became a conversation piece, attracting people’s attention. As a result, many q(g(ng (Chi-gong) masters came to visit me. I studied their techniques, and experienced ki-energy as a subject of their q(g(ng techniques. Afterwards, I went to China to learn about its actual situation. While I was staying in Beijing in 1997, the Chinese Society for Somatic Science (CSSS) was established. The leaders of this society came to see me with a request to make efforts to propagate q(g(ng in Japan. In the following year, I invited scholars and q(g(ng masters from China and held a symposium â€Å"Ki (Chi) and Human Science† in Tokyo.[i] At about this time, a q(g(ng boom was being generated. After this conference, I went to China many times to investigate and study q(g(ng. I will introduce its fundamental ideas, while incorporating my own opinion. Chinese Somatic Science focuses on the three fields of traditional Chinese medicine, q(g(ng and special abilities as its main objects of research. â€Å"Special abilities† refer to what parapsychology calls psi-ability (paranormal ability). A central focus in each of these fields is ki-energy as the object of research. Traditional Chinese Medicine understands the fundamentals of the human body’s organization by means of the network of meridians. Meridians are channels of energy which circulates in the interior of the human body. However, they are an invisible system which cannot be discovered by dissecting a corpse. In other words, they are a system unique to the body that is active while it is alive. I am taking this to mean, for now, like a system that organizes the subject-body (i.e. the lived body) of which Merleau-Ponty speaks. An important point, when it is seen from a theoretical point-of-view, is that the meridians are a system which does not agree with the mind-body dichotomization established since Descartes. That is to say, ki-energy is conceived to be a life-energy which has both physical and psychological characteristics. The fundamental principle of needle therapy used in traditional Chinese medicine lies in activating the circulation of ki-energy within the human body by infusing fresh ki-energy into the human body, while eliminating the stagnant and inferior flow of ki-energy. Next is q(g(ng. Q(g(ng teaches us that the activity of ki-energy can be heightened through a repeated training. Consequently, we can understand that q(g(ng, theoretically speaking, has a characteristic commensurate with the training in martial arts. It is a bodily technique with a tradition stretching from ancient times. In the case of medical therapy, a mature q(g(ng doctor guides patients to train themselves and practice q(g(ng on their own. Here we can discern a methodology different from the therapeutic method of modern medical science. While modern medical therapy leaves patients to assume a passive standpoint of simply receiving doctor’s treatment, q(g(ng lets them assume an active standpoint of training themselves. The point of this training lies in activating the natural healing power latent in the interior of one’s own body. Ki-energy is thought to be the energy that controls the foundations of life-activity. The training means to promote and purify the activity of ki-energy inside of one’s own body, and to transform it to the ki-energy of a better and higher quality. Therefore, it is a therapeutic method as well as a method of maintaining and promoting health. That is, it can become a method of maintaining health by continually training oneself daily, while it is not limited to a time of sickness. Q(g(ng is divided into internal and external q(g(ng for the purpose of convenience. The training which a patient performs after receiving guidance belongs to the inner q(g(ng, while the outer q(g(ng refers to cases in which a mature q(g(ng master performs therapy on a patient or subject. In these cases, the q(g(ng master usually touches the patient’s body with his hand, but there are cases in which a q(g(ng master, distancing himself from the patient, performs a therapeutic technique without making contact. It is probably safe to think that it is based on the same principle as the technique of therapeutic touch, which in recent years is beginning to spread in American. The third field that is called â€Å"special† ability in China, overlaps with the research of what is referred to in the West and Japan as parapsychology. On numerous occasions, I met with q(g(ng masters in China who have paranormal ability, and observed their technique, while engaging them in dialogue. I encountered people who can demonstrate a wonderful technique, not to mention clairvoyance and psycho-kinesis, which Rhine’s research problematized. Insofar as my research can confirm, there are cases of people who innately possess these abilities, and cases of people who have acquired them through training. If these abilities are used in the field of medicine, they can fulfill the same role as the external q(g(ng. Moreover, there are cases among master martial artists who can demonstrate this kind of ability, though its number is limited. One impression I have received when encountering these people is that there is a great difference between the East and the West in the foundational idea, when dealing with this kind of issue. While in the East this kind of issue has been dealt with as part of the issue related to self-cultivation, which traditionally has a cultural and religious background, there was no such historical and cultural background in the West. Consequently, parapsychological research in the West is preceded by an interest and concern from a theoretical point-of-view. This brings in the background of contemporary scholarly research where there is no concern for its relationship to daily activity. By contrast, in China’s case the practical purpose, as in the case of q(g(ng, looms in the purview of research. This kind of stance is based on the traditional ethos found in the history of science and technology in China. (Modern technology of the West emerged as an application of theory, where theoretical research does not take into account the relationship it has with the practical, daily activity of human beings.) When we examine it from a broader perspective, this kind of tendency is rooted in the philosophical tradition of the East which highly values the practical standpoint. However, there is a tradition in the East which admonishes people, as they are prone to fall into an ethically wrong tendency regarding paranormal phenomena. The tradition of East Asia such as that of China and Japan maintains that the bodily technique must conform to an ethical standpoint. Although I could hardly see such a spiritualistic stance in the contemporary situation in China and Japan, there were occasions where I met persons with such a stance, especially among the masters of martial arts, who are living among people, but not related to universities or academic institutions. In the tradition of Buddhism, this kind of â€Å"special† ability has been called â€Å"siddhi† [jints(riki; ç ¥Å¾Ã©â‚¬Å¡Ã¥Å â€º] and is considered a kind of a by-product that naturally emerges in the course of self-cultivation. Buddhism has persistently maintained that self-cultivation should not aim at acquiring this as its goal. For example, D(gen, a famous Japanese medieval Zen monk, teaches in the chapter of â€Å"Jints(† [Divine Power, i.e. paranormal power] in Sh(b(genz( that although Buddhism recognizes this kind of siddhi, it is a â€Å"small† siddhi, and the true â€Å"great† siddhi exists in the midst of such everyday activities as drinking tea and eating a meal. This reminds me of Yang Xin, a q(g(ng master, who is now actively promoting q(g(ng in America. When I saw him in Beijing some time ago, he told me that he was now studying â€Å"distant q(g(ng† [Chin. yu(g(q(g(ng; Jap., enkaku kik(, é   Ã©Å¡â€Ã¦ °â€"功]. He was accompanied by a twelve-year girl, who was his experimental subject. I asked him why he was conducting such an experiment. He replied: â€Å"I am not trying to become famous by showing off this kind of technique. As I read a description in a classic on the method of self-cultivation that one can perform this kind of technique, I just wanted to know if it is true or not.† Then he wrote on a piece of paper â€Å"Ã¥ ¤ §Ã© â€œÃ§â€ž ¡Ã¨ ¨â‚¬Ã¢â‚¬  [Chin., d(d(ow(y(n; Jap., daid(mugon] This phrase means that â€Å"The Great Dao remains silent and does not speak.† Herein lies, it would seem, a difference in the traditional ethos between the Eastern martial arts and Western sports. The historical origin of Western sports goes back to the Olympian events in ancient Greece. They emerged, based on the demands of a battlefield such as physical strength, stamina, running, throwing, and the handling technique of a house-drawn cart. We might say that the custom of the modern Olympics in which a record is valued more than anything else inherits this traditional idea. By contrast, in the tradition of the martial arts in the East runs an idea which emphasizes spirituality, even though the martial arts developed, like those of ancient Greece, through techniques used on the battlefield. The history of the Chinese and Japanese martial arts was nurtured through the influence of Buddhism and Shintoism. It came to develop the idea that training in martial arts has the meaning of enhancing one’s ethical personality. Consequently, the stance of respecting the opponent’s personality and capacity was sought in performing techniques. For example, Mr. Ueshiba Morihei, founder of Aikid(, states that â€Å"Martial art is love.† The ultimate goal of martial arts is not to win by defeating an opponent, but to harmonize with an opponent such that people can love each other under â€Å"that which is great† transcending humans. It would seem that â€Å"research on the prayer,† which has been recently initiated in America, incorporates this kind of spiritual idea. Incidentally, I came to realize in the course of investigating the Chinese Somatic Sciences that the standpoint of psychology was lacking. In modern China, which used Marxist materialism as its guiding principle for establishing the nation, psychology was not studied until the time of the Cultural Revolution, as anti-thetical to materialism. Even q(g(ng was an object of suppression. Today, however, the study of psychology is recognized to be legitimate, and the exchange with Japan is making an advance. I have practiced meditation since my youth, and have continued to research and study it. Meditation methods in the Chinese tradition were called â€Å"quiet q(g(ng† and stands a pairing relationship with the usual â€Å"moving q(g(ng† which mobilizes the body. However, almost no meditation methods are practiced in contemporary China. This is probably due to the fact that meditation methods such as those of Buddhism and Daoism were developed within the tradition of religious culture, and declined as a consequence of persecution after the modern period. When somatic science was established in Japan in 1991, we used for its English designation the Society for Mind-Body Science (SMBS), as I felt the importance of psychology. The fundamentals of meditation lie, after all, in promoting the circulation of ki-energy. When it is seen from the point-of-view of psychology, ki-energy designates libido. It is life-energy equipped in the unconscious and the body. The foundational idea that is placed in The Secret of the Golden Flower, a meditation text of Daoism, is to transform and sublimate ki-energy from the state of libido (Chin., j(ng; Jap., sei, ç ² ¾) to the state of â€Å"divine subtle energy† (Chin., sh(n; Jap., shin, ç ¥Å¾). Ki-energy changes into a spiritual energy, when the instinct and desire in one’s unconscious region are purified. Freud insisted that neurosis develops when conscience suppresses the activity of libido, while Jung claimed that libido is an energy related to religiosity. When one touches the activity from the dimension of primal origin, the love of others is transformed from the eros of flesh to spiritual love. To summarize the foregoing, ki-energy is an energy that controls the whole of psychology, medicine, and bodily technique, including the relationship between the environment and the human body. The philosophical guideline that comprehensively includes all of these fields is sought in the idea of the y(n-y(ng exchange of ki-energy which has its origin in the Yà ¬j(ng. According to its conceptual paradigm, nature as an environment is endowed with life, and is fostered to grow, by means of the activity of ki-energy issuing from the Dao that exists in the ultimate dimension. Human beings, along with other life activities, are receptive of this energy and are made to live. Purifying it to a sublime level brings about an enhancement of ethical personality.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Korean Pop - 6843 Words

â€Å"Korea had become trendy because it provided what the youth wanted throughout the region. The phenomenon can be partially explained by noting how Korean popular culture catapulted forward during the 1990s, leaving much of Asia behind as it abandoned conservatism and censorship, diversifying, appropriating, absorbing and innovating. In its fusions, it created an Asian equivalent of European and American pop. Japanese pop, of course, had long had this function throughout the region, but the 1990s was a time for re-examining the Pacific War’s legacy, and Korea offered a less-tainted alternative to Japan.† - Keith Howard Background of the Study The global world widely perceives modern mass media. With the recent technology†¦show more content†¦Fandoms are usually implied to be those crazy, raving fans, mostly female ones, who always stalk (in Korean pop vocabulary, *spazz) their Korean pop idols. They are usually thought of as obsessive, brainless and foolish people. People who criticize them just do not know how passionate these fandoms are. Although they are known for showing their support through watching their Korean pop idols and buying Korean pop merchandise, they go beyond than that; these fandoms also organize parties and charitable events to help the needy and at the same time, to mingle with their fellow KPop fans. Through this, it can be observed that Filipinos form these groups so that they can socialize with other people who also have the same inclinations, as demonstrated by the subculture of KPop fans, in the country, flamed by activities of fandoms. More than a recreation and hobby, for KPop fans, i t is their happiness and fulfillment to support their idols. Through a brief research, it has been observed that the Korean wave is popular among many Filipino teenagers because it offers a fresh cultural aspect, encourages self-expression and serves as a psychological and social urgency. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Discover the Common Green Darner Dragonfly

The common green darner, Anax junius, is one of the best-known North American dragonfly species. The green darner is easy to spot, thanks to its large size and bright green thorax, and can be found almost anywhere in North America. Identifying the Green Darner Dragonfly Green darners are strong fliers  and rarely perch. Look for adults flying low over ponds or bogs during the breeding season. This species migrates seasonally, often forming large swarms when heading south in the fall. Green darners are one of the earliest species to appear in northern habitats in the spring. Both male and female green darners have an unusual blue and black bulls-eye marking on the frons (or forehead, in laymens terms), just in front of their large, compound eyes. The thorax is green in both sexes. The long abdomen is marked by a dark line, which runs down the center of the dorsal surface. In immature common green darners of either sex, the abdomen appears red or purple. Mature males bear a bright blue abdomen, but in the  early morning or when temperatures are cool, it may turn purple. In reproductive females, the abdomen is green, matching the thorax. Older individuals may have an amber tint to their wings. Classification Kingdom - AnimaliaPhylum - ArthropodaClass - InsectaOrder - OdonataFamily - AeshnidaeGenus - AnaxSpecies - junius What do Green Darners Eat? Green darners are predaceous throughout their lives. The large, aquatic nymphs prey on other aquatic insects, tadpoles, and even small fish. Adult green darners catch other flying insects, including butterflies, bees, flies, and even other, smaller dragonflies. Their Life Cycle Follows All Dragonflies Like all dragonflies, the common green darner undergoes simple or incomplete metamorphosis with three stages: egg, nymph (sometimes called larva), and adult. The female green darner oviposits her eggs while in tandem with her mate, and is the only darner in North America to do so. Common green darners oviposit their eggs in aquatic vegetation by carefully cutting a slit in a stem or leaf, and placing the egg inside it. This probably provides her offspring with some protection until it hatches. The aquatic nymph matures over time in the water, molting repeatedly. It then climbs up the vegetation until its above the waters surface, and molts one last time to emerge as an adult. Habitat and Range Green darners live near freshwater habitats, including ponds, lakes, slow-moving streams, and vernal pools. The green darner has an extensive range in North America, from Alaska and southern Canada all the way south to Central America. Anax junius is also found on islands within this geographic range, including Bermuda, the Bahamas, and the West Indies. Sources Field Guide to Dragonflies and Damselflies of New Jersey: Allen E. Barlow, David M. Golden, and Jim Bangma: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; 2009.Dragonflies and Damselflies of the West; Dennis Paulson; Princeton University Press; 2009.