Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Consciousness and Neuroscience

The implications of the â€Å"Consciousness and Neuroscience † is that the neural correlates of consciousness is not enough to prove that a conscious can be cry dated. 3. Francis Crick and Christofis Koch publish on the Oxford Journal at first was m aging banter about covering scientific ground about leaving the work to philosopher RSI and that science is too young. One of the concepts was replacing the visual consciousness and working on macaque monkeys.Crick and Koch agree with Ranchmen's and Horsiest SST eating in order to eliminate hesitation, is sensible to have only one conscious interpretation of a usual scene. Through this philosophy, one of their mainsails was that Artificial Conscious requires a stream of pure decision with the delayed hesitation following in a timely man nerd and that machines at this point in time do not fulfill this requirement. 4. Consciousness and Neuroscience apply to my paper in giving counterpoint s to the possibility of whether an Artificial Consciousness could exist.It gives a lots of evidence using neural science and the anatomy of the brain and how there are plenty of sass motions that questions the Neural Correlates of Consciousness. It also questions whether t he strict structure of illicit chips could create a legal conscious or not, depending on the definition n of what a Quant, 5 conscious actually is, in their case they base their argument mainly on the Visit al Consciousness, which is indeed is one of the easier forms of consciousness to study because t he visual input are vivid, rich and highly structured but very easy to control.And whether or not an Artificial Consciousness could be created is dependent on these basic experiments. 5. Crick, Francis and Koch had related their argument of analogies between live Engines and consciousness as only an analogy to Chalmers argument, an analogy is o lay an analogy. They are trying to prove Chalmers quail wrong because the†Hard problem† is only subjectiv e experiences that rise from the brain processes however has many questions t hat defeat the â€Å"Hard Problem. † 1. Mismatch, Steven. â€Å"Should There Be a Limit Placed on the Integration of Hum NAS and Computers and Electronic Technology? THE ETHICS OF THE COWBOY . Florida International University, n. D. Web. 03 Feb.. 2015. Http://www. Fib. Deed/-mismatch/cybernetics. HTML 2. Authors main claim is that even with bioethics, once a technology is out in p public, it cannot ever go away. This is just like squeezing a toothpaste out of the bottle, but who en you have to put it all back in you realized what you have done. The subclass were positive AR augments and negative consequences towards ciborium speaking of the ethics of implanted d chips and sensors into the human body.The evidence were heavily based on history such as the Wassermann barrier or the Cremation and Neanderthal past. 3. EGG, skill chip implants, cold fusion and hyper intelligence have all been intra educe d to the reader and might have to be bombarded with technical terms first before the y could understand the main point of the bioethics and morals. Quant, 6 4. Sans et. Al helped me understand the morals and ethics from a different CB org point of view where they have both positive and negative outcomes when they introduce the is new technology.Listing all of the consequences is not possible, however listing the major ones are. The morals and ethics could go to my own research near the end where after I explained that creating an artificial intelligence is possible, would also explain to the readers that there are also ethical and moral boundaries to it too. 5. Bioethics relates greatly to Chalmers ‘ ‘The Puzzle of Conscious Experience† where there is a nagging quail in a synthetic brain and the possibility of inserting silicon chips into human brains. 1. Pinker, Steven. The Brain: The Mystery Of Consciousness. † Time . Time Inc. , 29 Jan. 2007. Web. Jean. 20 15. Http://content. Time. Com/time/magazine/article/O,9171,1 580394, 00. HTML 2. The authors McClain is that the Conscious is a fragile temporary gift and that even though there are â€Å"easy' and â€Å"hard† problems only that person has control to believe whether people have a conscious. Pinkie's subclass, understanding the consciousness allows others to see morality and interest in others and using experiences to shape our perspective s and our consciousness, support his main claim.He quotes Descartes, Freud, McGinnis, and Detente to help support his argument towards morals and practices. He also explains the bin ocular rivalry experiment which further supported his argument on consciousness. One WA arrant is if there was a afterlife and that the soul and conscious lives after the body dies, then there would be great sadness in humans and that we are just free agents taking responsibility. Quant, 7 3. Pinker also mentions the Astonishing Hypothesis, the idea that our tho ught s, aches, sensations and joys all consist of physiological activity inside the tissues of the brain.And it could be further controlled by Illusions from electrical stimulations. The question is who ether conscious is really controlled in the human mind and whether that could be transferred to the machine world. Would an artificial conscious mind really be fighting for control as the binocular AR rivalry theory states? Would the artificial brain be in its own illusion of control as human bra ins do or would it also have competing events for attention of the conscious? Pinkie's ethics and ideas brings a new vision on his morality stating that the biology is much better than an unknown n immortal soul.Although understanding physiology of conscious treats human pains and scuff erring, we would also understand the interests of others and share morals. 4. Pinkies article answers many Of my questions and doubts within the aspect of control of human consciousness. He guided me through the thought process that human ins have the â€Å"Illusion of Control† in which they really do not and that relates to my point whether Ar difficult Intelligence has their own algorithm of thought processes and thought control l. Will the artificial brain put conscious effort that it is thinking more than just one thought at a it me?And also ender if a artificial conscious would believe its own lies. As scary as it would get, that would be interesting to see what would happen if an artificial conscious learned cacti ions that go against human morals and whether it could fix itself or keep with its first teachings. 5. Steven Pinker, a professor at Harvard, further argues Chalmers argument of the Easy vs. Hard problem and how the first person subjective is harder to physiologically nude restated than the easy problem presented by Freud: distinguish unconscious versus conscious comb tuition.Quant, 8 1 . Sans, Richard, Gigantic Lopez, and Julia B. Alonso. A Rationale and Vision f or Machine Consciousness in Complex Controllers (n. D. ): n. Page. University Polytechnic De Madrid JIM, 2007. Web. 3 Feb.. 2015. Http://attire. Slab. Ump. Sees/documents/controlled/ASLABB2007019. PDF >. The authors main claim is that building an artificial consciousness is not poss. able with their subclass being from a business perspective, making that largesse pro eject is teammate infeasible and expensive and from a technical perspective, autonomy mousey impossible.The evidence goes deep into business mademoiselles and Vim's autonomic computing initiative in 2003. However, their warrant would be the artificial co clots project would not be possible if and only if we continue business practices in t he future. 3. The key subclass was building a modeled glassware control system, mod ling an approach to System Development, and Self functionality and implementation n. All of these were the big ideas and reasons that backed the main claim.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Analysis Of Array Waveguide Based Interleaver Engineering Essay

In the 20 first century, has monolithic demands in the usage and handiness of digital communicating systems transmittal ability, it has happen to an important issues to construct up thin channel spacing and larger channel figure multiplexers/ demultiplexers ( MUXs / DEMUXs ) for dense wavelength division multiplexing ( DWDM ) structures. In the contemporary, panoplied wave guide grate ( AWG ) , thin-film coating, and fibre Bragg grate are major engineerings for manufacturing MUXs / DEMUXs. [ 1 ] This study covers the basic operation and rules of ( AWG ) Array Wave Guide Based Interleaver. And the study covers the basic rule of array theory. And the public presentation analysis of AWG with utilizing opti system softwear. And besides in communicating webs, fibre optics webs are most rewarding communicating webs. Fibre optics is channelled the transmittal of visible radiation through thin glass. The purpose of this undertaking is to look into of the operation and map of the panoplied wave guide grates ( AWG ) . And the understand the public presentation of parametric quantities in the device, and so we investigate those public presentation of parametric quantities and seek to happen how those parametric quantities can impact of the device. Specifically, the base on balls set edges is more hard to command in optical constituents, such as panoplied waveguide grating ( AWGs ) , ensuing in interior XT public presentation. Interleavers assure that the originally next channels are no longer present at the concluding filter. In add-on the usage of interleavers is really effectual for the decrease of Rayleigh noise in bidirectional webs.AIMS AND OBJECTIVESUnderstand and familiarise the cardinal constructs and features of AWG Based Interleaver Develop and implement of AWG Based Interleaver2. ABOUT OPTICAL FIBER2.1 HistoryFibre optics is used circumstantial in the modern universe as modern engineering. The rule of guiding of visible radiation through the storytellers optics possible was explained by Jacques and Mr. Daniel in Paris in 1840. [ 8 ] In practically optical fibers are made by glass. And fiber is covered with a diaphanous shell to more correct of refractile index. [ 8 ] Development of fiber so focused on fiber packages for image transmittal. Image transmittal through tubing was found individually by telecasting laminitis John Logie Baird and the discoverer of wireless Clarence Hansel in 1920. [ 8 ]2.2 OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATIONFibre optics used for communicating, as transmit signals. Fibers are used as a medium for telecommunication webs. Optical fiber is really utile for transmit signals of the far off distance communications. There are benefits of utilizing optical fibers for easy to convey signals, [ 2 ] High flexibleness High dependability Adequate to its strong velocity Distance of communicating web and Limit the practical velocity because of fading and the scattering jobs in the fiber. [ 2 ] To work out and cut down fading job can use of the Erbium Doped Fibre Amplifier ( EDFA ) .To resolved scattering of optical fiber still coerce a via media between the transmittal distance and the bandwidth is doing it is mandatory to review high velocity of the signals at intervals utilizing opto electronic repeaters. [ 2 ] That public presentation usage for particularly long-distance communications. When compared with electrical wires little fading occurred in visible radiation propagates through the fiber. And the Repeaters usage for long distance to modulate to convey signal. Because they are losingss signal. One fiber can be transporting many channels with different moving ridge lengths. Optical fibres are largely make used of fiber ocular communications or can be transmitted signals through the fibres. Because of that signals can be travel with low losingss and the besides opposition to electro magnetic mediation. Here fiber ocular communicating signals allow transmittal more than higher bandwidths or informations rates and longer distance. And besides fibres are doing usage of lighting and the wrapped in clump of fibres and they can be applied to transport images. In the short distance communicating networking within a edifice or little country.single fibre can be transmit big figure of informations than the electrical wires. And besides fibre has electrical intervention. [ 8 ] Fibers can be prepared by crystalline plastic, glass or a mixture of the two stuffs. When long-distance telecommunications fibres make usage of merchandise is ever glass, ground of minor optical fading in fibres. together of the single-mode and the multi-mode fibres are doing usage of communicating links. Largely Multi-mode fibres are doing usage of the short infinites ( 550m ) . And the single-mode fibre devising used for long distance communicating links. [ 8 ] The best solution for that expeditiously improves the functional bandwidth in a construction non including electronic repeaters, and permits realisation of photonic webs by utilizing Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing ( DWDM ) . [ 2 ] Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing ( DWDM ) is best efficient procedure. Reason of a figure of channels can be carried. Each channel carried by dissimilar wavelengths, and they are transmitted throughout the individual optical fiber. Avail of the DWDM used more available bandwidth non including scattering consequence. And the channels using each channel, efficaciously separated from the other channels. And it can non be dependant of the velocities, protocols and the way of the communicating webs. [ 2 ] And besides DWDM helps to the all optical fiber webs architectures. Where on signals are routed by utilizing their wavelengths. As the consequence of that, this type of webs are likely more flexible and faster, and that can be low dearly-won to maintain up when the compared with other ways. [ 2 ]3. ARRAY WAVEGUID GREATINS3.1 INTRODUCTION ABOUT AWGArrayed Waveguide Grating ( AWG ) is multiplexers / demultiplexers are two-dimensional waveguide devices.Image and diffusing belongingss are basic foundation on an array wave guides. They imaging the field in an input and end product waveguide on to range wave guides in such a manner that the assorted wavelength signals are presented. [ 3 ] In recent old ages, Arrayed Waveguide Grating ( AWG ) was foremost discovered by Smit in 1988 and subsequently by Takahashi in 1990 and after that Dragone in 1991. They are known by under different names: Phased Arrays ( PHASARs ) , Arrayed Waveguide Gratings ( AWGs ) , and the Waveguide Grating Routers ( WGRs ) . [ 3 ] And wave guide grate router ( WGR ) has happen to more and more trendy as wavelength multiplexers / demultiplexers ( MUX / DEMUX ) for dense wavelength division multiplexing ( DWDM ) applications ( Vellekoop and Smit, in 1991 ) . The acronym AWG invented by Takahashi is the most usually used up name now a yearss. Fibre Bragg Gratings and Thin-Film Filters, AWGs are the chiefly important sort of filter type used in WDM webs. They are accepted bend out to be the chiefly important develop of Photonic Integrated Circuits ( PIC ) engineering. [ 4 ] Recent universe the chiefly important engineerings are used for AWGs. Indiumphosphide ( InP ) based semiconducting material engineering Silica-on-silicon engineering Equally good to that they investigate on Li niobate and silicon-based polymer engineerings have been shown up every bit good. Silica-on-silicon ( SoS ) AWGs have been presented to the sell in 1994 and at present clasp the major portion on the AWG market. [ 3 ] This average peers with fiber and so it relatively simple to partner off them to fibers. High fibre-coupling efficiency of ( losingss in usage of 0.1 dubnium ) and low extension loss ( less than 0.05 dB/cm ) with they joined. [ 3 ] The major trouble is they are relatively large because of their fiber compared waveguide belongingss. They are forbiding the usage of little curves. This is for the present being got better by utilizing upper index disparity and the doted-size convertors to maintenance fibre matching low losingss. [ 3 ]3.2 ABOUT AWGThis is a latest engineering make utilizations of an incorporate array of wave guides as a interleaving and grate. [ 5 ] The panoplied wave guide grate ( AWG ) is a two-dimensional wave guide device. [ 6 ] And the beam traveling from side to side a device grating shall make an intervention sample, meaning the beam is diffracted merely at clear angles. The spacial strength of giving out is a map of the grate, the wavelength and the angle of happening. In here different wavelengths will be diffracted in the different angles ( spatially separated ) . Arrayed waveguide grating ( AWG ) is bring forthing a bantam grate with lithographic engineering and with low losingss. [ 5 ] Functions in AWG: – Transmissive diffraction and grate in largest portion of fibre optics Harmonizing o the moving ridge length diffracting the beam at the angle The primary application of panoplied waveguide grates is WDM. By developing AWG, used for demultiplexing and WDM wavelength-division multiplexing ( WDM ) . Initially, developers are identified that AWGs could be mix with other two-dimensional wave guide setup. And the other assorted maps like, [ 6 ] Wavelength-selectable optical masers. Including dynamic addition Reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers Equalization Figure 3.2.1 In an panoplied wave guide grating [ 6 ] Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing ( DWDM ) is an effectual manner. Where the figure of channels, but different wavelengths are in each channel. Through a individual optical fiber allows transmitted signals, without raising the cause of scattering by utilizing to boot on manus bandwidth. [ 2 ] Each channel, while it is expeditiously divided from the others, could be free in protocol, way of communicating and velocity, all-optical web architecture are understood by aid of DWDM without want for electro-optical transition where transmit signals are routed harmonizing to wavelength. Therefore, this sort of web has below characterises when compared to other types, [ 2 ] Less dearly-won to keep More flexible Potentially faster Figure 3.2.2 An Add / Drop Multiplexer ( ADM ) . [ 2 ] Figure 3.2.3 An Optical Cross Connect ( OXC ) utilizing a infinite division exchange [ 2 ] In DWDM is done optical wavelength multiplxers / demultiplexers by Arrayed Waveguide Gratings ( AWG ) . Equally good as multiplexing and the demultiplexing maps are executing by DWDM. It can be joint with other setup to do put or out multiplexers, used to shriek one wavelengths on and off the web, and the brand usage of for the routing, and Cross Connects. These constituents can be inert, harmonizing to wavelength where the signal routing should be fixed, or activated. Where the optical switches are utilized to dynamically route the signals. [ 7 ] Both circuits are shown evident to the format of informations, can allow map wholly in the optical field and both directional transmit of information. These undertakings permit the creative activity of dissimilar evident optical web. Examples of the three chief sorts of these are explained in the approaching subdivisions. [ 2 ] It can set up several input fibers same clip. Input and end product port nexus policy were by experimentation verified and formulated. The device same clip removes the two chief mistakes observed in the before built up device ; decrease of every wave guide crossings between AWGs and taking off of the status to accurately match the features of the two AWGs. This suggestion will be helpful in cut down device cost. [ 9 ] This is because of the information that AWG based constituents that have been shown to be able of the precisely demultiplexing and a big figure of channels, with relatively small loss. Main characters of the N ( end product ) ten N ( input ) AWG MUX / DEMUXes are small loss of fiber to fibre, accurate and the narrow channel spacing, and the polarisation insensitiveness, so the large channel figure, high dependability and stableness, and being appropriate for the immense production ( Dragone in 1991 ) . [ 4 ] Because of the industry the AWG is established on graded photolithographic engineering, in the combination of the AWG gives so many benefits. Such as, Reduced packaging and fiction costs Dependability Large fiction Tolerances Concentration The most valuable benefits of the AWG besides include the controlled channel and exactly and the spacing, uniform the interpolation loss and simple and accurate wavelength in stabilisation. [ 4 ]3.3. ABOUT INTERLEAVER3.3.1 INTERLEAVER FUNCTIONL TYPESAll maps and filter types are common and periodic in frequence ( a ) Partition of channels end product to 1:4 or higher ( B ) Two different ports are used to divide even and uneven channels from Original interleaver. ( degree Celsius ) Asymmetric interleaver separates one channel. ( vitamin D ) Separates even and uneven sets of channels from banded interleaver, Figure ( a ) Partition of channels end product to 1:4 or higher [ 10 ] Figure ( B ) Two different ports are used to divide even and uneven channels from Original interleaver. [ 10 ] Figure ( degree Celsius ) Asymmetric interleaver separates one channel. [ 10 ] Figure ( vitamin D ) Separates even and uneven sets of channels from banded interleaver [ 10 ] In the optical communicating the effectual method for addition the transmittal capacity, was Dense wavelength division multiplexing ( DWDM ) . [ 10 ] The cyclic signals of the interleaver can be filter decreases the figure of channels. Fourier setup are necessary to the level base on balls set ( out put signal ) and high isolation rejection set. [ 10 ] These intreleavers contrasts in to merely impart bead and add filters. It can be making a individual narrow set of the filter more than a big rejection set. As a consequence of the interleaver needs for lesser Fourier setup, so the crisp border response higher order and same level top and narrow set filters can be understood with usage few subdivisions. [ 10 ] There are many assortments of the blocks of the interlever harmonizing to their maps. The initial design of combines ( or separates ) an uneven channels from even channels through the DWDM combiner. It is indicated by a 1:2 interleaver. In every channel there is cyclic separation and logical extension. Like as the 1:4 map Shown. The dissimilar discrepancy of the banded interleaver. Where the channel sets are separated and sporadically. [ 10 ] This is the really difficult to make and filtrate due to filters are roll off must be steeper in the relation to the filter clip. At last, in comparison with the old in three filters. The asymmetric filters can cyclically divide one channel. [ 10 ] Array Waveguide Gratings ( AWG ) s, and the DWDM devices such as thin movie filters ( TFFs ) and Fibre Bragg Gratings ( FBG ) s, are chiefly used for in systems with channel spacing to the no less than 100 GHz. [ 11 ] Can be spread out the transmittal ability, with lessening in the channel spacing. It is besides named interleaver. The input of the DWDM wavelengths can be separated by utilizing Interleaver. Each single channel is transmitted really high spot rate of traffic channels. Besides the chromatic scattering of the constituent is really low. [ 11 ]4. BASIC PRINCIPLE OF AWGThe panoplied wave guide grating base interleaver is includes of an array of narrow wave guides. Between a brace of Coupling zones or blending parts the signals are running closed each other. When cyclic wave guides running up to the 2nd commixture part, that input signals foremost enter the commixture part and where they are coupled. [ 6 ] After that the light transmitted to the 2nd commixture part. That part the moving ridge signal diffraction and in different angles of different wavelengths, it is similar to a diffraction grate. [ 6 ] The uniting part works as a lens to concentrate the diffracted beam in to a series of end product ports on the opposed side. Helpful mediation focuses beam of a uneven wavelength at merely one place on the opposite side, with the ports set up to garner beam at the expected wavelength span, such as typical optical channel slots for WDM. [ 6 ] The figure of channels and the figure of end product ports are divided ; when the channel spacing is multiplied by the figure of channels can be obtained free spectral scope of the device. The wave guides traveling among the two combination parts is larger than the figure of channels. [ 6 ] AWG is a planar-waveguide devise transporting out of high transmittal grates. Arrayed wave guides made in plastic, Si, silicon oxide or semiconducting material stuffs like as In phosphates. AWG as a planar wave guide device, it could be made monolithically and integrated with other constituents. [ 6 ]4.1 MULTIPLXER / DEMULTIPLEXERArrayed waveguide grates have obtained blessings for WDM with high channel calculates as their agreements permit low cost per channel than the methods footing on distinct optics. When in the research lab editions have reached really finally high channel calculates and the spacing, with channel spacing to 10 GHz and 100s of channels in a individual device. [ 6 ] Demultiplexing is the chief intent of the AWGs, with utilizing a individual input presenting a WDM signal and which is demultiplexed and the end product of the optical channels are divided among assorted end product wave guides. For multiplexing in AWGs, the constituent could be reversed with signals at stray wavelengths. And incoming stray port combined inside of the AWG. [ 6 ] Typical AWGs have base on balls sets. It is closely in Gaussian signifier. They are powerful faded beam from the nearby base on balls sets. Though, the perfect base on balls set for WDM has a level top conversely than the arched Gaussian extremum. The simplest channel to smoothing the extremum is convenient filtering by rectifying manner beam of visible radiation is carried to the input port, or by rectifying the lengths of the array weaponries of the AWG. [ 6 ] One option is to stick on an interleaver to split signals between brace of AWGs. Once is accepting the even channels and the other uneven channels. Another waveguide constituent or AWG is for excess filtering. [ 6 ] As the AWG demultiplexer Wavelength routing is the same rules. The of the panoplied wave guide grates diffraction angle depends geometry of the grating engineering every bit good as on the angle of the incidence. All the optical channels have to the same angle of incidence when they are come ining through the individual fibers. [ 6 ] On the other manus, those inputs signals have different incidence angles if the light enters to the input sociable through the two or more input ports, hence they are diffracted at the dissimilar angles as they appear from the panoplied wave guides grates in the end product of the sociable. When reroute and the rearrange to optical channels delivered by multiple inputs of fibers this consequence can be used to be easy. [ 6 ] Harmonizing to that the routing agreement is stiff, channels with the same wavelength wo n't interfere with the each other or to be routed in out of the same wave guide. [ 6 ]4.2 APPLICATIONS OF AWGArrayed wave guide grates ( AWG ) s are chiefly experimental used in optical fibre communicating systems or webs. In peculiar those based on the multi-channel transmittal with wavelength division multiplexing ( WDM ) . In single wavelength channels or channels must be used in combined or separated. It can be the portion of the more complex photonic integrated circuits ( e.g. WDM senders ) . Arrayed waveguide grating can be used for dividing or interleaving the lines in the spectrum of a ace continuum beginning, or in a pulse maker for extremist short pulsations.5. Operation OF AWGFigure 5.1 Array waveguide Gratings [ 10 ] Figure 5.2 Lens apparatus of an AWG [ 10 ] Waveguide constellation is formed on a substrate in the Arrayed wave guide grating. Include the undermentioned options in the wave guide constellation. In to the first slab can be arranged One or more optical input wave guides, and the end product side can be connected in to the first slab, one or more optical end product channel Arrayed wave guides, and that waveguides connected to the input side of the 2nd slab. From the catching visible radiation get downing the outside to the first slab and the waveguide propagate visible radiation at that place through. In the panoplied wave guide plenty many of wave guides in assorted lengths. And the 2nd slab wave guides are linked to end product border of the panoplied waveguide.Then the individual or more of the optical end product wave guides can organized. In the array waveguide grate of claim ( fibre optics ) where different in length from each other. And fibre optics is ( skiding ) concept in mutually-different stuffs. In the panoplied wave guide grate, fibres are separate from each other. Figure 5.3 Conventional representation position of the N X N AWG. [ 33 ] Figure 5.4 The Input / Output Free Propagation Region. [ 34 ] In usually AWG appliances such as serve the multiplexers, add-drop devices, demultiplexers and filters and the optical Wave Division Multiplexing ( WDM ) and the Dense Wave Division Multiplexing ( DWDM ) uses. Figure 5.3 shows a conventional illustration of the N x N AWG. The instrument includes of two curved in slab waveguide star couplings ( free infinite scope or free extension ranges, FSR ) , linked by a spell off array wave guide with the same length fluctuation among nearby Array wave guides. [ 4 ] The processing theory of the AWG multiplexers/demultiplexers can be explained in brief as below. In the input waveguide Light propagating is diffracted in coupled into the panoplied wave guide and the slab part by the 1st FSR. The panoplied wave guide has been planned like as the optical tract of the length fluctuation between nearby array wave guides equivalent an figure many of in-between wavelength of the demultiplexer. As a consequence, the field bringing at the input gap will be recreated at the end product opening. [ 4 ] So, at this in-between wavelength, the beam of light dressed ores in the center of the image surface ( presented that the input wave guide is in-between in the input surface ) . If the input wavelength is re tuned from this in-between wavelength, alterations of stage happen in the array subdivisions. Because of this steady tract of the length in fluctuation between nearby wave guides, this stage vary get higher linearly array wave-guides from the inner to outer, That may go on the moving ridge forepart to be slanting at the end product opening. [ 4 ] As a consequence, the cardinal point in the plane of image is moved left from the Centre. The pointing of the end product wave guides in the plane of image permits the suited farewell of the assorted among wavelengths. The input includes of a figure of channels, usually among 8 or 40 in industrial devices, transmitted on single frequences. Channel spacing is common in commercial devices. [ 2 ] Frequency spacing in has been attained harmonizing to laboratory state of affairss. The functioning wavelength is normally approximately 1.55 I?m which fading is least in fibre optics. Every wave guide in the AWG be probably to one manner to do certain expected extension throughout the machine. [ 2 ]5.1 BASIC DESIGN PARAMETERS OF AWGWhen knowing of the working theory of AWG take in, it depends on the assorted stuffs, like as polymeric stuffs or silicon oxide, and design conditions. like as diffraction, length difference of nearby panoplied wave guides, chief length of the slab wave guide, free spectral scope ( FSR ) , and maximal value of input and the end product wavelength channels, the maximal figure of the array wave guides. The basic design parametric quantities are summarized in analytical equations as follows: [ 28 ]5.1.1 LENGTH DIFFERNCE OF AJACENT ARRAY WAVEGUIDThe way length fluctuation among nearby arrayed wave guides a?† L is given by the below look [ 13 ] Where nc – is the effectual refractile index of AWG, a?† L – is the way length difference between next arrayed wave guides i? ¬0 – is the centre wavelength of the panoplied wave guide, m – is the diffraction order,5.1.2 Free SPECTRAL RANGE ( FSR )Free spectral scope ( FSR ) is a important belongings of the AWG, demultiplexer cyclicity is the similar name to the FSR. This cyclicity is because of the information that create interface at the outside FSR can go on for a sum of wavelengths. The free spectral span indicates the frequence spacing and the wavelength among the upper limit of the interface theoretical account due to the cyclic qualities of the AWG transportation map, and could be get as follows. [ 4 ]Where,FSR – free spectral scope nc – effectual refractile index of AWG m – order of diffraction ng – group refractile index i? ¬0 – Centre wavelength of the panoplied wave guide5.2 TECHNICAL FIELDIn the communicating field of optical fiber, there can be used an panoplied wave guide grating while specified. In the current innovation connects for panoplied wave guide grate is pull offing the undertaking of the wavelength demultiplexing and multiplexing of optical signals of many wavelengths. [ 14 ] In the panoplied waveguide grating can be arranged one or more optical fiber input wave guides.In the first slab wave guides are linked to the optical input wave guides which is in the end product sides. And panoplied wave guide is linked to the end product side wave guides of first slab. And the 2nd slab wave guide are linked to the end product side of the panoplied wave guides. And there can be Arranged one or more optical fiber end product wave guides. [ 14 ] The panoplied wave guide is provided by the propagating of the light end product from and the plurality of wave guides and the first slab waveguide arranged. Nearby channel wave guides are assorted in lengths by predefined lengths. And the panoplied wave guide provides to the each one of signal for a stage fluctuation is in the panoplied wave guide grates. Normally, a big figure of channel wave guides are included the panoplied wave guide. [ 14 ] On the array wave guide grate, when the wavelength division multiplexed of optical signal including signals can be holding wavelengths I »1, I »2, I »3†¦ †¦ to†¦ . I »n. One optical input wave guide can be entered those wavelengths. Then after that this signal forwards to the optical input wave guides and in to the first slab wave guides. Then the signal is diffracted and spread by the first slab wave guide and it is transmitted to the panoplied wave guide to propagate there through. [ 14 ] After arrayed wave guide go throughing through, the signals enter the 2nd slab of wave guide in articulation of and so the end product from the optical wave guides. And the channel of the wave guides in the panoplied wave guides are all different in lengths, the stage difference between appears in each of the signals are that have passed through out of the panoplied wave guides. In Oder to this stage differences, the moving ridge forms foreparts of the signals are tilt. And this tilt angles are determines of the focal points of the signals. [ 14 ] In this ground of the central points of the signals are holding different different wavelengths differ from each other and the consequently optical end product of the wave guides are formed at the respective in the focal points. Within this constellation, the signals are different the wavelengths are an extracted by the optical end product wave guides severally. Then the completing of the map as a wavelength division demultiplexer of an panoplied wave guide grate. [ 14 ] The panoplied wave guide grates are taken by advantage of rule and the reversibility of optical circuits. And the panoplied wave guide grate besides handles in the map of the wavelength division multiplexers. And every bit good as wavelength division demultiplexer. The reversing in the above described in the process, when the signals are holding differing wavelengths I »1, I »2, I »3†¦ to†¦ .I »n enter several optical end product of the wave guides. The signals are passes through the above mentioned of the extension way in contrary. And in the 2nd wave guide slab, signals are multiplexed. And the panoplied wave guide and the first slab wave guides and end product of the optical fiber input wave guides. In by and large, as an panoplied wave guide grates are chiefly made of the silicon oxide based with glass. [ 14 ]6. Lab ExperimentIn the research lab experiment Opti system package was used to analyzing public presentation of Array Waveguide Based Interleaver. In here I used to AWG N x N multiplexer. An AWG N x N multiplexer construction is shown in Figure 6.1 Figure 6.1 Soft ware construction of AWG. Figure 6.2 Soft ware belongingss of AWG Chiefly in AWG can be configure as, Size – with N inputs between 2 and 1000 Configuration – Mux and De-mux Frequency – Between 30 and 300000 THz. Bandwidth – Numeral value between 0 and 1e+100 GHz. Frequency Spacing – Numeral value between -10000 and 10000 GHz. In practically we use of following sets and the wavelength ranges,SetDescriptionWavelength RangeO set Original 1260 to 1360 nanometer Tocopherol set Extended 1360 to 1460 nanometer S set Short Wavelengths 1460 t0 1530 nanometer C set Conventional ( â€Å" Er window † ) 1530 to 1565 nanometer L set Long Wavelengths 1565 to 1625 nanometer U set Ultra long Wavelength 1625 to 1675 nanometer * ( 1530 nm t0 1650 nm Dense WDM ) Table 6.1 Wavelength scopes [ 8 ] To the AWG can be input in N frequences. Each channel will go out through a different end product, harmonizing to its wavelengths and frequence. AWG input with an suited design, the channels will be issue and separated through assorted end products. In this experiment used the C set for practical.6.1 AWG WORK AS MULTIPLEXERFigure 6.1.1 Setup of AWG usage as Multiplexer Figure 6.1.2. End product of the five channels This subdivision, is described the experimental consequences of the multiplexer utilizing an AWG. Figure 6.1.3 shows of the experimental apparatus in rudimentss. In the experiment, separated two channel optical signals ( With utilizing optical Trans metres ) multiplexed by utilizing AWG. And the observation can be taken by the optical spectrum analyser. Figure 6.1.3 simple construction of the Simulation of AWG usage as mux. Figure 6.1.4 one of the end products of the two channels with spacing. Figure 6.1.5 one of the end products of the two channels with addition spacing. Input frequencies- 1530nm & A ; 1565nm In AWG, Configure Mux, Frequency- 1550nm. Change the frequence spacing of the optical sender. Wavelength ( A µm ) Frequency spacing ( nanometer ) Figure 6.1.6 frequence spacing and wavelength diagram The diagram shows the fluctuation of frequence spacing and wavelength. That is additive diagram.6.2 AWG WORK AS DE-MULTIPLEXERFigure 6.2.1 Setup of AWG usage as De Multiplexer Figure 6.2.2 End product of the three channels In this subdivision, described the experimental consequences of the AWG utilizing de multiplexer. Figure 6.2.3. shows the simple experimental apparatus. In this experiment, separated two channels input the multiplexer. In the end product of multiplexer in put the AWG.After that observes the end product of signal diagrams of optical spectrum analyser. The bearer wavelength of the channels 1 and 2 are 1530 nanometer and 1540 nanometer severally. For the Demux strategy, we used opt system soft ware a commercially available in AWG. The centre frequence of the AWG was set to the 1560 nanometer. And they perform desired to the Demux operation. Figure 6.2.3 simple construction of the Simulation AWG usage as de mux. Figure 6.2.4 two optical end product of the AWG de mux The figure shows the Separation between the bearers and the two sidebands. There can be seen by a considerable sum of the unsuppressed optical bearers. In this experiment, foremost filtered the bearer signal and the lower sideband of the channels 1 and 2 with utilizing the AWG as shown in Figure6.2.3 because we used an AWG, each demultiplexed channel can non be at the same time detected. The channel choice was made by seting the input ports of the AWG. The bearer and the sideband of the unsought channel are suppressed by the desired bearer and the sidebands of the channels severally. Figure6.2.5 frequence spacing and wavelength diagram The diagram shows the fluctuation of frequence spacing and wavelength. That is additive diagram. In here more clearly and shows the shifted in end product signals of the in-between wavelength through to the outside ushers. Figure proves the hypertrophied version of the in-between channel. AWG is includes of a diffraction of the lens and the grate and the slender end product split with a spatially modeled of the mask on extremum of the grates. This needed provides an end product of the temporal wave form. But that is a precisely scaled version of the input spacial profile at the grate. [ 15 ] In cherished of a cyclically ailing input of the spacial form creates a on a regular basis separated explode of pulsations. An AWG could be thought about to the incorporated pulsation signifier where the array wave guide relates to the grates of the lens grouping in the majority equipment and the AWG end product waveguide groups to the greater portion optics end product. [ 15 ] The spacial wave guide theoretical account next to the end product of the AWG array portion is correspondent to the cyclically moderated spacial visible radiation on the greater portion grating the optics ; this clarifies the close lucifer among the highly high velocity pulsation explodes made here via lighting of an AWG and antecedently utilizing pulse makers. And besides the greater portion optics such as the AWG is able of bring forthing legion spatially divided and wavelength moved but else the same transcripts of the pulse explode. [ 15 ] As this attitude for brand usage of an AWG is earlier undiscovered, it is important to in brief express the optical power effectivity. Mentioning to the effectivity for a lone end product channel is approximately known by the base on balls set breadth separated. When the setup is planned so that end product channels are spaced by, the legion end product channels is approximately. So, the entire optical power effectivity is known by the efficiency for a individual channel period the figure of channels as the consequence. [ 15 ] In reappraisal of the experiment, we have to uncover in the first clip for our acquisition, the coevals of trains of the pulsations at terahertz repeat velocity is likely from an AWG. The cardinal conditions are that the device must be modified. And the multiple filters of base on balls sets of the signal tantrum within the input of the optical maser bandwidth. And the end product pulse repeat frequence is equal to the free spectral scope, or every bit the antonym of the hold of an addition per direct in of the array waveguide part. [ 15 ] The end product temporal profile is invariant across different end products of the same device, but the in-between wavelength moves from one end product to the following with the measure of displacement given by the channel spacing of the device. [ 15 ] In the pulsation spectrum breadth of an single pulsations in the end product train is verified by the input pulse breadth. These sole belongingss are license for coevals of the same wavelength shifted and really high velocity of the pulsation trains for intercrossed TDM ( Time Division Multiplexing ) and the WDM ( Wavelength Division Multiplexing ) communications and photonic signal processing. In the hereafter, we anticipate that similar experiments may be performed with a high-repetition-rate of the beginning ( 10s of GHz ) , which lead to really closely spaced or even uninterrupted THzs pulse should split. [ 15 ]6.3 AWG WORK AS INTERLEAVERFigure 6.3.1 simple construction of the simulation of AWG usage as Interleaver. In this simmulation input the sevaral frequncy by utilizing optical transmetters. And fall in the ideal mux and AWG. Out put of the ideal mux showen in figure 6.3.2. there is seven ( 7 ) frequncies with multiplexed out put. Figure 6.3.2 optical end product of Mux Figure 6.3.3 optical end product of optical spectrum Analyzer. In this figure can place chief end product of four ( 4 ) frequences are interleaving. Figure 6.3.3 optical end product of optical spectrum Analyzer-1. In this figure can place chief end product of other three ( 3 ) frequences are interleaving.7. TIME PLANE8. CONCLUTIONIn the changing universe, most things are altering into electronic based systems and the easy portion of the operations. As the consequence of this, optical fibres are usage to communicating. Now a twenty-four hours ‘s optical fibres are overlap with applied scientific discipline and technology designs and the applications of the equipments. In this undertaking is investigated theoretically the basic design parametric quantities of panoplied wave guide grate ( AWG ) with utilizing opti system package. In the experiments used the C-band ‘s spectral scope ( from 1530 nanometer to 1565 nanometer ) . And have been demonstrated theoretically that the lower limit of the diffraction order and the maximal figure of the input and the end product wavelength channels, and so the maximal figure of the panoplied wave guides. Besides have to look into the optimisation design and the parametric quantities of AWG for a C-band application. By utilizing opti system package comparing the fluctuation of frequence spacing and wavelength constellation with AWG. That configures with two types, multiplexer and the de multiplexers. Got readings with altering frequence spacing. Those are additive diagrams. The ground for that frequence spacing fluctuation is additive for both multiplexrs and de multiplexer constellations in AWG. The cognition was addition about the how to work with the soft ware and the constituents can be use in imitating procedure by utilizing opti system package.9. 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Monday, July 29, 2019

A Comparative Analysis Of The Education System In The United Kingdom And Pakistan

A Comparative Analysis Of The Education System In The United Kingdom And Pakistan Academic Skills There are different education systems that exist in United Kingdom (UK) and Pakistan. These two countries exist in different continents namely Europe and Asia. The United Kingdom (UK) is comprised of four countries namely Wales, Ireland, England and Scotland; education system that exists in all countries that forms a larger united kingdom is not such similar. There are some minimal similarities is some aspects. Pakistan is divided into four provinces. There are differences and similarities of education systems that exist within Pakistan in their four provinces in the case of UK countries. International comparison of education system is a key factor when determining how far a country has advanced in terms of innovation, technology, infrastructure and other factors of developments. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast the education systems that exist in the UK and Pakistan in terms of structure, curriculum, religion assessments, and examinations among others. The education system that exists in Pakistan is three-tier; it includes elementary (grade1-8), secondary (grade 9-12) and higher education also known as tertiary education which follow after twelve years of schooling. Elementary education is divided into two levels. There is primary (grade 1-5) and elementary or middle (grade 6-8). This are delivered in primary and elementary school. Whereas education in UK is compulsory, education is not compulsory (statutory) requirement at all levels in Pakistan and this has led to an increase in illiteracy rate and low participation rate at all levels. In elementary schools, children between the ages of 5 years to nine years are enrolled. Education is not statutory in some UK countries like Scotland and England. In Scotland, the children entry age is five but it’s not statutory like in England; the differences that exist is that in Scotland is there is an existence of hard and fast cut-off dates in regard to what is normally considered as â€Å"rising fives†(Matheson 2000). The majority of children in rural schools in Pakistan join primary school when they have attained the age of six years or even more and unlike in UK where 5 years old are enrolled. Most countries in UK have their primary level split into two; there is key stage 1 (5-6 years) and key stage 2 (year 7-11).this is quite different with a three tier system being used in Pakistan. A primary education last for 7 years in Scotland and they do not have preparatory classes like in the case of England. Secondary education in Pakistan has duration of four years (grade 9-12). This is provided in government sponsored secondary and higher secondary schools. The majority of these schools have middle level classes. The institutions of learning that exists in all of their provinces are the same, the existence of colleges are meant to offer secondary classes. In UK, secondary schools normally targets age group of 12-16 and at times 12-17 or even 18 depending on the country, in which students joins A-levels. In Northern Ireland, major differences that exists is that their institutions exists in the basis of religious communities or sect; their schools are managed by three groups namely Catholics, community and protestants. In Pakistan, majority of their schools are government sponsored. Also there is minimal religious influence in their education sector; Islamic teachings are most commonly taught in various schools. The education system in Northern Ireland is characterized by religious segr egation, these does not exist in other UK countries (McAllister Dowds 2014). The parent’s attitude of selecting schools for their children of other religion is the rarest thing that happens in Northern Ireland just like in the case of Muslim parents in Pakistan. Their system allows religious schools which includes Muslims, Anglican, Jewish and Roman catholic schools. In Pakistan, the ministry of education has responsibility for curriculum for grades 1-12; curriculum bureau or curriculum Research and Development Center (CRDC) operates in all their provinces and their role is to provide academic assistance to ministry of education based in Islamabad. The process of formulation normally takes a lot of time; it thus requires experts’ opinions and inclusiveness, and representation from all provinces. The role of National Curriculum Review Committee is finalizing curriculum draft that would be followed nationally. The curriculum for higher education is formulated by concerned departments in colleges or universities (Shah 2014). The process of formulating a curriculum in UK varies in all their four countries. In Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, the curriculum they have is a statutory subject based. In Scotland, their curriculum from 5 to 14 is mainly based on five broad curriculum areas, 14 to 16 is based on eight study modes. The major diff erence that exists in primary and secondary schools in Scotland is that there is a domination of subjects in their curriculum. Also their curriculum is characterized by shorter academic courses and vocational modules. The rest of other UK countries have longer academic courses and vocational programs that usually lead to group awards. Pakistan curriculum formulation is more centralized and it is similar to other UK countries but not in the case of Scotland where they have flexible and teacher centered curriculum. In Pakistan, the district governments are in charge of assessment and examinations as from grades 1 to 12. A national curriculum test does not exist for primary, secondary and elementary schools in three provinces which includes AJK, FANA and FATA and unlike in the case of UK. In Punjab province, provincial and district governments have introduced national curriculum test both in primary (grade 5) and elementary (grade 8), this tests are conducted by district and provincial government. The continuous assessment test in Punjab determines ones progression in their academic system; this is per their examination reforms. Initially there was six assessments per year which was revised later to four assessments. There are compulsory examinations at the end of each grade all over their three provinces and it is conducted by different bodies which includes Boards of intermediate secondary schools (BISE) for secondary and higher secondary level; The Inter-Board Committee of chairman ensures th at there is uniformity and quality assurance across BISEs. In UK, their national curriculum are statutory most notably in England; this does not exist is Scotland. These tests are conducted in England at the end of each stage like KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4. Primary SAT examination was abandoned in Wales on grounds that it wasn’t helpful when it comes to raising standards (Murphy 2014). Unlike in Pakistan; there is no much difference when it comes to awarding of certificates across the UK. The GCSE are awarded to students upon completing their 16 years of schooling while in Scotland, it is awarded after 17 or 18 years of schooling (McNally 2013). In conclusion, this study shows differences and similarities that exist in the Pakistani education system and UK education system. There are disparities in education system within the UK countries just like in the case of four provinces within Pakistan. What creates these divisions in education system of this two countries are the resources that are there in public schools; the Pakistani educational institutions experience lack of qualified and trained personnel despite the similarities that exists in terms of infrastructure between these two countries (Lall 2012).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A journal article in family and consumer science

A journal in family and consumer science - Article Example ology training to instruct their students in the use of technology; and second, to determine whether teachers are actually using technology to teach higher order thinking skills in their classrooms (Hirose, 2011, 39). The focus of the study is the use of technology among FCS teachers and teaching of higher order thinking skills. The audiences of the article are educators and students in the FCS and in the whole education field. The key elements or concepts of the study include technology standards, higher order thinking skills, and teacher’s training using technology. The application of technology standards are created by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and students must demonstrate the six technology standards ranging from demonstration of creative thinking, knowledge, and innovative products and processes using technology, use of digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, application of digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information, use of critical thinking skills in research, projects, problems, and informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources, understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and legal and ethical behavior, and demonstration of a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations (Hiros e, 37). Technology standards are related to the second concept: the development of higher order thinking skills. These include analysis, synthesis and evaluation. The desire to be an educated person using the current technology has been shown to improve higher order thinking skills. The last concept is teacher’s training using technology. In order to be an effective teacher facilitating use of technology, teachers must receive adequate preparation in the form of training and professional development. The strength of the study includes the vast array of literatures

Two reading reports Wawasan2020and The Case for conta mination Essay

Two reading reports Wawasan2020and The Case for conta mination - Essay Example Malaysia is a country that competes with other countries like the Philippines and Singapore in terms of grabbing more foreign semiconductor projects. For the Malaysia to be able to win semiconductors contracts, Malaysian government is challenged not only to improve the technical know-how of the Malays in terms of manufacturing high-quality semiconductors but also provide the foreign investors with special government protection that could make the business and political environment attractive to foreign investors (Greider, p. 162). Since Malaysia needs to increase technology transfer, Malaysia government protects and makes the export of semi-conductors attractive by offering the semiconductor industry with lengthy holidays from paying taxes, strictly prohibits the formation of independent unions, and maintaining low employee wages (Greider, pp. 164 – 165). This strategy will encourage technology transfer by inviting more foreign investors with more sophisticated technologies to invest in Malaysia. I strongly agree that the use of good government intervention could enable each country to remain competitive in the global markets. By attracting more foreign investors, the socio-economic problems such as the high unemployment rate in developed and developing countries can be easily solved. â€Å"The Case for Contamination† is an article that focused on discussing the potential impact of globalization over the culture and beliefs of the Ghanaians. Because of globalization and improvements in communication technology, it is so much easier for a person to travel to other countries and adapt the culture of another nation. In line with this, the president of Ghana has travelled to different places including Oxford University in the United States and London in the United Kingdom where he became one of the Inns of Court (Appaih a). Promoting the importance of cultural diversity between developed and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Choose the topics relevant to second term lecture material and Essay

Choose the topics relevant to second term lecture material and research the topic in more depth - Essay Example (Steger, 2003: p. 37) With regards to the large supply of available work force in the labor market, medium- and large-scale businesses are taking advantage of hiring competitive employees. Likewise, it is also crucial for businesses today to actively participate in the trading of goods and services in the world market. As part of discussing the valid reasons that makes it important for modern managers today to have a good understanding of the process of globalization, a literature review will be conducted in the study. To give the readers a better understanding of the subject matter, the first part of the literature review will discuss about the general information and the main purpose of globalization followed by analyzing the factors that makes it important for modern managers to have a good understanding of the globalization process. Prior to conclusion, reasons behind the need to implement and promote cultural diversity within the work environment will be tackled in details. Globalization is â€Å"a process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments of different countries which is driven by international trade and investment through the use of information technology.† (The Levin Institute, 2008) Basically, the concept of globalization allows business people to maximize their available financial resources by taking advantage of the low-cost products and services that are readily available from developing countries. Because of the differences in monetary exchange rate, large-scale businesses from developed countries are able to purchase more homogenous products and highly competitive human resources at a much lesser price. Therefore, large multinational companies could easily compete with small-scale local businesses by being able to offer homogenous products to its target consumers

Friday, July 26, 2019

Occupy Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Occupy Movement - Essay Example This shift, according to the report, amounts to the movement waging a war against consumers, and therefore against the American masses (Lerman and Kachersky). In London, meanwhile, the movement is being portrayed as one that disrupts preparations for the Olympics by an online media outfit catering to London residents. On balance this coverage likewise portrays the movement as carrying the message of negative disruption of something that is good, namely, the Olympics. Moreover, the title of the news article clearly labels the movement as being â€Å"anticapitalist† (sic) (Bartholomew). Elsewhere, the influential The Washington Post portrays the movement in somewhat more positive terms. Going against popular media portraying the movement as without purpose, the article notes that in fact the movement has purpose, even if it is not well-articulated. Moreover, the movement has grassroots support from many sectors in society (Glantz). Moving over to TV coverage, as exemplified by CNN coverage of the movement, the overall impression one gets is that of a group that is militant and aggressive in going against established authority. Recent CNN coverage is about the movement and the police in violent confrontations (Kastenbaum; Verello). For the average citizen, of course media is a primary source of inputs on the movement, and of course as such the current media coverage shapes the message of the movement. As can be gleaned from the coverage examples above, the message seems to be lost in the more prominent portrayal of the movement as being violent, unruly, against ordinary consumers, and against such good things as the Olympics. Seemingly more intelligent coverage and opinion, meanwhile, is not as prominent, and reaches only an intelligent few. The overall impact of the media coverage seems to be a blurring of the movements real

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Selling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Selling - Essay Example Of course trust level is the thing which enhances the every relationship bonding but when we talk about selling it values a lot – as selling relationship are business type in nature sort of. The best salesperson never compromise on its reputation or trust and always tried its best to deliver at time. And this trust of a salesman highly depends on the customer and salesman relationship – that is understand the customer need, his level of satisfaction and having honest dealing with him. The simplest example I want to give here for my above statement is the relationship between the doctor and a sales person of a pharmaceutical corporation. Doctor never having its personal affiliation with the company whose medicine he usually does prescribe actually it is his relationship with the representative of that company who push him to recommend its medicine - in point of fact the key of selling moves around personal business relationship. The best salesman always follows the strat egy which is do business with persons not with companies. A part from all above, customer entertainment which a salesman providing him also groomed that relationship – that is having outdoor eating and other recreational activities you know giving your customer casual environment. Selling is a sort of profession which very much focused relationship ethics and you now tough times which we say ups and downs are the part of every relation. If both ends have a healthy relation then these tough tome (like any delay in scheduled delivery of stock etc) can be easily tackled. Networking, another very potential term in career of salesman. How I tell you this. Basically it increases your social relations. It also happens that buyer recommend you to others thus give a boost to salesman business. But it is better to network always rather if you want some type of business dealing. The approach to do networking always expands and strengthens the relationship in improved

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Collaboration Systems at Isuzu Australia Limited Case Study

Collaboration Systems at Isuzu Australia Limited - Case Study Example The first step is to look at whether or not the company’s network can handle the increased bandwidth that will be used by the groupware itself; if not, additional steps will need to be taken in order to either upgrade the network that the company is on, or increase the amount of available bandwidth they have by obtaining a second account for company internet, increasing the plan that the company is on, or if the company is not obtaining their internet from a third party, reconfiguring the current network to increase available bandwidth.Once the bandwidth allocations of the network can handle the requirements of the groupware, the next step is to ensure that there is an intranet in place, or if not, to establish one. An intranet is a local or restricted communications network, especially a private network that is created using world wide web software. An intranet will allow for â€Å"a chance to streamline internal communication and collaboration† (Taylor, 1997); it is t hrough the use of the intranet that the groupware can be established across all different branches or locations.Though these are just two of the issues that may be faced with the companywide implementation of groupware, the issues themselves may be quickly resolved in order to ensure the modernization of a well-run company. Many people who use Sharepoint Servers use the terms â€Å"dashboard† and â€Å"scorecard† interchangeably, â€Å"but there is a significant difference between them† (Microsoft 2013)....Though these are just two of the issues that may be faced with the companywide implementation of groupware, the issues themselves may be quickly resolved in order to ensure the modernization of a well-run company. Explain the differences between dashboards and scorecards and propose ways Isuzu Australia Limited could use them Many people who use Sharepoint Servers use the terms â€Å"dashboard† and â€Å"scorecard† interchangeably, â€Å"but the re is a significant difference between them† (Microsoft, 2013). To best understand the differences between the two terms and how they could be best implemented at Isuzu Australia Limited, the terms themselves must be fully understood. A scorecard â€Å"is a type of report that displays a collection of key performance indicators (KPIs) together with performance targets for each KPI†¦it measures performance against goals† (Microsoft, 2013). A dashboard is â€Å"a container for a related group of scorecard and report views that are organized together in a SharePoint site† (Microsoft, 2013). In other words, a dashboard is made up of scorecards, and the scorecards themselves contain the information regarding the organization’s performance at a specific point in time. Isuzu Australia Limited could setup a SharePoint server in order to use the technology, allowing them to create scorecards that show them where they are from a business standpoint in terms of where they want to be. This can track any particular aspect of the business, from employee productivity, progress on a particular project, or even sales and revenue. This will allow Isuzu Australia Limited to be able to see at any given

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Bertrand Russells criticism of direct realism Essay

Bertrand Russells criticism of direct realism - Essay Example To begin with, it may be important to highlight several important aspects of the view which was developed by Bertrand Russell. Thus, he questions whether there is some kind of knowledge that everyone would agree on. He concludes that the knowledge about the objects that exist in reality can be such knowledge as two people who walk into the same room would see in the similar manner. However, that is exactly the kind of approach that he wants to criticism, suggesting that the knowledge that he was of the ordinary objects (he particularly focuses on the example of the table) is, in fact, relative. Russell points out that the perception of a physical object is largely conditioned by the state of the observer; for example the color of the table will change based on the angle of view. The same can be said about texture shape and so on. Keeping in mind that all these states exist simultaneously, he argues that it is not logical to talk about the â€Å"real† color or shape of the tabl e.The philosopher in question then moves to the issue of norm in terms of determining properties of the object. Having established that the color can be bright (under direct sunlight), moderate (under artificial light) and invisible (if perceived in the darkness), Russell notes that most people would agree that the â€Å"real† color is the one found in the second case. However, in his view this leads to â€Å"favoritism† that can hardly be justified since it is grounded on such vague assumptions as â€Å"normal spectator †¦ an ordinary point of view †¦ usual conditions of light†.

Causes of the boom years in the 1920s Essay Example for Free

Causes of the boom years in the 1920s Essay Causes of the boom years Employers were working fewer hours however were being paid more. This therefore meant industrial goods produced were also increasing. American’s had more time for leisure and more money so electrical labour-saving devices were being introduced becoming affordable by many people. Motor cars eased travel to and from work as well as for leisure pursuits. It was the golden age for cinema and sport attracted vast crowds. Reasons for prosperity: government policies Calvin Coolidge stated ‘the chief business of the American people is business. ’ This was his government policy to let business operate as far as possible, free of regulation. Andrew Mellon and him believed wealth filtered down naturally to all classes and to ensure increased living standards for all was to allow the rich to continue make money to invest in industrial development which therefore meant more job opportunities, more wage earners, more consumption etc. this policy was laissez-faire but the government intervened to support business in 4 ways: High tariffs: Fordney-McCumber Act 1922 à ¯ raised tariffs to cover difference between domestic and foreign production costs Cheaper to buy goods from USA than abroad Tariff level à ¯ foreign goods more expensive than USA even though produced cheaper in USA Foreign trade reduced = domestic demand for goods high Tax reductions: Government reduced federal taxes – 1924, 1926 and 1928 (benefited wealthy) Mellon à ¯ handed out tax reductions Coolidge à ¯ operated on surplus Aim à ¯ reduced national debt, federal tax cuts = meant little to poor as not able to pay taxes Fewer regulations: Federal Trade Commission à ¯ unable and unwilling to operate effectively causing businesses unhindered Foreign policies: Coolidge à ¯ avoided involvement in foreign affairs due to budget cutting an recognition that Americans didn’t want to see troops getting caught up in foreign disputes. This meant that investors would favour profit ever over ethical concerns Technical advances: Technical advances in industrial production made increases in quantity and variety of products Motor vehicle industry: This industry grew dramatically in the 1920s. It was the largest for commodities. Previously cars had only been for the wealthy but Ford wanted the ordinary to be able to afford one Effects of growth in car ownership: Ford thought this would strengthen traditional American values but it led to: Road deaths à ¯ 20,000 per year By 1929, motor industry employed 7% of all workers and paid them 9% of all wages Closure of Ford à ¯ factor to recession of 1927 Loss of business by companies providing components to Ford real problems in economy Road building: Breaking of laissez-faire à ¯ federal government expend on road building in 1920s Federal Highway Act 1921 à ¯ responsibility for road building to central government and highways. Construction = 10,000 miles per year by 1929 Chief Designer in Bureau of Public Roads 1936 à ¯ roads built unfit for use because of amount of traffic Motor vehicles à ¯ new service industries e.g. garages, petrol stations etc. Improved transportation = new opportunities for industry Electrical consumer goods: New technology = large scale development of labour saving devices as cheaper to produce Serious over production = problems in economy New business methods: Growth of huge corporations Large corporations manufacturing business = could invest in and exploit raw materials of USA on vast scale Large corporations could dominate industry by: Operating cartel (group of companies agreeing to fix output and prices to reduce competition and maximise profits). Although illegal, government accepted which involved exploitation of raw materials, retail outlets etc. Some organisations were able to adapt to holding companies which resulted in firms competing against each other Management science: Increased size of businesses à ¯ complex to manage = different management roles by different people in administration Growth of business schools Management science, occupation for upper class = indication harder to start own company Increased production Advertising and salesmanship: Cinema Millions of cinema-goers to copy lifestyle of stars meant potential for advertising was enormous Radio: Began with KDKA station which announced results in 1920 elections Radio’s controlled by 2 companies with a vast audience Constant need to create demand: Growth in industrial production needed a continuous market in order to fuel the boom as people needed to be convinced to buy things frequently. An aspect of a campaign needed to be bought in which would differentiate between one’s product and that of the competitors to promote unique selling point. Advertising techniques worked for many consumers. Easy credit: Massive consumer boom was financed largely by easy credit facilities 1929 à ¯ $7 billion goods were sold on credit – 75% of cars and half of major household appliances Availability of credit meant borrowers took on debts which they could not repay Influence in foreign countries: High tariffs were used to protect US markets however the government also encouraged businessmen to develop extensive interests abroad in terms of raw materials that fuelled technological developments. US exported vast amounts of manufactured products. In the 1920s with almost full employment, low inflation, high tariffs keeping foreign goods out of USA, benevolent government policies and a consumer boom the prosperity would go on forever.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Private or public Essay Example for Free

Private or public Essay Most parents want their children to gain better knowledge because knowledge is the most vital thing for children to live through in the future. To gain better knowledge, the most right thing is to choose an appropriate school. Parents struggle with it because it is relatively difficult to choose an appropriate school for their children. They consider choosing either private school or public school. There are many differences between public and private schools. The purpose of this essay is to differentiate teachers, studying conditions and tuition of private and public schools. The first difference between private and public school is teachers. Teachers of private school are better educated than teachers of public schools. Because private school employers try to hire well educated teachers who have not only have a bachelor’s degree but also have a graduate degree. The quality of education is the most important one. Moreover, private school teachers have to have well communication skills and ability to teach well. In contrast, public schools don’t care much of their teachers. Any teacher who has a bachelor’s degree can teach in public school. The second difference between private and public school is studying conditions. Studying condition in private school is less noisy than that in public school. Because, private school have less number of students and teachers as compared to the public schools. In addition, studying rooms are more comfortable than that in public schools. Moreover, studying rooms in public schools are known to be worse than in private schools with buildings, libraries and furniture. Many prestigious private schools provide new books to their students which make students more likely to study. On the contrary, most books which are provided from public schools are old. For this reason, students motivation to study decreases. The third difference between private and public school is tuition. Most private schools charge tuitions. Most of the private schools hold an event for parents. These activities are dedicated for parents to have stable communication between teachers and parents. In conclusion, parents choose private schools because it is better than public schools. I graduated from private school but, I had studied public school too. So, I know the differences and identifications of private and public schools. The reason why I choose private school is, I studied better in private school than in public school. There were many advantages that I found in a private school which were the studying condition was better in private school and teachers were highly qualified than that in public school. It is much better to choose private school because private school can educate student better than public school. Despite, private school charges tuition while it can give students much more education than public school. The more you pay, the more you take.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Cropping Pattern And Cropping Schedule Environmental Sciences Essay

Cropping Pattern And Cropping Schedule Environmental Sciences Essay Chapter 1 Introduction Background Agriculture is a crucial role in the careers of nations all over the world. As the focal point of the agricultural sector is to raise the crop yield and to fulfill the food security for continuing population increase, irrigation becomes vital support to provide additional water. Nowadays, precipitation cannot be reliable in many parts of the world and temperature increases continuously due to the climate change. Moreover, there are changes in air temperature and increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Furthermore, geographical changes might also have severe effect on the local water resources. As a result, water resources become scare and it threats a serious challenge to irrigation water supply, agriculture water demand, food security, and environmental protection. Irrigation water resources and agricultural water demand are strongly vulnerable. As climate change affects hydrological cycles locally and globally, its potential changes will have a significant impact on agriculture and water resources. There is an increasing stress of the impact of climate change on water resources and probable implications for water resource management. The consequences of climate change may alter the reliability, the amount and timing of river flow, challenge the coping capacities of existing water-related infrastructures and bring higher risks of water shortages and floods. Myanmar (formerly called as Burma)which locates in South East Asia lying between 10 ° and 29 ° N latitude and between 92 ° and101 ° longitudes, also suffers from climate change impacts on water cycle due to the sudden change of weather pattern. Flood and long drought occurs consequently and thus sustainability of water environment in some areas is facing difficulties. Moreover, rainfall pattern and intensity have been evidently changing in some regions of the country according to topographical condition. There are three climate conditions in Myanmar specified as summer, rainy and winter seasons. Two third area of the country enjoys in the tropics and the remaining one third falls within temperate climate conditions. Average annual rainfall in coastal regions is over 5000 mm and in the Dry Zone which locates in Central Myanmar is less than 750mm. The average temperature is 21 °C in northern regions which are the coolest areas and 32 °C in coastal area. Temperature sometime s reaches to 40 °C during the hot seasons and over in central dry zone areas which are the hottest regions in Myanmar. Water resources in Myanmar are absolutely abundant and can be used to fulfill the agricultural water demand and other sectors. Agriculture is a main economic sector in Myanmar and rice-based irrigation systems, have been implemented to improve agricultural production. Paddy fields are mostly found in the delta region which includes Ayeyarwady, Bago and Yangon region of Lower Myanmar and central dry zone areas which includes Mandalay, Sagaing and Magway regions (Figure 1). Irrigation Projects have been implementing a lot in Myanmar to stabilize traditional rainfed rice and to introduce double-rice to promote the rice production. According to the hydrological conditions it is divided into two seasons, wet and dry. Paddies are traditionally cultivated by monsoon rain during the wet season. Summer paddies have grown as a second rice crop throughout the dry season according to the water availability in the regions where irrigation projects have been initiated. The delta region in lower Myanmar is the major rice production area. As water resources are affected adversely by global climate change, it makes seriously vulnerable to crop water requirement. Ngamoeyeik Irrigation Project Area which is just outside of Yangon City in Lower Myanmar, paddy cultivation during rainy season has traditionally been conducted under rainfed conditions and summer paddies with irrigation were added since 1995 after the project has been completed. Both paddies are cultivated completely in the rainy and summer periods, respectively. Summer paddies are cultivated only by irrigation. As there is no rain within the dry season, and the reservoir inflow is very limited. Therefore, the summer paddies are constrained by the limited water-storage in the reservoir during the dry season. Considering the wide range of the adverse effect in this area, there is needed to evaluate and access future irrigation water requirement in a changing climate for promoting crop producti on. D:1st proposalfor introduction6_page10_image1.gif Figure Regions in Myanmar Rice, wheat, and maize are predominate three grain-crops for food, and these are the products of agriculture sector, coming from rain fed and irrigated fields. Statement of the problem According to the Asian Development Bank (2009), Myanmar is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change associated with global warming. Summer paddies are cultivated only by irrigation in lower Myanmar. In dry season, the reservoir inflow is very limited and consequently the water availability of summer paddies is very limited. Severe climate change effects could affect the irrigation water requirement as well as the production of rice and other crops on which the population depends. Decreasing rainfall and increasing temperature pose an insufficient demand for crop and cause delay in agricultural cycles. As a result, it will disturb crop growth in the subsequent months. During the growing season, abnormal weather will damage the crops and in the harvesting period, adverse climate can damage the ripening crop. This study will compare and evaluate the impact climate change and estimate and manage the crop water requirement to cope with the future scare water resources. aaaaaa Objectives The specific objectives of this study are as follows: to analyze the future climate change impact for projection period of 2015 to 2030 using statistical downscaling analysis method (SDSM 4.2), to find out the future irrigation water requirements for rice production with climate change impact using AquaCrop, to make adaptations in order to enhance and manage the irrigation water demand to cope with the future scare water resources. Chapter 2 Literature Review Chapter 3 Methodology Conceptual framework for evaluating future crop water requirement Purpose and Strategy of evaluation of future irrigation water requirement Objectives of future irrigation water requirement evaluation Rice is the main food in Myanmar and it is also a major crop of the agriculture sector. The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MOAI) has imposed summer paddy cultivation with irrigation in 1992-1993 to promote the rice production. Irrigation water requirement will change under changing climate with the effects of decreasing rainfall patterns and increasing temperature. Moreover as climate change directly impacts on rice production, there has to be evaluated and adopted the future agricultural water requirements under the combined effects of growing population demands and competition from other economic sectors under future socioeconomic development. Smajstrla and Zazueta (1995) state that the irrigation water requirement (IWR) for crop production is the amount of water that must be applied to fulfill a crops evapotranspiration needs in addition to rainfall without significant yield reduction . It has to be needed that irrigation water applied to paddies cultivation must be fixed the different water requirement with the different growing stages. Therefore, future irrigation water requirement with climate change impact must be assessed to conduct proper management for rice cultivation. The main objective of evaluation of future irrigation water requirement is to promote the rice production with proper management to meet the crop water requirement under changing climate. To achieve this aim the evaluation embraces all required data concerning the impacts of climate change combining the growing population and environmental impacts. Description of the study area Location Ngamoeyeik Irrigatin Project is one of the large irrigation projects in Lower Myanmar. It has been developed by the Department of Irrigation under the counsel of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation. The project was completed in March, 1995. The project is situated in Hlegu Township, which is about 20-50 km northeast of Yangon City (Fig.3.1). The target area of the irrigated cultivation is 28,330 ha. There is also a plan to supply water to Yangon City for domestic use with the amount of 0.41 MCM per day.. The area is bounded by creeks and rivers providing natural drainage, such as the Balar Creek, Khayein Creek and Bago River (Fig.3.2). The project area is mostly within Hlegu Township. Location about 20-50 km northeast of Yangon City (in Hlegu Township) Name of river Ngamoeyeik Creek Catchment area 28330 ha Average annual rainfall 2540 millimeters Average annual inflow Dam type earthen dam Dam length 1.86 kilometers Dam height 22.9 meters Full storage volume 222 million cubic meter Dead storage volume 15 million cubic meter Type of spillway Width of spillway Designed spillway discharge Full supply level C:UsersUserAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.Word1 Water Resources Evaluation for Paddy Irrigation_037.png Climate Climate of the study area is warm and tropical and enjoys the southwest monsoon. The rainfall is rich enough for rice cultivation. Even in drought years, the region receives a stable with average annual rainfall of 2,540 mm. This region has a rainy season and dry season in a year. Rivers, rivulets and natural drainages are flooding every year during the rainy season due to the monsoon heavy rain. However, their flow discharges are very limited and there is almost no rain within the dry season. Daily average temperature is above 25  ¾Ã… ¸ C throughout a year. Thus, the region has a favorable weather environment for rice cultivation for a round-year, even in the dry season if water is available. Soil Type The rice soils of Lower Burma are gley soils or degraded soils or are intermediate between these two types (Karmanov, I. I). These soils are widely distributed in Lower Burma. ( The rice yields will be highest on heavy loamy soil and light clayey gley soils and lowest on degraded soils. Cropping Pattern and Cropping Schedule Rice, wheat, and maize are three major crops for food, and these are the main products of agriculture sector, under rainfed and irrigated fields. Table Cropping pattern in Hlegu Township, 1999-2000 Cultivation Area Rice is grown in this region twice a year, rainny paddies are totally cultivated under rainfed condition from June to November and the summer paddies with irrgation are from December to May. The summer paddies were started in 1995 after completion of the project. Rainfed rice are cultivated annually in the basin about 35,000 ha . During the last 6 years, from 1996-97 to 2001-02, an average area of 14,000 ha has been irrigated for summer paddies within the project area. The total area of irrigated summer paddies was up to about 18,500 ha, 65% of the project service area, in the year 2000.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Patrick Ferguson Battle of Kings Moutnain :: essays papers

Patrick Ferguson Battle of Kings Moutnain ï » ¿Patrick Ferguson was a cavalry leader of the British army. He joined the army at the age of 14 and by the time the Scotsman came to America to fight patriots he had become a respected, yet controversial leader. He taught his men guerrilla warfare and used camouflage during battles. This made traditional military leaders feel spite towards him because he had broken from the conventional formations. Ferguson was also a great marksman, reputed to be the best shot in the British military. Because of this he had little respect for the smooth bored â€Å"Brown Bess† musket that was used by Red Coats in America. He invented a breech loading rifle with a grooved barrel. This provided a firearm that was very accurate and could be reloaded without standing. Ferguson came to America with a small army. Before challenging General Washington’s men in a battle, Ferguson had the opportunity to kill the General, but wouldn’t take the shot because he felt a man of his stature did not deserve to die from a shot in the back. During the ensuing battle, Ferguson took a bullet in the right elbow and after the battle, argued with surgeons who wanted to amputate the arm. Ferguson kept the crippled arm and took nine months to recover. He taught himself to fence with his left hand and now carried a silver whistle that he used to signal his men. Ferguson traveled though the souther colonies recruiting sympathizers of the crown for his army and he traveled with two women, both of which were named Virginia. Ferguson met his demise on October 7, 1780 at the battle of Kings Mountain. After fighting a losing battle against separatist forces Ferguson was shot by several patriots. It is said that the force from seven musket balls lifted him out of his saddle where he died after being pulled by his horse. My opinion of Patrick Ferguson is that he was a great military genius. He tried to abandon old methods of warfare my adopting guerrilla tactics. He was a leader that his men respected and would follow willingly into battle. The instance were he had George

Discovery of the Dinosaur with the Fossilized Heart :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Discovery of the Dinosaur with the Fossilized Heart Dinosaur fossils are one of the few ways in which scientists can study the history of life on earth millions of years ago. Each new discovery is unique in its own way and provides valuable information about the past. No two finds are exactly identical; therefore, when dinosaur remains are uncovered, the possibility and excitement of new information or even a new species exists. Until the year 2000, no dinosaur has ever been found with a fossilized heart. Scientists at North Carolina State University and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences discovered a sixty-six million year old Thescelosaurus with a heart. The Thescelosaurus was a â€Å"bird-hipped† dinosaur or an ornithischian ( Russell 2). This herbivore lived near the end of the Cretaceous period, about one million years before the conclusion of the dinosaur era. Thescelosaurus was about the size of a short-legged pony, according to paleontologist Dr. Dale Russell and was native to North America from Wyoming up to Alberta, Canada. This particular Thescelosaurus was discovered in Harding County, northwestern South Dakota in 1993. It has been estimated to weigh nearly 663 pounds and thirteen feet long. The remains were located in a poorly consolidated channel of sandstone, exposed in the upper half of the Hell Creek Formation (Fisher 2). Scientists have named this discovery Willo, after the wife of the rancher on whose property it was found. The discovery of Willo is unique because it is the first dinosaur with a fossilized heart. However, this was just the beginning of an extraordinary find. â€Å"Not only does this specimen have a heart, but computer enhanced images of its chest strongly suggest it is a four-chambered, double-pump heart with a single systemic aorta, more like the heart of a mammal or bird than a reptile,† according to Dr. Dale Russell. Russell is a paleontologist at North Carolina State University and a senior research curator at the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences. This discovery is unusual because all modern reptiles, except the crocodile, contain a single ventricle that pumps blood to the lungs and the rest of the body. All modern reptiles have paired systemic aortas developing from the ventricle, which distributes the blood to the body. â€Å"In contrast, the four chambered heart of modern birds and mammals has two completely separated ventricles and a single systemic aorta, ensuring that only completely oxygenated blood is distributed to the body† (Fisher 2).

Friday, July 19, 2019

Communicating Through Your Computer :: Technology Internet Chatting Papers

Communicating Through Your Computer I have heard the dangers of meeting people through the new technology of cyberspace. Through the media I have heard events in which females are missing, stalked, or raped for giving away their personal information to strangers through computers. I can recall a situation when I heard about a young teen girl agreeing to meet a male whom she thought was about her age. She agreed to meet him secretly, thinking that she was going to meet her love of her life. She took the bus and headed out east to meet this "prince". To the girl her life did not end like most fairy tales. The "prince" turned out to be the "big bad wolf"- a 42-year old just released from prison for rape and murder. The situation for the girl could have ended in a sad, tragic outcome but was saved by her best friend. The girl's friend informed the police and parents about the missing girl whereabouts. People view that chat rooms are filled with people lurking around hunting down naà ¯ve females for their targets. The stalking does not only occur to females but as well for the males. Now we do not all have pervert people in these chat rooms. Society should also see the positive point of view of what chat rooms do to individuals. The Internet has become a networking tool that has helped the society. One can look up topics, write letters, look up and plan events, shop from your favorite stores, and read or hear the news from your community or worldwide. Within minutes (or even less) one can establish contact with like-minded individuals and discuss interesting (and non-interesting) topics. One can participate in the synchronous communication or as we recognize it as chat rooms. We can communicate with unknown individuals, which can gradually lead into friendship and relationships. As mentioned before synchronous communication is viewed negatively but there is also a positive side. Communicating in chat rooms can lead into friendships or romance, helpful for the individuals who are shy, troubled or disabled. I was lonely and did not have any friends when I moved from home to attend the university. I would go to the library and see students communicate with other individuals through the computer. I was curious to see how one could interact a conversation with others through the chat rooms. I entered through one of the popular web providers- www.